عون عن الحوادث الأمنية: لن تجتاز حدود المناطق التي تحصل فيها لأن فريقنا يحتويها

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رأى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن ما يحصل الآن من حوادث أمنية "لن تجتاز حدود" المناطق التي تحصل فيها مشددا على رفضه للخطف والخطف المضاد الذي يحصل مؤخرا على الأراضي اللبنانية.

وقال عون في احتفال مجموعة "Seven" الداعمة لتمويل التيار الوطني الحر مساء الخميس "الحوادث الأمنية التي تشهدها بعض المناطق اللّبنانيّة لن تجتاز حدود تلك المناطق، لأنّ الفريق السياسيّ الذي ينتمي إليه التيار الوطني الحر إستطاع أن يظهر قدرة على احتواء هذه الأحداث وعلى مواجهتها وإخمادها إذا ما دعت الحاجة".

وتنلع منذ مساء الإثنين اشتباكات عنيفة في طرابلس أوقعت أكثر من 15 قتيلا وأكثر من مئة جريح ودمار هائل في الأبنية وسط إصابات أيضا في صفوف الصحافيين والعسكريين.

وإذ شدّد عون على "رفض التيار الوطني الحرّ لكلّ انواع الخطف والخطف المضاد، اشار إلى انّه على اللّبنانيّين العودة إلى الأسباب التي ادّت إلى هذه الحالة، معتبراً أنّها ردّة فعل ونتيجة لأمور معيّنة وليست فعلاً قائماً بذاته".

وكان قد خطف اكثر من سوري على الأراضي اللبنانية الأسبوع المنصرم ردا على خطف المواطن حسان المقداد في سوريا وخطف الحجاج الأحد عشر منذ ثلاثة أشهر في سوريا. كما خطف تركيين اثنيين وذلك على يد "الجناح العسكري" لآل المقداد.

ونبه عون "الحكومة اللّبنانيّة بأنّها تستطيع أن تتّبع سياسة النّأي بالنّفس في ما يخصّ الأحداث التي تحصل في سوريا، ولكنّها لا تستطيع أن تنأى بنفسها عمّا يحصل في عكّار وطرابلس خصوصاً بعد دخول أعداد كبيرة من اللاّجئين السوريّين إلى تلك المناطق، والذين دخل معهم مقاتلين عمدوا لمحاربة سوريا من داخل الأراضي اللّبنانيّة، متمرّدين بذلك على الشّرعيّة وعلى قوانين الأرض التي يعيشون فيها".

وشدد على أن "الحكم العاقل يكون بالإبتعاد عن مشاكل الآخرين، بحيث لا يمكن أن نسمح لأيّ مشكل أن يتطوّر على أرضنا، ليعود ويذبحنا لاحقاً".

وفي إشارة إلى رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" وليد جنبلاط أكّد عون "وجوب العودة إلى تاريخ كلّ رجل سياسي لمعرفة حقيقته" مشيراً إلى أنّ "من يغيّر سياسته في كلّ لحظة لا يمكن أن يبني وطناً".

هذا واعتبر رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" أنّ الأحداث التي تحصل في العالم العربي أثّرت إقتصاديّاً على لبنان، طالب بعدم الخضوع لليأس "لأنّ الشّعب العظيم هو الشّعب الذي يملك القدرة على الخروج من الواقع الصّعب والقدرة على الإستمرار" على حد تعبيره.

التعليقات 19
Thumb ramzi 16:58 ,2012 آب 24

While everyone thinks HA is the the problem in lebanon,I disagree, i think they have their values and reasons for being the way they are. They are a product of their experiences and environment and for decades in lebanon they were neglected so the paranoia and actions they have are understandable. On the other hand, Aoun makes no sense, is just comfortable being in attack mode and constantly tries to be an oppositiion, even though he is an active member in the government. I have many sound Aouni friends, until they talk politics. I just dont get their politics, or why they would follow such a hapahazard, spiteful and power grubbing man. he is the biggest problem in Lebanon.

Thumb benzona 20:49 ,2012 آب 24

3ammo FT, who cares of there are more Christian MPs if they are worthless and corrupt? I think everyone agrees that the sect isn't a valid enough reason to vote for Aoun's CPL. Frankly, I'd much rather get an additional dozen honest, clean, irreproachable Shia [imagine!] taking our country the 22nd Century with a democratic and economic vision than corrupt Oranginas... even if they are Christians.

Your boss' arguments weigh nothing... it's an empty egg. no substance... hawa hawa.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 17:07 ,2012 آب 24

Obviously Caporal, your camp creates the instability then it contains, you see create then contain those were Bashar's orders. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Default-user-icon run micho run, coward! (ضيف) 17:55 ,2012 آب 24

“Whoever frequently changes his stances cannot built a nation,” Aoun
"Hezbollah is not a separate entity from Syria. It is under the Syrian operational control" Aoun

I remind you here that the Syrian regime had said that it came to ‎Lebanon to save its Christians from extermination. I want to ask this regime who, apart from ‎it, in fact wanted to exterminate us?"‎ Aoun

"The resistance has prolonged the time of occupation of South Lebanon"‎ Aoun
"The Shebaa Farms is a big lie; I am fully responsible for what I am saying"‎ Aoun

"We live these days a very delicate situation because if Hezbollah and Syria ‎are serious in their escalation and not merely theoretical, then the possibility of the plight of ‎war is serious"‎ Aoun

Default-user-icon ben (ضيف) 18:40 ,2012 آب 24

wlok chou batal hal aoun... kel ma bikoun b Lebnan bissir fi hareb

Missing allouchi 18:54 ,2012 آب 24

I can't believe that some people still believe what is Aoun saying..I think Aoun doesn't even believe his own self...

Thumb phoenician 18:54 ,2012 آب 24

Partition is the answer.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 19:40 ,2012 آب 24

partition or union?????////another sykes-picot is in the making.

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 19:03 ,2012 آب 24

Guys go read tayyar forum's the "satisfied with OTV" discussion, fascinating. One "supporter" unknowingly stumble on the truth, "the grid of OTV seems to be aimed mostly towards a very shallow section of viewers" I guess that's how the army deserter sees his flock, a bunch of shallow brain dead mother flockers who will buy anything he's selling.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 19:24 ,2012 آب 24

@ flamethrower, i would agree with you that in 2009 , there were still people with michel aoun , but now the new electoral law he created with the new governement ensures chiite regions are mixt with christians regions so that he can win . Please try to see further than just to the extent of your nose. I hope you will not put me in the geagea or other march 14th figures camp because im not, the only persons i want to be elected are Sami Gemayel and kataeb people because they are the origins of this country and they are the ones that stood up since the arab nationalist movement till today.

Default-user-icon antoine zahlan (ضيف) 19:33 ,2012 آب 24

I love this statement : “Whoever frequently changes his stances cannot built a nation,”. Was he talking about himself or referring to others?

Missing roger@10452 19:52 ,2012 آب 24

"He made his remarks during a ceremony in honor of the Seven group that helps fund the FPM"

Who in their right mind would fund this guy and the all idiots that follow him??? This is leading to nowhere but the destruction of the Lebanon.

These guys better donate their money to the widows & orphans of the Lebanese Army soldiers...

Missing cedar_revolution 06:35 ,2012 آب 25

@the 1 phoenix,,,,correction pls,,,,,wanna be PRESIDENT,,,

Missing people-power 19:59 ,2012 آب 24

Part 2.....

Thirdly, and most importantly, are you now denying Samaha is part of your camp??!! That is hilarious. Raad calls the charges against him as lies, and pathetic deserter Aoun wants to wait until later to condemn him even after video proof.

Default-user-icon the false prophet (ضيف) 21:10 ,2012 آب 24

this is the man who said that the syrian crisis would be ended in march...

Thumb beiruti 21:47 ,2012 آب 24

“Whoever frequently changes his stances cannot built a nation,” Aoun stated.
And he wants to be President?!
“Reason tells us to keep out of the problems of others,” added Aoun. And he is allied with Hezbollah?!

Aoun indicts himself. His frequent wide changes of positions means that he cannot participate in the building of the Lebanese State. And he lacks all reason by his alliancer with Hezbollah which is up to its banana clips in meddling in the problems of Syria.
Please crazy man, just take your comb over and go away.

Default-user-icon Shekoosh (ضيف) 21:47 ,2012 آب 24

Causes and "incidents." Patriotism is measured in action not in words or empty speeches. Deploy the army across Lebanon, seal up the border, collect foreign weapons (initially) to stabilize the country, and draft a defense strategy that declares the state as the sole defender of the country.

Missing cedar_revolution 06:41 ,2012 آب 25

@karim_m1,,,,your general is the pillar of corruption,,,stupidity and traitors in the country,,,,,[LONG LIVE LEBANON!!!]that was before your sick general came back from exile,,now the country is dying slowly because of people like you and your masters,,,,go live a life somewhere else.you,re needed here,,,,

Missing cedar_revolution 07:44 ,2012 آب 25

note:you,re not needed here