المستقبل: عميل ال"cia" الثالث هو من كوادر شبكة اتصالات "حزب الله"

Read this story in English W460

اشارت صحيفة "المستقبل" الى ان "الشخص الثالث المتهم بالتعامل مع وكالة المخابرات المركزية الاميركية (C I A) الذي تكتم أمين عام حزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله في إطلالته الإعلامية السابقة عن ذكر اسمه هو (أ، أ ، ب)".

وافادت المعلومات الى الصحيفة عينها ان "ب" هو من كوادر حزب الله العاملين في شبكة اتصالات الحزب في لبنان لاسيما في الضاحية الجنوبية".

وكشفت "المستقبل" ان "ب" كان قد غادر بلدته "العرقوب" قضاء صور منذ أكثر من عشرين عاما، مشيرة الى ان عدد العاملين في الشبكة المتهمة بالتعامل مع الـ (C I A ) يتجاوز الـ13 شخصا.

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 09:24 ,2011 تموز 03

If Hezb has 13 members of CIA working in its telecom network as spies . Hariri's Al Mustakbal has all his staff from KSA's moukhabarat and CIA , officially trained and hired on these bases and conditions .

That's what al mustakbal newspaper forgot to mention " as usual " ..!!

Thumb canaanite 09:34 ,2011 تموز 03

Most of the Hezbollah members are beginning to have a moral hazard.

"What is our cause? For who do we fight for? The Iranians? Why are we supporting a brutal regime in Syria that kills its own citizens. Is that us? Do we truly believe we can free the Galilee? Why dont we become a special unit in the army? Is Nasrallahs goal to implement an Islamic state? Is that what we are?"

And so you get defections...

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 09:48 ,2011 تموز 03

Ya sayyed hassoun, khallass you are not qualified anymore to be a resistance or to fight Israel, it has penetrated you and now it is florishing inside your filthy organisation. you accuse others of beeing zionists , when you youself have more spies than anyone. Disarm because from now on , the ennemy knows everything about you and you are only serving them better each time you insist on keeping your weapons.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 13:03 ,2011 تموز 03

Le Phénicien vous battez tous les records de stupidité. Vous croyez-vous intelligent en singeant par les paroles, le comportement et l'attitude mentale le clown qui vous inspire, Eh bien vous vous trompez. Le public friand de films d'horreur préfère être horrifié par votre soit-disant général qui a l'avantage sur vous d'apparaître à visage découvert. En le voyant on a au moins le plaisir de s'imaginer en train de lui botter le derrière! Taillez-vous ! Vous n'amusez plus personne!

Thumb shab 14:40 ,2011 تموز 03

We all want to eleminate the filthy Shiite militia. Even the members themselves. False cause.

Default-user-icon lebpatriot (ضيف) 14:41 ,2011 تموز 03

To canaanite...I agree with you completely..these bezbollah iranians are delusional and stand no chance when fighting a powerful us/ israeli army..NOW if only we can gather an army capable of rooting out most israeli invaders or an army which can bite back at imperial agressors....if only hezbollah could be one of these things I'd back them till death....labayka!

Thumb Marc 15:10 ,2011 تموز 03

3rd? What a joke, there are probably tens if not 100s.......

Missing 7osrom 15:16 ,2011 تموز 03

I think they named these 3 people based on the documents they purchased from gerhard. so to say after the indictment is published that the US killed Hariri... only to find out the information they bought is worthless... darbet m3allem lal te72ee2. -:)

Default-user-icon Mehdi Lion (ضيف) 16:43 ,2011 تموز 03

Shiite brother Le Phenicien, pretending to be Christian, please keep defending the magnificent resistance's right to have traitors. But keep mum on the Hezb's Mohammed Obeid saying a couple of days ago on LBC the Sheikh Bashir deserve to be killed, so you agree bravo.

Default-user-icon robert mousalli (ضيف) 17:17 ,2011 تموز 03

Mr. Le Phenicien. Al Mustaqbal does not claim to be anti US or CIA. Allies work together. In this case you should compare Iranian intelligence(if they have any) infiltrating Al Mustaqbal. I know it is difficult for you.

Default-user-icon gad8505 (ضيف) 19:15 ,2011 تموز 03

This Le Phenicien, is a total ediot. why people waste time with such loosers. You should really understand economics. Did Syria or Iran, or even Hisbollah brought you prosperity or brought distruction. The CIA and KGB have been filtrating that organization from the days it was established.
wake up and smell the coffee.......

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 20:18 ,2011 تموز 03

@ Mr Moussalli ,

You read me wrong . I meant to say that all the staff of " hariri's " al mustakbal , have obligatorilly done their " stage " at KSA's secret services " moukhabarat " , and another course at the CIA ..

It is surprising to see you surprised with such news If you are Lebanese ..!!

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 22:08 ,2011 تموز 03

Dear Mr Moussalli,
Dont loose your time in appealing to the intelligence of le Phénicien. He does not have any. Just remind him that he needs to take his head out of his general's shit from time to time if he does not want to be drowned in it.

Default-user-icon Hollywood (ضيف) 00:12 ,2011 تموز 04

According to Sayed Hassan both Hezbollah and the STL are full of CIA agents so if one is legitimate and full of dignity then the other is too.