بيريز: إذا سولت لنصرالله نفسه بشن اعتداءات علينا فلبنان سيكون بخطر

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قال الرئيس الإسرائيلي شيمون بيريس إن "سقوطاً محتملاً لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد سيكون بمثابة ضربة قاضية لحزب الله".

وأشار بيريز في خلال جولة قام بها في هضبة الجولان الأربعاء برفقة رئيس أركان جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي الجنرال بني غانتس وبحسب ما نقلت عنه الإذاعة الإسرائيلية، أشار إلى أن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد "حسن نصر الله يعلم علم اليقين بأن حالته صعبة وإذا سولت له نفسه شن اعتداءات صاروخية على إسرائيل فسيجد لبنان نفسه عندئذ في حالة خطرة".

وتطرق بيريس إلى الأوضاع في سوريا مؤكداً "أن جيشاً يطلق النار على أبناء شعبه ليس جيش الشعب".

وكان قد قال نصرالله في 24 شباط الماضي "في الماضي عندما كنا قليلي العدد إسرائيل هذه في زمن جنرالاتها الكبار كانت لا تخيفنا فكيف اليوم".

وأضاف أن "هؤلاء لا يخيفوننا أصلا فليقولوا ما شاؤوا لا (رئيس الحكومة الإسرائيلية بنيامين) نتياهو ولا (رئيس الحكومة الإسرائيلية السابق إيهود)أولمرت ولا (رئيس أركان الجيش الإسرائيلي سابقا دان) حالوتس ولا غيرهم".

وفي سوريا قتل أكثر من عشرة آلاف شخص منذ بدء الحركة الإحتجاجية ضد الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد منذ منتصف آذار 2011.

التعليقات 18
Thumb geha 15:51 ,2012 نيسان 04

hizbushaitan days are close to being over... :)

Thumb geha 16:04 ,2012 نيسان 04

the syrian regime and hizbushaitan were israel allies, but now things are changong, and if you are bling and cannot see it, then it is your problem.
the end is coming for you guys sooner than you expect it.

Default-user-icon Mohamed (ضيف) 08:09 ,2012 نيسان 05

To complement geha's remarks. Hizibishyton and the Ba'ath should not of trusted the zionist in the past something true Muslim believer knows all too well.

Thumb thepatriot 16:04 ,2012 نيسان 04

Geha explain to the mentally challed above that those 2 affirmations are not contradictory...

Thumb geha 16:29 ,2012 نيسان 04

is there a need for explanations? :)

Thumb geha 17:13 ,2012 نيسان 04

a lesson to the ignorant FT:
for a long while, the syrian regime and hizbushaitan were a necessity for israel, but now it seems the tide has changed, and as usual the israelis are dropping them finally.

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 16:05 ,2012 نيسان 04

Tell us something we don't know...It doesn't take a genius to figure that....Every kid in Beirut already knows this.
But what everyone in Lebanon is wondering about, is why Israel is allowing the free flow of sophisticated weapons from Syria to Hizbullah (With their armed Drones recording them), while lobbying with France, Germany, Belgium, US, and even Russia to block the delivery of 1970's era equipments to the Lebanese Army.

Default-user-icon lepatriot (ضيف) 16:09 ,2012 نيسان 04

Yes, and this is why Assad will not fall.

Default-user-icon You are all losers (ضيف) 16:34 ,2012 نيسان 04

I love the hypocritical comment: “avoided attacking Lebanese strategic targets,”...

If airport, seaport, communication towers, power plants, all the bridges, numerous food & steel factories (belonging to non-Hizbullah affiliated organizations are not strategic targets, I fail to understand what can be considered 'strategic' by this filthy scum bag.

Although I am anti-ALL POLITICIANS/MILITIAS/GROUPS, I hate our filthy neighbors to the south, east, and further east until you reach the Maldives (which are beautiful)...

Default-user-icon Chris (ضيف) 16:49 ,2012 نيسان 04

Every time I hear the Israelis or the Hariri Clan of Allies speak it sounds like "Turkeys teaching Eagles how to fly". I enjoy listening to them to remind myself narrow-minded and self centred people are followers of these jerks.

Default-user-icon Danny B (ضيف) 16:49 ,2012 نيسان 04

OF course Israel doesn't scare him.
He will be deep in his Dahia grave like a rat in his hole.
He is so brave that he is ready to fight till the last drop of blood but of the innocent Lebanese people that most of them suffer for the adventures of the Iranian poppet.
Time to say to him enough is enough.
We do not wish to fight your wars as we gain nothing.
Once again the Lebanese Infrastructure will be destroyed and people will suffer from poverty, unemployment, mass immigration and escape of all investors.
Does it really worth it?.
You have a beautiful country, keep it prosperous.

Thumb geha 17:13 ,2012 نيسان 04

I have been warning about this for a while now, and some of you were not accepting the idea that israel is going to wipe hizbushaitan out to further isolate iran, while the syrian regime is on the way down.
whether you want to believe it or not, it is happening.
how is hizbushaitan responding:
- fayez karam release ....
- assassination attempts ....
come on, enough is enough.

Thumb cedar 18:01 ,2012 نيسان 04

geha, as the Great Bashir Gemayel once said, (he was refering to the Israelis and the Syrians) if you let one army come in and rescue you, one day you will need rescuing from them.

The only way for Hizballa to get removed is for the Lebanese to do it them selves.

Thumb geha 18:54 ,2012 نيسان 04

Cedar: those who made hizbushaitan will remove them. their role is over.

Default-user-icon layoush (ضيف) 20:29 ,2012 نيسان 04

you are right geha; its not hezbouAllah, its hezbouelchaytan; vous les reconnaîtrez par leurs fruits; cueille t on des figues sur des épines??? des gens paqreils ont 500 ans de retard mental

Default-user-icon James Sorenson (ضيف) 23:10 ,2012 نيسان 04

You guys are the typical ignorant, unemployed, hookah smoking, card playin, with nothing productive to do M-14 Lebanese. All of the sudden you're all political experts and running to embrace and love Israel. As they say in Lebanon tfoooo on your kind!!

Default-user-icon abu yousef (ضيف) 03:34 ,2012 نيسان 05

i cant wait till assad kills you all

Default-user-icon LEBANESE - (ضيف) 08:41 ,2012 نيسان 05

WAW .. How nice .. You know guys, ive been looking at ur comments since long time now .. Im just only wondering .. Are u even lebanese? ..