قاسم غداة اتهام حزب الله باعتداء بلغاريا: اسرائيل تقود حملة ترهيب دولية ضد الحزب

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اتهم نائب الامين العام لحزب الله الشيخ نعيم قاسم الاربعاء اسرائيل بقيادة "حملة دولية من اجل ارهاب الدول" من الحزب، وذلك غداة اتهام الحكومة البلغارية لعنصرين من حزب الله بالتورط في التفجير الذي استهدف حافلة تقل سياحا اسرائيليين في تموز في بلغاريا.

ولم يأت قاسم على ذكر بلغاريا او تفجير الحافلة الذي قتل فيه خمسة اسرائيليين وبلغاري والانتحاري منفذ الاعتداء، لكنه اشار الى "اتهامات وادعاءات وتحريض على حزب الله"، وذلك في اول تعليق لحزب الله منذ صدور الاتهام الثلاثاء.

وقال الشيخ قاسم خلال لقاء مع طلاب في العلوم الدينية اليوم الأربعاء: "هناك هجمة تقودها اسرائيل على مستوى العالم من اجل مواجهة المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين".

وأوضح أن "اسرائيل تقود حملة ترهيب دولية ضد حزب الله بالتحديد، لأنها فشلت في العدوان عليه، وفشلت في التحريض عليه، وفشلت في إيجاد بيئة قادرة أن تمنع حزب الله من التحرك"، موضحا أن لهذه الأسباب "تقود حملة دولية من أجل إرهاب الناس والدول من حزب الله، ومن أجل تسليط الضوء على المقاومة حتى تحاصر".

وأضاف: "الحملة الاسرائيلية بالاتهامات والادعاءات والتحريض على حزب الله ، والتي يستجيب لها بعض من عندنا في لبنان تستهدف المقاومة بالإعلان والسياسة بعد أن فشلوا في إسقاط المقاومة بالحرب والمواجهة".

الا انه اكد ان "المقاومة مستمرة وقوية وستزداد تجهيزا ودعما وتهيئة وتدريبا وتجميعا لمواجهة الاستحقاقات، وكل هذه الاتهامات ضد حزب الله لن تقدم أو تؤخر، ولا تغير الحقائق والوقائع".

وقال قاسم "لن نخضع لهذه الضغوطات ولن نبدل أولويتنا، ستبقى أولويتنا مواجهة الاحتلال".

ولفت الى أن "اليوم الصراع على مستوى العالم هو صراع بين مشروع المقاومة ومشروع الهيمنة الدولية، ونحن نعلم أن مشروع المقاومة هو الذي يحمل قابلية الانتصار".

واتهمت الحكومة البلغارية الثلاثاء حزب الله بالوقوف وراء تفجير انتحاري وقع في 18 تموز في بورغاس (شرق) في بلغاريا، ما دفع الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل الى مطنالبة اوروبا بالتحرك ضد حزب الله.

وقال وزير الداخلية البلغاري تسفيتان تسيفانتوف، أن الحكومة خلصت الى ان رجلين ينتميان الى الجناح العسكري لحزب الله متورطان في عملية بورغاس، احدهما منفذ الهجوم، مشيرا الى انه "كان بحوزتهما جوازات سفر كندية واسترالية.. وعاشا في لبنان منذ 2006 و2010".

التعليقات 43
Thumb geha 17:58 ,2013 شباط 06

and he is surprised?
of course it changes nothing for you: you do not care about Lebanon.
all you care about is to carry your Iranian masters orders.

Thumb bigsami 20:44 ,2013 شباط 06

Don't forget an imbecile FARSI!

Thumb bigsami 21:31 ,2013 شباط 06

No moliere.... I was responding to your post directed at FARSI Imbecile Motormouth...

"motawate2 toi tes le plus gros fake!! tes tabouche toi!"

Missing beirutbastard00 01:14 ,2013 شباط 07

Hahaha ma 7adan fahim 7adan!

Default-user-icon i see nottin (ضيف) 18:04 ,2013 شباط 06

what, no denial?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:11 ,2013 شباط 06

Yes Israel is waging an international campaign against the Hizb. This is not new. The question is: was the hizb involved in the bombing? And if yes, who ordered such a stupid and counterproductive operation? Heads must roll for that incompetence.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:27 ,2013 شباط 06

The Israelis investigate every screw-up. They could care less for Arab civilians. They care about the impact on the security and image of Israel. At the very least, we should do the same.

Default-user-icon EYEOPENER (ضيف) 18:35 ,2013 شباط 06

Well read and well said you clever man " bigjohn".
All the commentators should open this link and they will know what israel is planning as said by one of the most proeminent Historians of our time, and a gentile himself.

Thumb geha 18:36 ,2013 شباط 06

yes they are saints :)

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:37 ,2013 شباط 06

Mowaten here is what a simple google search found.
The 1992 Israeli Embassy attack in Buenos Aires, killing 29, in Argentina.
The 1994 AMIA bombing of a Jewish cultural centre, killing 85, in Argentina.
The January 15, 2008, bombing of a U.S. Embassy vehicle in Beirut.
In 2009, a Hezbollah plot in Egypt was uncovered, where Egyptian authorities arrested 49 men for planning attacks against Israeli and Egyptian targets in the Sinai Peninsula.
The 2012 Burgas bus bombing in Burgas, killing 6, in Bulgaria.
there is also what mughnie did with the plane and I'm sure there are plenty more but I really don't feel like going through any more google links.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:55 ,2013 شباط 06

what can say- It's a consperacy against hizb where everyone else is in on it and every single event is a false claim perpetrated and executed by the Isreal and the west.(Never mind the Butrous Harb incident, the Harriri bombing, the "two car salesmen" that settle their dispute by playing hot potato with a bomb,etc...)
I would love to hear your reasoning on WHY everyone is picking on the Hizb since they are saints who have never commited an act against civilians. If you don't mind me asking.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:12 ,2013 شباط 06

my question to you was, and I repeat,
WHY everyone is picking on the Hizb since they are saints who have never commited an act against civilians.
what is the motive behind taking saints such as the hizb and implicating them in such consiperacies to which requires killing their own people (something only know to the arabs and NEVER used in western societies). why are so many countries involved. I want to hear WHY you think YOU AND THE HIZB ARE VICTIMS since you claim to be saints.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:15 ,2013 شباط 06

Stands in their face to do what? what is the hizb in the southern part of tiny Lebanon standing in the way of the big evil west to do what?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:21 ,2013 شباط 06

I fail to see where you did but I will take your word for it. I know truly beleive that the hizb are truly victims and have absolutely NO BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS. Not Lebanese or any other. Thank you for convincing me with a such undeniable facts. GOD HELP LEBANON!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:58 ,2013 شباط 06

bigsami- I didn't expect any reasonable answers from him. I just wanted to expose him a bit to reason and common sense. Clearly one would have to throw both of those out of the window to even entertain the idea of accepting their lame execuses. Murdering people and claiming to be victims. They are nothing more than murderers. cold blodded murderers.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:06 ,2013 شباط 06

Flamer- by that logic than all you have ever said is irrelevant since it is on the internet. Look, lets have an open mind when we look at things. one, two, three incidents, one can claim to be a victim of consperacies and big evil media. countless incidents and countless places caliming the same thing about the same people. Consperacy as an excuse is lame. As well, when someone wants to claim such things, one must at least state a somewhat reasonable motives others might have to go that extent to frame them. I have yet to get anything remotely resembeling a reason as to why all these evil doers would come together to victimize the holy hizb. how about you give it a shot and see if you can do a better job than momo.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 04:50 ,2013 شباط 07

Big John- just because Isreal has committed crimes dosent make ok for Hizb to do so. You seem to forget that some of the people they murdered are LEBANESE!

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:56 ,2013 شباط 07

Flamer- Thank you for the spell check. Always appreciated! How many countries are involved in the STL? Did you not claim it to be a conspiracy(spelled correctly thanks to you)? Which is it? all these countries picking on your holy hizb (not meant to be taken literally unless you're a kid) or the hizb is guilty? see flamer that’s the problem with you and momo. you spend your entire time arguing every single post and deciding your against that you inevitably contradict yourselves 100 times over. So I suggest you stop acting like an orangina parrot and repeating what your daddy told you on here. Maybe when you get a little older you can start developing your own thoughts and start making up your own mind on what is right and wrong.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:17 ,2013 شباط 06

so true. 100% of the time it's the Lebanese people that pay the price of either the government or the militia's mis-adventure.

Default-user-icon Moussawi's Captagon (ضيف) 20:00 ,2013 شباط 06

Remember the case of the Hezb's terrorist in Egypt, deny, deny, deny, then when the Egyptians produced the terrorist, Hassin Jardoun was on TV admitting it was his terrorist. Same thing with the Hezb's terrorist in Iraq etc...

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:09 ,2013 شباط 06

mowaten- another fabrication? that's your excuse again? how many fabrications is that? have we reached 100 yet? I'm just curious as to how many times you are planning on playing the same card. well at least you didn't claim it was Isreal. Your answers do make great jokes, I do have to give you that.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 20:30 ,2013 شباط 06

You can lie on most people some of the time, or lie on some people most of the time, but you cannot lie on most people most of the time. Kassem you are a blunt liar part of a terrorist organisation with global reach, responsible not only for most of the serial political killings ver recent years, but stretching back to the early 80's, under different names, with the same sponsor, you were already exerting your criminal activities! Not to mention the countless terrorists acts where local national jurisdictions are uncovering your filthy marks, all over the globe!

Thumb bigsami 20:49 ,2013 شباط 06

Can't wait until Israel finishes off this group of murderers. They will be doing the whole world a favor let alone Lebanon!

Thumb bigsami 21:38 ,2013 شباط 06

Trying to sound retarded? Don't stress yourself...you are a retard (and no disrespect for those who are unfortunately are)! Your post clearly shows what a moron you are still in la la land believing that the entire world is scum while a few religious fanatics that beleive in violence and blood as means for control is the way about it. Mustool and I don't blame you for it but your parents who probably drilled it into your naive limited brain.

Default-user-icon Khaled (ضيف) 23:36 ,2013 شباط 06

Hate to say it but i agree with you! Let the IDF crush these animals. Its obvious that the LAF wont do it and the UNIFIL guys are no better.

Missing samiam 20:54 ,2013 شباط 06

here we go again, everything is conspiracy--if HA thinks the facts are incorrect, have them PROVE that. Sitting back and calling everything a conspiracy is getting old and everyone (at least with a quarter of a brain) has figured out that this is their modus operandi.

Deny, deny, deny and insist--nothing new in the HA playbook--oh yeah, still they offer no proof.

Default-user-icon kalerab (ضيف) 21:02 ,2013 شباط 06


a, it wasn´t
b, if by opposition you mean socialist party than their MO is criticism of government in every and any aspect. More or less the same job every opposition in this world has

Thumb andre.jabbour 21:28 ,2013 شباط 06

Death to Naim Qassem and Nasrallah & sons.

Missing peace 21:51 ,2013 شباط 06

poor hezbis.... another conspiracy against an innocent democratic and peaceful party....

let us pity them

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:11 ,2013 شباط 06

Exactly! How some people still buy this crap is beyond me. what are we? a nation of Forest Gumps?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 04:58 ,2013 شباط 07

Again two wrongs don't make a right. What has Bulgaria done to the Hizb to deserve this? Was the bus driver not Bulgarian? What about innocent by-standers that could have been killed? And if you are wondering if Hizb did this or not, what motive would Bulgaria have to falsely accuse the Hizb of this and not the real perpetrators? Sorry bud, this just dosent look good for the Hizb.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:06 ,2013 شباط 07

Thanks for the compliment on the one liners. I actually take pride in them! so nice of you to notice. BTW I graduated way back in 2002 so nope. did not learn them in school or the library. figured them out all on my own. However, if my deduction is correct then you are someone who is still in schoool. What grade are you in? I would venture to say that you are very young. Don't worry, the older you get the more knowledge you gain. Then you can look back at this and laugh at the absurdity of your claims. There is still hope for you yet.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:12 ,2013 شباط 07

BTW Flamer- I lived bil nab3a during the heart of the war. How about you share with us a story or two of bullet whizzing by your ear? please enlighten us a bit.

Default-user-icon St Abbas (ضيف) 22:07 ,2013 شباط 06

Ya gatta give it to hezballs in less than ten years they already made more saints than 2013 years of church history. Me thinks that those ka3ks they distribute at their rallies are in reality halos, stick it on your head Hassan = instant saint.

Missing gcb1 22:14 ,2013 شباط 06

What happened in Bulgaria remains a mystery. After all, Bulgaria has very close ties to US/Israel, but this does not mean that such allegations should be completely disregarded. Indeed, these are very serious allegations that must be reviewed by an independent judiciary.

The claim that Hezbollah is crime-free is baseless. While it is true that they do not deliberately attack a pure civilian area, they have committed war crimes (refer to independent NGOs such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International). Some of these crimes are launching inaccurate rockets that can pretty much land anywhere in Israel (thus killing civilians), and its guerilla tactics also mean that it is putting Lebanese civilians at risk.

If you do not want to take my word for it, then do read the articles by independent, non-partisan NGOs on Hezbollah, who have also criticized Israel many times as well.

Missing gcb1 01:06 ,2013 شباط 07

Of course, Hezbollah is not alone, and one could argue that the devastation caused by Hezbollah's crimes are marginal compared to Israel's in Gaza and US in Iraq. I simply pointed out that Hezbollah is also not completely innocent, as some like to suggest.

Missing gcb1 01:09 ,2013 شباط 07

Here's an interesting article:"Bulgarian opposition questions blaming of Hezbollah for bomb"


Missing realist 01:59 ,2013 شباط 07

Helwe hay lol, didn't ha deliberately fire at iIsraeli cities? Leh mist7yeen? Of course Israeli citizens are fair game to hizbustAn. Why the shame?. The next thing you will say that gaegae bombed the bus lol. Other examples: kidnappings of westernes in the 80s, assassinations of countless she3as who opposed Iran in the 80s, not to mention scores of assassinations that involved many civilian casualties in the last 10 years

Missing realist 02:06 ,2013 شباط 07

according to brainwashed people like mowaren here Israel killed it's own citizens, hariri killed his own father, wesam Hassan told aoun and Charles ayoub to issue him death threats, butrus harb episode was just a joke made in an elevator. how can you reason with such people?

Thumb shab 02:42 ,2013 شباط 07

what a filthy turban

Thumb primesuspect 06:31 ,2013 شباط 07

just lihe his milicia

Thumb AngryLeb 08:00 ,2013 شباط 07

This is being a nightmare, Allah yestor !!!

Thumb primesuspect 15:25 ,2013 شباط 07

They're sending a message.... they deployed their iron dome and patriots on the Lebanese border to show they're ready. If HA moves a muscle, we -the civilians- will all eat fecal matter.