Hizbullah Denies Obtaining Chemical Arms from Syria

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah denied on Sunday that it would transfer chemical weapons from Syria to Lebanon if the regime of President Bashar Assad collapsed, the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper reported.

“It’s not the intention of Hizbullah to acquire such weapons, and Syria isn’t willing to export any for several reasons,” a source close to Hizbullah told the daily.

According to the source, the resistance uses weapons according to its needs, positions, and effectiveness thus it doesn’t need weapons that have slow motion and spreading effects.

Israeli officials have continuously expressed concern over the developments in Syria and the possibility that Hizbullah might attempt to transfer advanced weapons systems or chemical weapons from Syria to Lebanon.

The Hizbullah source told the daily that the resistance also chooses arms that best serve its tactics.

It noted that the resistance realizes that the use of such missile types would prompt Israel to respond with similar or more deadly weaponry.

“The reports on transferring chemical weapons from Syria are based on hostile intentions.”

However, the source noted that Syria will not hesitate in providing Hizbullah with all types of advanced weapons systems so that the resistance remains the “protective shield” against Israel.

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said in an interview on Channel 10 television on Friday that his country would consider military action if needed to ensure Syrian missiles or chemical weapons did not reach Hizbullah.

Comments 17
Thumb benzona 22 July 2012, 09:55

They can deny whatever they want. Nobody listens to liars, thieves, murderers and terrorists.

One day, We'll wake up and hear that a building where chemical weapons were stored exploded because one of the explosives was unstable and handled by amateurs.

Khalas ba2a, enough is enough.

Default-user-icon Ahlane (Guest) 22 July 2012, 15:06

youta3 lsanakk

Thumb geha 22 July 2012, 10:13

Hizbushaitan and fpm are driving Lebanon to destruction.

Default-user-icon ahlane (Guest) 22 July 2012, 15:08

khalik ahbal, geha kan azka minak

Missing castro@46 22 July 2012, 10:33

Guys Syria gave Hezb Iran few cans of baked beans.Israel is worried now Hezb Iran have few Russian made junk weapons..

Thumb shab 22 July 2012, 12:03

What can the filthy militia use chemical weapons for? Dare the use them? No force has since WW 1 managed to use chemical weapons and survived. It will be there destruction.

Default-user-icon Ahlane (Guest) 22 July 2012, 15:13

nshala they will use them on people like you who has no respect or honor to their country or to their people. We know cowards like you don't deserve a country because your quite happy to just live anywhere.

Thumb bigsami 22 July 2012, 16:11

How many times have we heard them 'deny, deny, deny' to later find out they were lying as usual or trying to cover up their tracks. Khaluss...let's get it over with and have the Israelis wipe them out. It's the only way Lebanon can have a chance of a new beginning. Sorry folks....I don't support them nor do I care about their policies but they are the only one's who can put an end to HA. At this point they are the better of two evils.

Default-user-icon jhonny (Guest) 22 July 2012, 18:26

word of gold sergio god bless.and hopefully soon we will get rid of this disease called hizballa. these ppl have no idea how they are contaminating the name of god by using it for evil purposes ,lebanon dont deserve all this suffering

Thumb jabal10452 22 July 2012, 19:21

I miss him too! "the filthy Zionist propaganda department..." :-)

Missing georgesashrafiyyeh 22 July 2012, 20:41

Lek skout. Trying to whitewash the children of satan. Shame on you. Sergio 2al.

Thumb andre.jabbour 22 July 2012, 22:19

We'll done business with them the day Palestinian camps are empty of its occupants. They have to return to the West Bank first.

Thumb bigsami 22 July 2012, 22:46

Totally right sergio. I have as well and agree with you. Like with Lebanon....believe it or not all of you out there...the majority of Israelis (especially young generation) despise their government and what it has done to the image of Israel. They would love to live in peace & harmony with us but unfortunately we have some (elders) just don't let go of the past and it's all about confrontation, anger and resolve through arms. The problem all around is those leaders ultimately are looking out for themselves and could care less about you or me! Peace to them is a threat. It can get in the way of their agenda & goals.

Default-user-icon grace (Guest) 23 July 2012, 00:29

hizz doesnt need any chemicals, all they have to do is divert people to the oozai area and people will suffocate from the nasty stentch there. Also another way for them is to trap motorists in that tunnel that goes through oozai and asta la vista

Thumb joesikemrex 23 July 2012, 04:43

he's studying for his masters in Hizb propaganda. Most likely him, mowaten and FT are the same entity

Missing alsehle 23 July 2012, 07:58

is unbelievable how much ignorant people , how many of you got brainwashed is unbelievable , my hate to muslims and chirstians ignorants decreases every time i see ignorant comments like yours , may ALLAH forgive you he is powerful and merciful and his punishments is the strongest. hahaha it is really funny how you named them ( hizb shaytan etc....) well i am proud of you ignorance show to the world how sunni are ignorance....

Default-user-icon charbel (Guest) 23 July 2012, 23:57

yeaa now it's all about HA & SYRIA. everybody just forgot about israel and the american plans. superficial comments