قوة مشاة إسرائيلية خطفت راعيا من جبل السدانة شمال الخط الأزرق

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أقدمت قوة مشاة إسرائيلية قوامها 12 عنصرا عصر الأربعاء على خطف الراعي اسماعيل خليل نبعة من بلدة شبعا.

وكان نبعة يرعى قطيعه في مرتفعات جبل سدانة شمال الخط الأزرق، واقتادته إلى داخل إسرائيل.

وقد تقدم الجيش بشكوى لدى اليونيفيل، التي أجرت على الأثر اتصالات مع الجانب الاسرائيلي للافراج عن المخطوف.

وأفادت مصادر عسكرية اسرائيلية من جهة أخرى انه تم اعتقال شخصين تسللا الاربعاء الى الاراضي الاسرائيلية انطلاقا من لبنان.

وقالت المصادر نفسها، ان الشخصين المذكورين، غير المسلحين، دخلا منطقة تفتقر الحدود فيها الى سياج امني، من دون ان تحدد هوية الشخصين او جنسيتهما.

واكتفت بالتاكيد ان "الشخصين سيتم استجوابهما".

وسبق ان اعتقلت اسرائيل العديد من الرعاة اللبنانيين في المنطقة الفاصلة بين البلدين. وفي كل مرة كان يتم الافراج عن الرعاة بعد استجوابهم ثم يسلمون لقوة الامم المتحدة الموقتة في جنوب لبنان (يونيفيل) المكلفة مراقبة الحدود.

وكثير من الأحيان ما تحاول القوات الإسرائيلية خطف رعاة في المنطقة إلا انها تفشل أحيانا وتنجح أحيانا أخرى.

ففي 16 تموز الماضي أقدمت قوة قوامها 20 عنصر مشاة على اجتياز الخط الحدودي في مرتفعات جبل الشيخ وتقدمت مسافة حوالى 500 الى 800 متر.

وحاولت القوة خطف الراعيين محمد قاسم هاشم من شبعا واحمد حيدر من سوريا، وعندما فشلت بعد هربهما، اقتادت قطيعي الماشية وعددهما زهاء 900 رأس ماعز الى داخل مزارع شبعا المحتلة.

وفي 29 حزيران الفائت أقدمت خطف الراعي يوسف محمد زهرا عندما كان يرعى قطيعه في منطقة الشحل المحررة من مزارع شبعا.

وحتى عندما بدأ الجيش الاسرائيلي ببناء جدار على امتداد اكثر من كيلومتر واحد على الحدود مع لبنان في أيار الماضي قرب بلدة المطلة حاول اختطاف راع.

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon Mir Omar El Solh. (ضيف) 19:36 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31

it's funny how no one comments these events that happen with Israel in lebanon but if the same happens between lebanon and Syria it would be a huge scandal and conferences would be made and speeches and manifestations!!! clearly Lebanese people have to read the constitution because as far as i remember in the constitution an article exists and insists that Israel is the 1st and last enemy of the Republic of Lebanon. I am not taking sides at all but let's be reasonable ! where is the civil pressure and where is the civil maturity . i'm afraid it's gone :S

Missing greatpierro 17:23 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

Mr Solh, thanks for this constitution, Syria can do what ever it wants in Lebanon and most importantly behaves as the worst enemy of Lebanon, it will always be treated as a sister. Syria does not allow Lebanon to take its share from Nahr ElKabir nor from the Oronte even though there is an agreement supervised by the UN. Syria looted lebanon, killed its leaders, shelled its cities and we still call it sister.

Missing greatpierro 17:23 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

Mr Solh, thanks for this constitution, Syria can do what ever it wants in Lebanon and most importantly behaves as the worst enemy of Lebanon, it will always be treated as a sister. Syria does not allow Lebanon to take its share from Nahr ElKabir nor from the Oronte even though there is an agreement supervised by the UN. Syria looted lebanon, killed its leaders, shelled its cities and we still call it sister.

Thumb primesuspect 19:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31

Lucky bastard, he gets to travel to Israel without visa. Hez bollard terrorists will cease this opportunity to justify their terror weapons.

Default-user-icon Mir omar el solh (ضيف) 19:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31

its a shame when things like this happen no body comments but if it happens on the border with Syria there will be a huge scandal in the country and big conferences and speeches and manifestations. I think most of the Lebanese havent read their own constitution that says in one of the main articles that Israel is the first enemy of the republic of Lebanon. i'm afraid that we are not scared of Israel nomore and dont care if Israel is still raping our sovereignty . I think the lebanese people have to educate themselves a little big about our geography and late history and compare the israeli assaults to the syrians because it has always been more severe and dangerous and they should ask themselves why is our army unable to have fair weapons isnt it because of the Zionist Lobby? that also pressures alot of politicians in lebanon? especially those who refuse buying weapons for the army from Iran and prefer america!

Thumb bigsami 20:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31

It was Hizb.....a rather smart one who rather defect from a group of rat dwellers hiding as always and knowing their day of reckoning is coming. Smart man!

Missing samiam 22:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31

If the syrians did this, the story would have changed by the so called resistance. Please note: neither Israel nor Syria is our friend, however, at least Israel doesn't pretend to be something it's not.

Missing hammouds 03:17 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

thats besides the point. this article demonstrates the need for something like hezbollah in lebanon otherwise the scale of this article would be ten times worse.

Missing samiam 12:13 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

so what does HA do about the daily Syrian incursions into Lebanon? Do you need a hint?

Missing greatpierro 17:27 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

When Lebanon wanted to increase its water pumping from the Wazzani in the limit of its internationally agreed quota, Israel refused but then with international negotiations every thing went into order. With Syria even with a UN supervised agreement, Lebanon cannot take more than 10% from Naher el Kabir and 14% from the Oronte. So maybe Israel is not our friend, but it is still a much more civilized non friend.

Missing hammouds 03:10 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

O so it's the shepherds fault for walking on Lebanese territory? I agree. The shepherd should always walk at least a km away from the border just so that the most sophisticated army in the region won't think he's on Israeli land. (<<<sarcasm in case ur foolish mind didn't realize it)

Missing hammouds 03:11 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

They only don't because ppl like u would argue that it wasn't warranted. Don't play both sides of the argument

Missing greatpierro 06:18 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

We have had more lebanese peasants and fishermen in North Lebanon kidnapped by Syria than by Israel in the South. Does it mean we should have a Sunni militia to protect our northern border.

The only constructive solution is a strong army, no militia, no weapons but the army's and ISF's, and last but not least PEACE with all of our neighbors.

Missing hammouds 06:53 ,2012 تشرين الثاني 01

We definitely have not had "more" kidnapped in the North. Think about what you just said. But anyway, let's assume that what you said is true. Why do you attach the sectarian card to it? Stop yourself from looking at hezb as a shia org. In my opinion it is a necessary component of Lebanese society as long as the army is not strong enough. We dont make ourselves weaker before we make ourselves stronger. Hezb will disappear (through force or otherwise) when the army can indeed protect us; but only after it can, not before (otherwise we will have a defensive vacuum).