Endangered Israeli Eagle Falls Prey to Hizbullah

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Israeli eagles dangerously endangered by pesticides, electrical wires and poachers now apparently face a new threat: Hizbullah fighters.

Hizbullah's Al-Manar website recently boasted of capturing an eagle that carried an Israel-labeled transmission device on its back and claimed the bird was an Israeli spy. It said hunters in central Lebanon shot down the bird and found devices on it as well as a copper ring on its leg that reads "Israel" in English followed by letters that refer to Tel Aviv University. The fate of the eagle remains unclear.

Israeli ornithologist Yossi Leshem said Thursday he was tracking the bird for research and was "incredibly frustrated" it was harmed. Leshem, a Tel Aviv university professor, has specialized in the Bonelli's Eagle for decades and said they are in great peril with just nine pairs of mating age remaining in Israel.

"The whole field of conservation is based on regional cooperation and not this nonsense," said Leshem, who collaborates on several projects with Palestinian and Jordanian scientists. "It's not enough that they kill people, now they are killing birds too."

Leshem said Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Turkey all have targeted migrating birds from Israel in the past and made similar unfounded espionage accusations.

Egyptian authorities, for instance, recently detained a stork that was tagged with a tracking device and claimed it was spying for Israel. Previously, Egypt has accused Israel's Mossad spy agency of training sharks to reach the Sinai Peninsula to harm tourism there.

"Every time a migrating bird from Israel, carrying a satellite transmitter or a ring, is captured by one of the neighboring countries, it is immediately thought to be the instrument of a sophisticated spy work by the Israeli Mossad," Leshem wrote in a recent essay after an Israeli common kestrel was captured and investigated by Turkey. "All the countries mentioned employ the same methods of research and use the same electronic devices in tracking birds and mammals in their studies, and yet the paranoia persists in the Middle East."

Comments 30
Thumb general_puppet 18 October 2013, 09:04

"Hizbullah's Al-Manar website recently boasted of capturing an eagle that carried an Israel-labeled transmission device on its back and claimed the bird was an Israeli spy."... now I have heard it all :-)))))))

Mr the_roar... you should start training kangaroos, put a small pop-up camera in their pouch and send them over to spy on the Israeli embassy on behalf of Hizbullah.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 18 October 2013, 09:23

God Bless the Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance as it soars higher than Israeli Eagles. This is yet another divine victory that makes all of us Lebanese proud that our resistance is chasing and capturing Israeli eagles. These eagles were nothing but a cheap attempt by the zionist enemy to spy on our peaceful southerners and infringe on their private lives. The zionist attempts to tap in and listen on our conversations failed, hence they resorted to sending eagles. God Bless the resistance for staying vigilant and aware at all times.

Thumb joker37 18 October 2013, 09:42

Yislam timmak Roaring-FlameThrower, although the name of the eagle in the article is incorrect; i urge naharnet to use its correct name, the "occupied palestinian territories eagle" as the zionist entity aforementioned is not a legal entity and as such can not have an eagle named for it. To any other eagles thinking of engaging in silly adventures to spy for the zionist entity i say: HAYHAT MINNA ZILLAH

Thumb joker37 18 October 2013, 11:44

what does this have to do with when the palestinians were there.
the hebrews were semites from the arabian peninsula before they were "promised" their land in south canaan. there were canaanites there before the hebrews invaded the "promise land". you see moses roamed for years before he settled on "the promise land" in the south of canaan...

Thumb liefighter 19 October 2013, 13:12

Hi Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

Default-user-icon eagleshmeagle (Guest) 18 October 2013, 10:00

saudis did this too but with vultures

reasonable really, though it shouldn't have been killed i suppose

also not an israeli eagle but a PALESTINIAN eagle

Thumb primesuspect 18 October 2013, 16:18

¡I wasn't aware birds had passports!

Wat a sick world and society.

Default-user-icon @pms (Guest) 18 October 2013, 17:18

tell that to naharnet lol

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18 October 2013, 10:27

People can be rightly critical of the Hizb actions but Phil sectarian and unfortunate comments are simply unacceptable.

Thumb joker37 18 October 2013, 10:35

did you not read the article moron? it clearly says "It said hunters in central Lebanon shot down the bird and found devices on it as well as a copper ring on its leg that reads "Israel" in English followed by letters that refer to Tel Aviv University."
last i checked, lebanese hunters were of all sects. ahbal el posters....

Default-user-icon Lebanese Hunter (Guest) 18 October 2013, 11:08

then why was it not condemned by Al-Manar?

"Hizbullah's Al-Manar website recently boasted of capturing an eagle that carried an Israel-labeled transmission device on its back"

Are we reading the same article

Thumb Captain 18 October 2013, 11:27

Agree :).

Lebanon is filled with ignorant hunters. Why blaming Hizbullah for this?!!!

Thumb Captain 18 October 2013, 11:47

I go hiking a lot in the mountains. I see tons of empty shells. I can't believe that these ignorant waste-of-oxygen beings kill birds for fun.

I propose they hunt down our lovely politicians for fun.

Thumb joker37 18 October 2013, 11:27

Because this amateur article contradicts itself.. it opens with "Israeli eagles dangerously endangered by pesticides, electrical wires and poachers now apparently face a new threat: Hizbullah fighters."
Misleading readers into thinking that HA fighters killed the bird, then it goes on to state that hunters were in fact responsible.
either the author is really stupid or he thinks that we are really stupid. Unfortunately most readers seem to fall under the latter judging by the responses on here.

Missing phillipo 18 October 2013, 11:43

I am sure that any ornithologists at Lebanese Universities could very easily and quickly explain to the ordinary man in the street the exact meaning of the tags found on this eagle. I am sure that it is not very different to those fixed to wild birds by they themselves except with the words - Lebanon or Liban.

Thumb primesuspect 18 October 2013, 16:21

Ornithologists don't have accesst 2 media in this retarded country. Only political filth do.

Missing greatpierro 18 October 2013, 11:48

You do not bear any criticism towards the sacro saint terrorist hizbullah.

Default-user-icon Borzando Epliajine (Guest) 18 October 2013, 13:05

After hearing this disturbing story, the General Secretariat of Farts 14 gathered the biggies: Commander in Chief of the Failed Doctors Fares Soaid, the walking Vegetable Cheikh Potato Nadim, the Royal Fool Bozo Daou and Lord Dory Chamchoun al-Jabbar to reject all insensitive actions by the Wilayat al-Faqihers and Evil Doers against the peace-loving land-giving foreign-trash religious lunatics a-la-Sannis (after all, they are brothers in filth and lunacy) settlers in Palestine, aka the Israelis. I bet you this eagle is an Eastern European bird who migrated into the ard al mi3ad, as written in the Bible.

Thumb kanaanljdid 18 October 2013, 14:18

It's a lack of education and a lack of animal rights awareness. Unfortunately, it tells a lot about of Lebanese can be cruel against each other then. When someone is unsensitive to innocent animals, he turns to be cruel towards fellow humans. As Gandhi once rightly said: greatness of a nation is measured according to its attitude with animals.

Thumb eli-g 18 October 2013, 14:19

what birds are they talking about? last visit to Lebanon I longed to hear a bird chirping. There was no birds in Beirut for sure. Very little birds flying over. Bast-rds low life cowards hunted them down. Why would anyone wants to kill birds. Killing for the sake of killing. On top of it an endangered bird. A bunch of uneducated peasants. In a civilized society this stupid hunter would go to jail.

Thumb kanaanljdid 18 October 2013, 14:20

Flamethrower, yes you are right, TV is stupid (all the chanels), makes people stupid and I don't have a tv in my home as well. But Al Manar is the OFFICIAL Hizbullah communication organ, so we can't ignore that.

Thumb popeye 18 October 2013, 14:51


Thumb primesuspect 18 October 2013, 16:20

Indeed, People should only hunt 2 feed. And of course, not endangered species.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18 October 2013, 18:16

what a beautiful creature. It will go extinct because of the ignorance and stupidity of uneducated people.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18 October 2013, 19:07

Isn't it sad that birds are more capable of adapting and advancing then a large portion of the Lebanese people?

Missing Cyanide 18 October 2013, 18:19

we would have not being here today (in all this mess) if we had listened to bachir jmayil. he was the only one that saw it coming

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18 October 2013, 22:38

I heard they tried to convince the bird to be a double agent at firs but when that failed they decided to release the news of the accomplishment to the public.

Default-user-icon Salahadin (Guest) 19 October 2013, 01:26

This wicked bird has suffered the same fate as all zionists who dare to tread on the sacred soil of the glorious resistance. Let this be a lesson to any wildlife who do not respect our border.

Missing VINCENT 19 October 2013, 02:57

Who knew, Israelis have successfully trained eagles as Homing pigeons!

Missing helicopter 19 October 2013, 05:16

Leshem, a Tel Aviv university professor, has specialized in the Bonelli's Eagle for decades and said they are in great peril with just nine pairs of mating age remaining in Israel.......
Sound as if they are talking about Christians in the Middle East (both are endangered species).