Hariri: Govt. Allowing Hizbullah to Jeopardize National Security through Meddling in Syria Conflict

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri criticized on Thursday the government's silence over Hizbullah members' alleged fighting in Syria alongside regime forces.

He slammed in a statement “the unconscious government's allowing of Hizbullah to jeopardize national security through its intervention in the conflict.”

Resistance is no longer Hizbullah's main purpose and it is employing armed groups to back the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, he added.

The former premier wondered at how the party is launching attacks against the Free Syrian Army from Lebanese and Syrian soil.

“We completely reject any form of military meddling in Syrian internal affairs, whether they fall in favor of the regime or the opposition,” declared Hariri.

“What happened to the government's policy of disassociation or does this policy exempt Hizbullah from involving Lebanon in the Syrian crisis?” he asked.

“Does this policy allow the party the exclusive right to employ arms on the Lebanese-Syrian front?” he wondered.

“What is Hizbullah doing on the Syrian front and who gave it the authority to defend the Lebanese border if we are assuming that it is seeking to halt the attack of Syrian armed groups?” continued Hariri.

“Assuming that Hizbullah is protecting Shiite citizens, then does that mean that the party has been transformed into an army aimed at defending a certain component of Lebanese society?” he asked.

“Has the government chosen to disassociate itself from Lebanese citizens that the party is saying are in danger?” he said.

“What is the role of the army in this situation and why hasn't the government spoken out over this issue?” he wondered.

“Hizbullah is presenting new evidence of the danger of the use of the illegitimate weapons, … which it is using for interests that do not serve national ones,” noted the former prime minister.

Furthermore, he accused Hizbullah's main backer Iran of employing the party to save the Assad regime through allowing it to take control of the Homs front.

“Lebanon will not deign to be transformed into an open ground to achieve this dirty mission and the government is completely responsible for the silence over this terrible squandering of national security,” stated Hariri.

Earlier this week, the rebel FSA accused Hizbullah of firing across the border into territory it controls, threatening to shell party positions in Lebanon in retaliation.

“In the past week... Hizbullah has been shelling into villages around Qusayr from Lebanese territory, and that we cannot accept," said the FSA's chief of staff General Selim Idriss, adding that the rebels have given Hizbullah a 48-hour deadline to stop the attacks.

“We cannot accept Hizbullah abusing Lebanese sovereignty to shell Syrian territory and FSA positions," declared the rebel commander.

Specifically, he accused Hizbullah of shelling villages and rebel positions around the insurgent-held town of Qusayr, which is located in the central Syrian province of Homs.

Three Lebanese Shiites have been killed in fighting in Syria, a Hizbullah official said Sunday.

He said they were acting in "self-defense,” without specifying if they were Hizbullah members.

Hizbullah has systematically denied sending fighters into Syria, though its leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah acknowledged in October 2012 that party members had fought Syrian rebels but said they were acting as individuals and not under the group's direction.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the three slain Lebanese were members of pro-regime militias who had been trained by Hizbullah.

Comments 29
Thumb joker37 21 February 2013, 12:59

ya habibi ya sheikh saad ma you are knees deep in this quagmire, you dispatched your personal butler okab to make sure al nusra is getting gifts from you.

Thumb joker37 21 February 2013, 14:22

is there a shia islamic state in lebanon now?

Missing allouchi 21 February 2013, 14:30

why are lying ya joker? why are you saing Al Nusra? cheap shot...you are a true joker...

Thumb joker37 21 February 2013, 14:45

Al nusra is the main recipient of saudi funds and okab is the main dispenser of saudi funds. you do the math

Thumb mckinl 21 February 2013, 13:19

What a hypocrite ... Does Hariri think everyone has forgotten the "milk and blankets" he had Saqr send to Syria?

The man would do better to shut up than open his mouth to make a fool of himself. Or does he really think the people are that stupid?

Either way Hariri looks like a jerk ... He doesn't even bother to address issues that effect Lebanese everyday because he hasn't a clue.

Missing canadianadam 21 February 2013, 16:10

So McKini my question is who are you? You gotta love how you re an alternate account for FT or Karim or Mowaten.

It shows their intelligence that they would somehow cover their identify by choosing an Irish name. Reminds me of that movie Superbad. You re now known as McLovin.

Thumb andre.jabbour 21 February 2013, 17:05

Right On, and Sophia Angle, josh.Bustany, Omar solh....etc. I noticed just too many similarities in the style and content.

Thumb primesuspect 21 February 2013, 13:21

What were you expecting Mr Prime Minister? The governement incorporated a terrorist faction.... worse than FARC!!!

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 13:32

the battle is now at our dor, brought to us by hizbushaitan.
the FSA is bombarding the positions of artillery of hizbushaitan based in Hermel.
thank you iran, aoun and hizbushaitan.
this is the second war hizbushaitan brings on us, and soon the third one will start with Israel.
hopefully by then hizbushaitan and his cronies will be wiped out for ever.

Thumb barbar 21 February 2013, 18:27

I'm not a fan of either Saadouneh or the KSA, but your comment has no logic at all. It makes total sense that Saad's government wiped out an extremist Islamist group a couple of years ago and therefore all March 14 cronies are Wahhabis. Go back to starting a war against basically everyone with Hezbushaitan and stop making uneducated and bigoted comments.

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 13:58

may I suggest to all to see this:

Thumb bigsami 21 February 2013, 16:10

Good one geha. It's obvious conditioned Hizb monkeys have hacked this thread and very likely the work of FARSI fagblower and his numerous aliases. Rarely do we see such support for the Iranian terrorists.

Default-user-icon +Oualid nabka + (Guest) 21 February 2013, 14:05

For once ur right saadeldin
So start by kicking out the so called fsa form the north especially in tripoli
Btw how many bodies came from Syria to tripoli and north?
Lebanon for Lebanese

Default-user-icon AZ (Guest) 21 February 2013, 14:10

What seems to be missing in all the comments here is the recognition that even if Hariri or others are sending weapons or allowing weapons to be sent to the FSA, this is not the same thing as sending soliders or "party members" to fight a war that is not their own. To lump these two ideas together and same they are the same is ignorant at best. Sending groups to fight for the Syrian government is the same as declaring war on the FSA. Sending weapons is NOT the same thing and does not carry with it the same dangers.

Default-user-icon AZ (Guest) 21 February 2013, 17:01

First of all, it is not an analogy, it is a statement trying to clarify an important difference. Second, I am positive that HA is sending fighters, regardless of what the US and Israel might say.

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 19:30

nasrallah told there were hezbis there mr the roar!

Thumb primesuspect 21 February 2013, 14:32

Stop insulting people, The only traitors are the ones in power. Nasrallah the terrorist, Aoun the war criminal and terrorist apprentice and Jumblatt, the mentally unstable warlord.

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 14:54

the traitors are the ones sold out to iran executing their orders.
so go play in your corner.
wanting Lebanon to be cleansed from all foreign Iranian invading terrorists is but normal for any true Lebanese.

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 15:11

I wish you were a normal being :)
if you cannot understand what I said then you have a major problem.
hizbushaitan is no more a resistance today: they execute the orders of iran and that has been proven so many times and it is all in the news.
furthermore, what is their business in Syria? the excuse that they are helping Lebanese living there is lame and futile. if there are Lebanese there then they are living in a foreign country and if they are in harms way, they should leave. but no hizbushaitan is assisting the Syrian regime.

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 17:20

the roar (actually more like a miaou)
what has KSA to do with all this?
your master nasrallah admitted those villages are Syrian territory, so my comment stands: Lebanese under threat should leave that country.
go play in your corner stupid aoun the clown follower.

Default-user-icon +Oua nabka + (Guest) 21 February 2013, 15:21

The bodies count in Syria account for chentchens, lybians, saoudies , quataries, Jordanian, falsetto, Egyptians, azeries , Turks,........ Even the USA and now Europeans are admitting that fanatics and al Qaeda type fighters are involved, just watch CNN yesterday of a singer of so called. Fsa praising the Attaq on twin towers
So if some Lebanese- are defending these type of fighters they are like them terrorists
God bless Lebanon

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (Guest) 21 February 2013, 15:32

it is true that qatar and wahhabies are arming nusra , but against whom? micheal angelo or mar mitr? we forgot the hero emir qatar in 2006? relax its going on,we repeat and repeat for the hundred of times on this site:the line from tehran baghdad damascus lebanon will be broken, its forbidden for iran to have a foothold on the mediterrenean,perhaps they can accomodate russia but not the farsis. i hope they can break the line b4 they put bloody gangrena in lebanon.

Thumb sophia_angle 21 February 2013, 16:16

Hariri will prosper n come back again, Assad's end is very near. I like AOun when he was fighting for liberation i still do but i see these two fellows must reunite. Two powers that makes Lebanon stronger! i hope so...so give a break for hoping @least:D

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 17:22

no way that will ever happen. aoun sold ut his soul to the Syrian regime and iran, he must be judged as the traitor he is.

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 17:24

no way, there is a major difference: hizbushaitan is shelling the Syrian people from Lebanese soil.
al mustaqbal are just sending aid to refugees. and even if they are facilitating the passage of weapons that is acceptable. the Syrian regime has been facilitating the transfer of weapons to hizbushaitan for so many years now....

Thumb geha 21 February 2013, 19:19

you forget what your nasrallah said after he started the 2006 war? if I knew....
go play in your corner, and by the way whe the Israelis came to Beirut, we dealt with them with true resistance, while they did not even enter dahyieh.... it says a lot NO?

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 19:29

lol rudes... have you seen armed mustaqbal mercenaries there? hezbis boast they are there....

so if you believe hezbis can be there you shouldn t blame others! double standards huh?

Missing peace 21 February 2013, 19:31

pledging allegiance to a foreign country like your hezbis isn t treason LOL!!

you d better think twice before treating your opponents of traitors LOL!!!

Default-user-icon +Oua Nabka + (Guest) 21 February 2013, 21:16

Ur right saadeldine
So start by kicking out the fsa from tripoli and north
Btw how many bodies came from Syria to tripoli and north
Lebanon for Lebanese