قتيل و7 جرحى في اشتباكات عنيفة بين مجموعة سلفية وأخرى موالية لحزب الله في طرابلس

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إندلعت اشتباكات بين آل النشار المقربين من حزب الله وآخرين سلفيين من الأسواق الداخلية في طرابلس ما أدى إلى سقوط قتيل وسبعة جرحى فيما نجح الجيش بإعادة الهدوء الحذر.

وقالت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" ان الإشتباكات وقعت "في ساحة النجمة طلعة الرفاعية، سوق السمك، ومحيط القلعة، استخدمت فيها الأسلحة الرشاشة والقنابل وعدد من القذائف".

وأفادت معلومات أولية عن سقوط جرحى في هذه الاشتباكات.

من جهتها قالت وكالة "فرانس برس" أن هذه الاشتباكات العنيفة هي بين "مجموعة سلفية واخرى موالية لحزب الله". وهي المرة الاولى التي تمتد فيها المعارك الى وسط طرابلس.

وقال مصدر أمني للوكالة "تدور اشتباكات عنيفة في اسواق طرابلس الشعبية بين مجموعة سلفية مؤيدة للمعارضة السورية ومسلحين موالين لحزب الله"، مشيرا الى اصابة مسلحين اثنين من الموالين لحزب الله بجروح.

وتتألف نواة هذه المجموعة الاخيرة من اشخاص منتمين الى الحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي. وغالبية افرادها من السنة ايضا.

وأافادت "فرانس برس" ان الجيش انتشر بعد وقوع الاشتباكات بقوة في شوارع طرابلس الرئيسية.

ولاحقا قالت الوكالة أن الجيش نجح بإعادة الهدوء مفيدة عن وقوع قتيل وسبعة جرحى.

وتأتي هذه المعارك بعد ثلاثة اسابيع من الاشتباكات المتقطعة بين منطقتي باب التبانة وجبل محسن اسفرت عن مقتل حوالى اربعين شخصا.

التعليقات 21
Thumb benzona 22:13 ,2013 حزيران 06

Kill'em all.

Thumb bigsami 22:34 ,2013 حزيران 06

I second that!

Thumb benzona 14:49 ,2013 حزيران 07

I wish positive. I'm pretty sure that bigsami is living in a better country than mine with interesting people around him.

Thumb saturn 22:21 ,2013 حزيران 06

Question, what are salafists and hezbollah supporters doing in Tripoli? Oh right, they have been living next to each other for 30 years but just now found their irreconcilable differences.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:31 ,2013 حزيران 06

Two of the dirtiest parties, the biggest ennemies of Lebanon state fighting. salafists and ssnp. Compared to them, even hezbollah is pro-lebanon..
these 2 groups should annihilate each other.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 22:50 ,2013 حزيران 06

ssnp is an extension of syrian intelligence.

Thumb Senescence 22:38 ,2013 حزيران 06

I'm trying to imagine the scenario in which a son tells his family he is going fighting, or a son cowering under his mother's skirt in fear of the sound of gunshots -- the only remark that would prevent both scenarios from proceeding would be the family telling the son that the Army will protect its citizens, and that there is nothing to be afraid of.

So then, where's the Army ?

Thumb Senescence 22:52 ,2013 حزيران 06

"Security official to AFP: The army restored a tense calm in Tripoli's souk area [...]"

'nough said.

Missing peace 23:01 ,2013 حزيران 06

funny how poor neighborhoods are always fighting or ready to (dahiye, tarik eljdeed, mazraa, bab el tebbaneh, jabal mohsen....) and easily find money to buy expensive weapons... but finding money to improve people's welfare? nada! it shows how much they care about the people.... extremists recruiting is easy among poor people ,easy to buy and manipulate by telling them that all their troubles come from the others...

poor humanity, they will never learn from history!

Thumb barbar 23:07 ,2013 حزيران 06

It seems that the Lebanese people will never learn. God help us all

Missing commando 23:47 ,2013 حزيران 06

Tripoli filth of the earth .

Thumb benzona 01:14 ,2013 حزيران 07

Filth of Liban....

Missing VINCENT 02:55 ,2013 حزيران 07

These pesky Israelis. Look what they have done now. These Salafist and H.A. are totally innocent. Israel is the culprit and orchestrated this bloody confrontation between these two civilized, cultured, educated parties. Please don't insult any of the Lebanese and direct all your negative comments towards Israel. They are to blame not these Muslim extremists.

Missing realist 03:29 ,2013 حزيران 07

Good one LOL

Missing lebcan 04:58 ,2013 حزيران 07

Yes realest, VINCENT makes sense... realist, do you really think those buildings in New York came down at free fall speed back in 2001... seriously dude... you got to get at the foundation of the building ... laws of physics do not lie but a Zionist American politician does...
Like the great lie made to all the Shia and all the good jews and all the good Americans and all the good Russians and all the good Lebanese ....
INFACT the conspiracy is HA(IRAN) and ZION are true friends to one another...

Proof of that just look at and keep watching world events between the lines for the last 150+ years Locally and internationally ...

NO! you don't want to analyze so much history... its OK, most people are as ignorant and it is truly a sad state for Humanity...
The Tyrants of the world are sadly winning and stealing our lives and money...

Thumb geha 08:53 ,2013 حزيران 07

and you will have m8 guys deny hizbushaitan arming salafi groups loyal to them in Tripoli!

Thumb superhabib 10:46 ,2013 حزيران 07

People seem to forget that a group of unarmed SSNP members were executed by Mustaqbal Salafists in 2008. That is why this is happening.

And SSNP are secular, but consists mainly of Sunnis and Christians.

Thumb Senescence 20:52 ,2013 حزيران 07

Citation needed.

Missing dddc 11:10 ,2013 حزيران 07

min hal 7mar yalli lebess aswad ou 3amya3ti ra2you lal jeich el kalach bi ido?!

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 16:49 ,2013 حزيران 07

al-Nursa knows it. The withdrawl from Aleppo if being planned on the basis of rumor of Hexbollah preparing to attack salafist positions in Aleppo. Only Lebanese salafists are stupid enough to want to fight Hezbollah, regardless of what the tired fat faced head of the FSA proclaims at a Press Conference. They play for real.Stupid boys called Gunmen blow up their own back yards and make their future lives more troublesome because,....well. really. besides hate ,stupidity, indoctrination, Why do they do this? Israel is the reason Hezbiollah exists and they have proven over and again to be your enemy and a constant destabilizing force in Lebanon. Divide and conquer.

Default-user-icon Open (ضيف) 01:45 ,2013 أيلول 16

Nonetheless, his visit and that of his newly minted Secretary of State, John Kerry, made lltite in the way of progress on the most intractable problems in the region. As one State Department official put it, We have gotten nowhere on the Iranian nuclear issue, Syria continues its slide into ever more violent chaos and lltite remarked upon but uppermost in the minds of many of us, is the downward economic and political spiral that is occuring in Egypt.Funny that, no mention of the MOST INTRACTABLE PROBLEM in the area. I-P! But then they regard it as an opportunity for Israel to continue its illegal colonization.