وزير الخارجية البحريني يصف نصرالله بـ"المجرم": التواصل مع حزب الله تواصل مع العدو

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وصف وزير الخارجية البحريني الشيخ خالد ال خليفة الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله ب"المجرم" مشددا على ان اي تواصل مع الحزب هو تواصل مع "العدو".

وقال الشيخ خالد في تغريدة على تويتر ان "شعب البحرين اشرف واكرم من ان يخاطبه مجرم تلطخت يداه بدماء الأبرياء في سوريا ولبنان والعراق".

كما قال ان "التواصل مع حزب الله الإرهابي هو تواصل مع العدو، ويخضع مرتكبه للقانون"، في تذكير بتجريم اي اتصال مع الحزب في البحرين بعد ادراجه على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية.

وسبق ان اتخذ مجلس التعاون الخليجي قرارا جماعيا باستهداف مصالح حزب الله والمقربين منه في دول المجلس.

وتتهم دول المجلس حزب الله بالتدخل في شؤونها وبدعم الجناح المتشدد من المعارضة الشيعية المناهضة لحكم آل خليفة.

وكان نصرالله انتقد بشدة في خطاب القاه الاثنين البحرين التي تشهد احتجاجات يقودها الشيعة ضد حكم ال خليفة الذين يحكمون البحرين منذ 250 سنة.

وقال نصرالله "لا نستغرب موقف حكومة البحرين (...) في التشديد على وصف حزب الله بالمنظمة الارهابية، لكن الجديد هو تجريم اي اتصال بحزب الله، كائنا من كان صحافيا او سياسيا" او مجرد معرفة.

واكد عدم تدخل حزب الله في البحرين، مؤكدا ان القرار في البحرين "ذاتي وداخلي ومستقل بكل ما للكلمة من معنى ولا يتبع لاي دولة او اي جهة".

وراى نصرالله ان "مسار حكومة البحرين مسار تصعيدي لكن لا تتصور حكومة البحرين انها تستطيع ان تستمر في ظلم وقمع شعبها وتضغط على الخارج ليسكت، هذا امر مرفوض".

التعليقات 24
Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18:17 ,2013 أيلول 24

Dwarf.... Dwarf.... Dwarf....!!!! How tall are you...? 155 cm? How dare you refer to Sayyed Al Moqawaleh as "criminal". The Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance supports the oppressed peaceful Bahraini Shia just as much as it supports all oppressed people throughout the world; In Bosnia, Myanmar; Syria, and Iraq. How dare you Khalifa ibn Khalifa accuse Sayyed of being sectarian and getting involved in Bahrain internal affairs. Your tyrannical rule and oppression of the Ghandi style peaceful Shia only Bahraini revolution will fail just as your Saudi brethren support of takfiris in Syria has failed. The Saudi Monarchy is crumbling already and sending secret envoys asking Sayyed for forgiveness. You days in power are numbered. Mark my words.....

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18:18 ,2013 أيلول 24

Moqawameh # Moqawaleh

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 18:17 ,2013 أيلول 24

Well said ! Thank you so much Mr minister!

Missing putin1 18:39 ,2013 أيلول 24

How can he get away with this comment nahar net? And if I mention Sunnis I will be deleted

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:03 ,2013 أيلول 25

keep censoring me naharnet, it wont change the fact that this "royal" family is done with.

Missing putin1 18:40 ,2013 أيلول 24

I never heard Nassrallah calling any Sunni politician a criminal although they all Alqaida inspired

Missing putin1 19:04 ,2013 أيلول 24

It boggles the mind how Sunni politicians everywhere: M14, Saudi, Qatar can bomb and kill Shiaa and call them names while if a frustrated Shiaa person says something he will be crminalized by the above SOB and their naharnet mouth piece

Default-user-icon Istezak (ضيف) 21:31 ,2013 أيلول 24

name one shia person assassinated by sunnis or Christians ... just ONE and I will be happy. for every name u have, I will give u 10 sunni/Christian names bombed by Shiites

Thumb shab 19:19 ,2013 أيلول 24

Oh but we knew that already. And filthy.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 20:09 ,2013 أيلول 24

Sure. Maybe. After Assad is judged.

Missing karim_m1-- 22:02 ,2013 أيلول 24

A criminal is a terrorist like al Khalifa who slaughters peaceful, pro-democracy protesters using foreign, Pakistanti mercanaries as a bid to retain power at all costs.

One day the peaceful people of Bahrain will emerge victorious. Down with the Khalifa regime! Yes to Bahraini freedom! Yes to Bahraini democracy!

Missing peace 22:13 ,2013 أيلول 24

please remind us how many peaceful civilians assad killed and how many in bahrein?

Missing samiam 22:27 ,2013 أيلول 24

don't bother--they are known as hypocrites and really don't have any answers because they are taught to not question authority (at least their own).

Default-user-icon ezzo (ضيف) 16:58 ,2013 أيلول 25

ya zaki ya habibi ma the rebels in Syria... who is funding them? Mish Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi? It's one and the same conflict, and the oiley sheikhs are pushing it and you are their pawn. Congratulations.

Thumb inside_manz 22:47 ,2013 أيلول 24

I must correct you. HA is slaughtering the Al-Qeada rats in Syria. The rats that have flocked from all over the world to fight Jihad in Syria. These rats look at Shia as there enemy. And with all the funding from your bosses in Saudi they still have made no progress in overthrowing Assad.
And do you think you can provide one piece of evidence that HA has agents in Bahrin "to make trouble" as you put it.

Missing peace 23:03 ,2013 أيلول 24

funny how hezbis deny the rights of the syrians to free themselves from a dictature but cries for the rights of the bahreinis people to do the same! double hypocrit standard as usual...

Default-user-icon ezzo (ضيف) 17:01 ,2013 أيلول 25

so let me get this straight.. fighting crazy wahhabis who want to set up an Sunni Islamic state in the whole region is now hypocritical? Lol........ wlak ayya rights of the Syrian people??? Those were thrown by the wayside once the US, Israel, and the oily sheikhs from the Gulf started sending their mercenaries. Wake up.

Thumb benzona 23:07 ,2013 أيلول 24

Shukran Bahrain for reminding us of what we already knew about Hezbollah the international terrorist organization!

Thumb inside_manz 23:36 ,2013 أيلول 24

I dont get it M14ers. Do you think its ok for this child-molesting dictator to kill and imprison his people just because they belong to a certain sect?????
You guys are the definition of hypocrites. And if theres one thing that God hates most, its hypocrites.

Thumb inside_manz 23:49 ,2013 أيلول 24

Is there any dirty Jihadis coming from all over the world to fight in Bahrain?? NO
Is there any armed opposition against the dirty Bahrain regime???? NOO
Do you hear one mention of the legitimate Bahrain uprising on tv???? NOO

Default-user-icon Blashmintar Fazminhon (ضيف) 02:04 ,2013 أيلول 25

Thank you to the nobody Israeli FM of Bahrain with a filthy history and a filthier future.

Thumb _mowaten_ 13:37 ,2013 أيلول 25

banikharoof: "Ever heard of hezbullah selling the captagon pills in gulf?"
nope, and god knows i heard it all about hezbollah, the serious and the ridiculous, the facts and the imaginary accusations, the hate and the love. but that i never heard.
how about you give me a source that confirms that?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:40 ,2013 أيلول 25

man you speak like a child, the "aya-devil" !? really? hahahahaha
anyway, think what you want, and please remain a sectarian hater, that excuse you found is great. but dont come whining when this blows back in your face. mark my words.

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:42 ,2013 أيلول 25

What do the leadership of mustahbal, fath el islam, qatar, the taliban, al qeada, bahrein, nusra, saudi have in common? Oh silly you indeed.