Iran: GCC Made a 'Mistake' Labeling Hizbullah as Terrorist

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Iran's deputy foreign minister said on Thursday that a decision by the Saudi-led bloc of Gulf states to label Hizbullah a terrorist organization is a "mistake."

Iranian state TV quoted Hossein Amir Abdollahian as saying the Gulf Cooperation Council's move was a "new mistake" that would undermine peace in the region and the unity of Lebanon.

He said Iran was "proud" of Hizbullah "as the vanguard of resistance against the Zionist regime and the champion of the fight against terrorism in the region."

"Those who call Hizbullah terrorists, have intentionally or unintentionally harmed the unity and security of Lebanon."

On Wednesday, a statement from GCC Secretary-General Abdullatif al-Zayani said the bloc decided to implement the terrorist designation because of hostile acts by Iran-backed Hizbullah within its member states.

The decision reflects rising tensions between Sunni-ruled Saudi Arabia and Shiite powerhouse Iran, Hizbullah's patron.

The GCC ruling brings Gulf states in line with the U.S., which also considers Hizbullah a terrorist group.

Comments 23
Thumb ex-fpm 03 March 2016, 09:33

He said Iran was "proud" of Hizbollah.

LOL... and Hizbollah is proud of Iran.

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 11:22

Like you are proud of Saudi sanctions against the Lebanese army, that you claimed to support?

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 11:31

you cannot talk about the army while keeping it weak for you interests... stop your hypocrisy! if you really wanted the lebanese army to be strong you would OBEY it and give them hezbi weapons and expertise... but rather you pledged allegiance to iran never to Lebanon....
go and spread your BS elsewhere....

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 11:51

Whos keeping the army weak other than saudis at the moment?

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 11:53

you are... as always. if you want it strong and without help from anyone then hand them your weapons! but, no, you will not because you did not pledge allegiance to Lebanon but to iran...

so cut you BS and your lame excuses... give your weapons and expertise to the army, then no need of saudis, isn't that your wish? LOLLLLLL

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 12:48

There is already no need for Saudis, they pulled out themselves, the influence they could've had is severed off now.

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 13:46

"Whos keeping the army weak other than saudis at the moment?"

"There is already no need for Saudis"

funny how you say one thing and its contrary in two posts... it avoids you from answering my question as usual the coward flees... like a good hezbi he is.

Thumb Maxx 03 March 2016, 15:45

"Sanctions"? What "sanctions"? Do you even bloody know what the term "sanctions" means? The Saudis gave a GRANT to the Lebanese Army - they were not obliged in any way to spend their own money on the Lebanese Army.
Imagine if I give your family a gift. Then you, as a member of your family, stab me in the back. After that, why the hell would I want to give you any gifts? Now do you get it you traitor?

Default-user-icon kazan (Guest) 03 March 2016, 10:45

Each country/politician has a hidden agenda, acid test: who is profiting from this mess? the answer will show the dirty game behind the scenes.

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 11:21

GCC is a failure in general, their oil prices are at an all time low.
They think they harm Iran and Russia that way, but Iran and Russia have other ways of making money.

Saudis only have their oil reserves to put their whole economical stability behind, they have no agriculture or anything else to sell.

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 11:30

GCC a failure? pityful braindead hezbi.... have you ever been to a GCC country? seems not... wish the same economical development to Lebanon then come and talk about failure....

but sure, you prefer Lebanon to be a third world country so that hezbis can do whatever pleases them... if you truly cared abot Lebanon your party would propose econmic solutions to improve Lebanon rather than destroying it with their wars.... tfeh on you.

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 11:49

As you always claimed Saudis were the sole supporters of Lebanon, even now when they gove no backup, you still hug their legs like a good little puppy.

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 11:50

Yes the Resistance supports the army by countering takfiris and the borders, oops i meant your moderate rebels.

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 11:50

Lebanon is weak because hezbollah keeps it weak! has hezbollah ever done something to improve the economy? NEVER... hezbollah drags Lebanon into wars it is all they do...
Lebanon has everything to make it a rich economy but it does not please neither hezbollah nor israel... both are happy to maintain Lebanon weak!
hezbollah to control it, and israel so they have no economic competition in the region!
hezbollah cannot allow Lebanon to be rich and developped! it would mean their disappearance... so both israel and hezboolah work hand in hand to make sure Lebanon runs into chaos.... with your full support

Thumb Mystic 03 March 2016, 12:51

Your Saudi fatherland is where your loyalties lie.

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 13:44

assume what you want... if someone is against hezbollah then he is pro saudi... you were well trained to repeat that same old BS... we know your idiotic song...
it avoids you from answering questions as you have not been trained to think by yourself, pityful braindead hezbi sheep.

Missing helicopter 03 March 2016, 12:05

Iranian State TV quoting Amir sheikh el2hameer "Iran was "proud" of Hizbullah "as the vanguard of resistance against the Zionist regime and the champion of the fight against terrorism in the region".
Lebanese State tv quoting helicopter: "Iran was "proud" of Hizbullah "as the vanguard of Islamic Republic of Iran against the State of Lebanon and the champion of the fight against Iran's interests and nuclear ambitions"

Thumb Maxx 03 March 2016, 15:52

Don't believe it! My family is Shiite and my dad's medical clinic in Ghobayreh was reduced to rubble in July 2006. Hizb promised reparations that were supposed to come from the Iranian pocket. Ten years down the line and we have not received a single cent. The only Shia population that received any aid were those directly subservient to Hizb. All the rest of the Shia they just urinated upon. Hizb has always used the Shia sect as a Human shield. It was never about religion with this spit on the face of Ali who do unto others what had been done to the Hasan and Hussein. It's just about military politics and power by a bunch of hoodlums with no vision of the future except death and destruction.

Thumb Elemental 03 March 2016, 19:56

Neither is Iranian opinion besides Israeli, yours does not count either unfortunately my implanted individual.

Missing peace 03 March 2016, 21:26

and what about iran? not a terror network? not implied in financing shias abroad to shake down governments? or is iran just a poor victim of GCC countries?

Missing the_truth 03 March 2016, 22:32

Its very simple. Politics and religion suffer the same fate constantly. History repeats itself in many shapes. 3 things will happen in Lebanon.
1)Sunni countries will make peace with Israel, making the Shia very weak in the region limiting Hizbuallah, gaining USA and European support and Lebanon will eventually make peace.
2) Christians will finally realize the power they have, as international support will poor in once they state they want control. USA and Europe will interfere, Donald Trump will make peace with Russia, Syria will be rid of ISIS and Bashar, Sunni and Shia will lose power in Lebanon and be forced to cooperate.
3) Lebanon will split into Shia/Sunni states, Christians and Druze will be screwed, and Muslim war will rage.

Missing the_truth 04 March 2016, 00:24

yes one of the 3. my bad

Missing the_truth 04 March 2016, 21:21

M8 are very active here aren't they