Geagea: Those Fearful of Extremists Coming to Power in Syria Must Quickly End Crisis

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea noted on Sunday that the longer the Syrian crisis lasts, the greater the chances of extremists coming to power should the current regime be overthrown.

He said: “Those fearing the rise of extremists should quickly end the Syrian crisis.”

He made his statements during a speech at a dinner for the Lebanese community in Qatar.

He continued: “We cannot demand democracy and then back down from this call when we realize that its results may not necessarily meet our expectations.”

“We either want democracy or we don’t,” he declared.

The key to ensuring that democracy will be respected is by requesting the new sides in power to maintain it, “otherwise they will meet a fate worse than their predecessors,” he remarked.

“Exploiting democracy in the wake of the Arab Spring is unacceptable,” stressed Geagea.

In addition, he noted that democracy cannot be maintained in Lebanon, while a dictatorship still stands in Syria.

“We will not judge a new regime or ruling party in an Arab country based on its name,” he stated.

“We will judge it based on its agenda and how well it exercises democracy and respects human rights,” he explained.

Addressing those who say that the developments in Syria are a conspiracy against the resistance, Geagea said: “The Syrian people have the right to exercise their full liberties and it is time that they live their lives as they want to.”

Addressing the dispute in Lebanon over the government’s extra-budgetary spending, he said: “We don’t want to strike a deal with the other team, but we want all sides to be dealt with equally under the law.”

“The issue of the $11 billion does not exist, but they fabricated this problem,” he added.

Furthermore, Geagea stressed that governments between 2006 and 2008 had no choice but to resort to extra-budgetary spending because parliament was deliberately shut down by the March 8 camp.

“They are using the issue of the $11 billion for political blackmail, nothing more,” said the LF leader.

“I challenge them to form a parliamentary committee to verify how these funds were spent,” he continued.

The March 8 forces, mainly the Change and Reform bloc of MP Michel Aoun, are demanding records on how the governments of former Premiers Fouad Saniora and Saad Hariri spent the $11 billion.

Saniora stresses the spending was made to cover the expenses of increase in wages of civil servants, subsidize electricite du Liban and pay the interest on the national debt and compensations to the victims of the Israeli aggression on Lebanon in 2006.

He said that the total of additional spending between 2006 and 2009 amounted to $11 billion. While the 2010 spending totaled $5 billion, and the amount spent in 2011 totaled $6 billion.

Geagea traveled to Qatar on Friday where he held talks on Saturday with Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani.

Comments 34
Thumb jcamerican 05 March 2012, 16:23

“The issue of the $11 billion does not exist, but they fabricated this problem,” he added. So all what M8 need to do, is more fabrication, then there will be no more parliament in Lebanon. Who needs weapons, we need fabrications to keep them away.

Thumb geha 05 March 2012, 16:32

is ther a parliament now in Lebanon?
- berri closes the doors for months because it suits him. is this proper?
why do they refuse to audit starting from the period when aoun was in power till now?
ashraf el nas and their red diesel scandal, their phone card scandal,....

Default-user-icon Immune to Aoun Syndrome (Guest) 06 March 2012, 05:33

Let us be clear. The red diesel scandal injected millions of dollars in the pockets of marada supporters, and Franjieh by himself can not do much given that the energy ministry is with Bassil.

If we sit down and think about it all, here is the scenario: Bassil verbally tells Franjieh to prepare his flock of sheep to create virtual companies because he is giving 3000LL incentives per tank, these virtual and non-virtual companies buy the diesel during the incentive period, block distribution, and sell it once the incentive is gone. No paperwork shows Bassil's involvement, he basically worked his way around the audit bureau.

You see in the end of the day they are all thieves, but some thieves leave no loose ends, and these are the ones you have to watch for.

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 09:43

Aoun never refused,

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 12:48

Immune to AS. did you even read the courts verdict?

Default-user-icon Keshtben Khiyata (Guest) 05 March 2012, 16:32

There, Dr. Geagea was circumcised and officially became a Sunni nut by sheikh Faysal Hulubulu.

Missing allouchi 05 March 2012, 20:17

Keshtben Khiyata, how do you know? do you have a big mouth or your m o m told you?

Default-user-icon Spotty Bickando (Guest) 06 March 2012, 01:18

Strida told all about it on and she took pictures of sheikh Faysal Hulubulu's ceremony. Hurry up before they archive it.

Default-user-icon really? (Guest) 05 March 2012, 16:34

Do people really care what this convicted killer says?

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (Guest) 05 March 2012, 17:09

ya hakim, the words you are saying should be said in a democratic country not in an emirate or a kingdom ,
and you should be with democracy not only in syria but even in quatar and the rest of the gulf countries
the only thing that protect minorities is
btw did you see ya hakim the latest video from libya ?

Default-user-icon Immune to Aoun Syndrome (Guest) 06 March 2012, 08:53

Let me tell you a thing or two about Hizballah. They are the Shia equivalent of Salafis. When you have extremists in one of two competing societies, the other one will inevitably develop an extremism.

If you want to end Salafism, start by either ending the divide between Sunnis and Shias, or end Shia extremism aka Hizballah.

Thumb thepatriot 06 March 2012, 11:47

On the contrary! The whole point is to say it in an Emirate or a Kingdom. It sends out a message...

Missing niqoula 05 March 2012, 17:46

There really was no need for strida to cover up her body like this. These arab emirs, kings and princes are used to seeing naked women bodies. So stridas usual short skirt is nothing compared to what exists in their brothels at home.

Default-user-icon Nicolas (Guest) 05 March 2012, 20:08

Funny niqoula what you say that you're so right it's not like the Maronite bishops having to hide their crosses when they visited Nasrallah, I mean everyone knows how offensive a cross is to Hassan.

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 09:49

Love this one! The bishops answered 2 days later and explained that they WERE wearing their crosses and btw that shows in most of the pictures except the one used by the LF site of course , and still some people who claim to defend Christianity abuse in using lies to discredit BISHOPS

Default-user-icon Nicolas (Guest) 06 March 2012, 14:38

Funny kesrweneh but your information is as fake as your name, non of the pictures or videos of the bishops with Nasrallah showed the crosses. Bishop Samir Mazloum admitted on MTV's Beirut Al Yawm dated Monday 26 Dec 2011 that the crosses where under the tunics, you can still see the interview on MTV reply if you chose and can trust your ears and eyes. Sorry but I just realized I am trying to reason with an idiot, my bad.

Missing niqoula 07 March 2012, 03:47

Nicolas aka allouchi get a life.

Missing allouchi 05 March 2012, 20:19

niqoula, you are an idiot and have a trashy mouth like your masters..

Missing niqoula 05 March 2012, 21:41

allouchi, who the hell are you? and who are my masters, according to you? and where did i say something trashy? If aouns wife would have worn an islamic dress when meeting with ahmadinejad, you would have said the same thing, wouldnt you? at least if your christian. Im not so sure though based on your choice of nickname.

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 09:45

Slash I am always astonished by your politness. please confirm LF supporter right?

Missing allouchi 05 March 2012, 20:16

Hakeem for president.

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 09:50

LOOOL! not presidnet probably wali imarat becharreh fi khilafat welayat dimachk

Default-user-icon The Truth (Guest) 05 March 2012, 23:45

"We cannot demand democracy and then back down from this call when we realize that its results may not necessarily meet our expectations."

This should be the slogan to beat people over the head with. People that claim to believe in democracy but say that Arabs can't have it or that Syria or Egypt are worse off with democracy should be beaten with this comment over and over again.

You're either with democracy or against it. Can't pick to support it somewhere and not somewhere else.

Missing allouchi 06 March 2012, 00:32

niqoula,first of all ya NICOLAS it is NONE of your business what my beliefs are or aren't so shut the hell up about that...second you have no content only cheap criticism so go to hell and stay there kissing your master's boots...loser.

Missing niqoula 06 March 2012, 00:43

Allouchi, are you mentally ill or something? On what geounds do you attack me like this? Did i insult you because i talked about the arab kings and emirs? Majnoun. You should seek help. You sound like a 15 year old. And who is my master you keep talking about? It seems the khaleeji emirs are your masters so why dont you go kiss their feet and prostrate to them, perhaps it will land you a good job so you wont be so angry all the time. And your the last one to talk about content, just look at your comments... i at least protect christian sovereignity, you on the other hand seem to want christian women to wear a abaya.

Thumb shab 06 March 2012, 00:56

One of the few genuine Lebanese politician

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 09:52

more like "amir becharreh fi wilayt dimashk el houurra" wanabee

Missing christian89 06 March 2012, 02:28

@ niqoula, el mara 7ora telboss eli bada yeh! im pretty sure she feels more comfortable wearing this, then knowing shes in a country where they look at her differently if shes wearing her skirt. Ba3den as a Christian, your making it seem eno nehna esa ma tzalatna or lebsso neswena skirts bi kouno le72in medre min, bzakrak eno Strida bass keno el massi7iye 3am yedaba7o w el Hakim bel 7abess, kenet hiye mkafeye el dareb w mish khayefe min hadan, so akid halla2 la amir katar walla shiyatin jhanna biyou2afo edema wa2ta bada telboss eli bada telbesso....

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 09:55

Come on man you honestly believe what you’re saying. In 2009 martyrs mess she was wearing a miniskirt that Maamletien girls would be ashamed of wearing, and btw she's free to wear whatever she wants. And now she wears a simili burqa! so the Sheikhs deserves more respect than Christian martyrs? Come on!!

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 12:46

Ok slash I shall answer despite your constant impoliteness maybe it will help get some manners. When a lady wears sexy clothes to church this is disrespect to the Church to God and to other people present, just ask your local priest, if of course you are a Christian. So when the same person wears decent clothes to meet a sheik and show respect this simply means she has more respect to this sheikhs then to God, the Christians and in this particular case the martyrs

Missing niqoula 07 March 2012, 03:43

Christian, eh 7orra but why cover up simply to make a filthy emir feel that he is respected by her. If she wants to dress like that generally, i dont care, but she only did it to impress their bank ie the oil arab emirs and kings. Thats degrading and embarassing for us christians. It shows them we can be bought and sold. If you have any self respect you would know what i am talking about.

Missing helicopter 06 March 2012, 02:41

I agree with what Gaegae said, but why is he in Qatar? Just like I am against M8 paying homage to Damascus and Tehran, I am against M14 paying homage to S.A, Qatar and others. We do not need every political party acting as the country's ambassador or foreign Minister, or soliciting support for a domestic/personal ambition
..... I like my Lebanon to be a true and dignified Republic not a banana Republic. Like Ghandi once said "BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE".

Default-user-icon Jawaharlal (Guest) 06 March 2012, 03:14

Ghandi also at least once said "pass the curry".

Thumb kesrweneh 06 March 2012, 12:47
