Syria Opposition Urges 'Surgical Strikes' on Assad Missiles

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Syria's opposition on Saturday called on international supporters to carry out "surgical strikes" on positions used by President Bashar Assad's regime to fire missiles on civilians.

Voicing frustration at the lack of a strong international response to Syria's crisis, the Syrian National Coalition urged Western and Arab countries gathered for a "Friends of Syria" meeting to take immediate action.

"It is the moral imperative of the international community, led by the Friends of Syria, to take specific, precise and immediate action to protect Syrian civilians from the use of ballistic missiles and chemical weapons," the Coalition said in a statement.

It called for "surgical strikes of launching locations by unmanned aerial vehicles".

The 11-nation core group of the Friends of Syria -- including the United States, European nations and Arab countries -- was holding talks and meeting with the opposition in Istanbul late Saturday.

Washington is expected to announce more support for the opposition after the talks, including for the first time provisions of non-offensive military equipment, but not the arms the rebels are demanding.

Yaser Tabbara, a spokesman for the opposition's interim prime minister Ghassan Hitto, said new pledges of aid were not enough.

"Assad is firing missiles against densely populated areas... without consequences. Throwing money at the problem won't solve it," he said.

The Coalition statement also called for the enforcement of a no-fly zone along Syria's northern and southern borders, an international fund to support the opposition and a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning the use of "ballistic and chemical weapons against civilians".

A senior U.S. official said Thursday that U.S. intelligence agencies are investigating accounts from European allies that Syria has used chemical weapons in the conflict.

Comments 13
Thumb ousama.ben.laden 20 April 2013, 20:16

كل شيء سيبقى على ما هو عليه فالعالم لا يريد إنتصار ولا حل بل يريدون دمار و لن يسقط بشار و المعارك مستمرة لسنواة حتى تدمير الشرق الأوسط كاملاً

Missing helicopter 20 April 2013, 20:44

Forget peace, harmony and coexistence. Our jihadists will eliminate all the infidels. Forget liberty and democracy, sharia is the only constituion......... ousamma.ben.laden

Thumb andre.jabbour 20 April 2013, 23:05


Missing eurybaric 20 April 2013, 23:23

@andre, helicopter's post reeks of sarcasm i believe ;)

Missing helicopter 21 April 2013, 02:03

Of course it is sarcasm. I tried for one minute to reside within the mind of Ousama or one of his follower to see what they think or how they speak. It is cold, dark, backward and one hell of a dungeon full of evil and hatred in there. I pray for their awakening.

Default-user-icon John Marina (Guest) 20 April 2013, 20:39

Are those thugs friends of Syria? They are destroying Syria in the name of democracy and Syria, which Syria are they talking about?

Thumb andre.jabbour 20 April 2013, 23:06

EXCELLENT suggestion.

Missing tomahawk 21 April 2013, 01:33

Oh by the way your children will well looked after by missionaries Christians which will make them adapt to our society !!!!

Missing topace 21 April 2013, 02:38

Sunnis are the Antichrist of our Society Josh , they are the number one enemies of Christians, take a look just recently of terror , always Sunnis Muslims , whether Chechen , Egyptian , Malian , Pakistani , Afghanistani, Palestian , Iraqis, Syrians , Somalis, Sudanians, Libiyans, Tunisians , Morocans, Saudis', Yemanies, Kuwaities' , Indonisians, Malaysiains, ...... I could go on and on ... These Sunni fanatical Jihadist are a problem and should be dealt with promptly !

Missing tomahawk 21 April 2013, 06:44

This has been an ongoing war for over ten years . Let us Christians finish it off , who gives a damn if it is politically correct or not , they are manipulating the system , these fanatics want WAR then us Christians declear war onto them , we wil bring terror to them direct via live activities no matter where they are , even at their infidel Mosque that spreads terror upon our way of life . All you Christians enough of our bullshit politicians , let us wage a Holy Crusaders' War against these infidels Sunnis extremists' , that at least is a match against these devil supporters that we will win instead of not doing anything which we wil win ,

Missing tomahawk 21 April 2013, 06:56

I totally stick to my statement above , as for the mainstream Islam I have nothing against them , but I do suggest that they do have a duty to declear their stance , I.e , where they stand ? By these infidel fanatics or by their true virtue teachings of the Koran ? No is you chance to see where the true Muslims stand and by whom ? The fanatics / extremists or by the true teachings of your "Holy Koran"!

Missing peace 21 April 2013, 14:14

then tell us accordionman what good does bashar bring to the region? tell us why he should stay dictator?

Thumb barbar 21 April 2013, 18:08

Throughout history, the Sunni Islamic Empires have been much, much more tolerant to other religions. On the other hand, in Christian Europe, even other sects of Christianity would be killed and massacred just for being slightly different. If what you're saying is true, then all of the Balkans would right now be exclusively Sunni. Don't try using history as a beacon for prejudice, especially when it's false.