Netanyahu: Iran Ordered that Syria Provide Hizbullah with Advanced Arms

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Iran has ordered that Syria provide Hizbullah with advanced weapons; Israel will do all in its power to stop this transfer of weapons, the Israeli prime minister said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied reports in the media on Monday of alleged Israeli forces operating in Syria.

"Any talk of undercover Israeli forces operating in Syria is nonsense," Netanyahu said.

According to the prime minister, "Syria is in the midst of a long process of breaking apart that is seeping into our area. In fact, Iran is propping up Assad's regime and it is they who have instructed Hizbullah to enter active combat in Syria. Iran is providing Assad with money, resources, and advisers. For 40 years the Syrian border had been peaceful, but this might be changing before our very eyes."

Netanyahu asked the members of the Knesset not to leak to the press his comments regarding the arrangements that were reached with respect to the transfer of S-300 missile systems from Russia to Syria, Israel's Haaretz newspaper reported Tuesday.

"Syria decided to provide Hizbullah with advanced lethal weapons," he said. "The weapons in question are of high quality and in a larger quantity than Syria had handed over up to this point. The transfer of arms can be sourced to an Iranian decision, with Assad carrying it out. The transfer of these weapons is sufficient to tip the balance of power to the point that we may have to change our security policy."

According to Netanyahu, "Israel will do all that it can to prevent the transfer of these weapons to Hizbullah."

Comments 14
Thumb dandoun 11 June 2013, 08:41

hahhahahahah heheheheheheheh hohhohohohohoho

Thumb Chupachups 11 June 2013, 14:34


Missing phillipo 11 June 2013, 09:21

It is pathetic that a true Lebanese can make fun of someone who is warning you of the threat to your country brought on by Hizballah.
No matter how much you may hate Israel, it is at least trying to cool down the situation in the Middle East and bring about a true free and independent Lebanon with no armed terrorist groups threatening its very existance.

Default-user-icon basijbajam (Guest) 11 June 2013, 09:29

I Love ISRAEl! they are much more sympathetic than the Hizbfilth!
if the choice is between the wilayat fakih or Israel , Israel will be the choice! keep on grwing your ennemies ya bajam the day will come and you will pay a general and total invoice on all your crimes!

Thumb jcamerican 11 June 2013, 11:52

I don't think they hate Israel, Natanyahu is the hated, even Obama and Sarkouzy hate him. Got my point.

Missing phillipo 11 June 2013, 15:01

If as you say it is not Israel they hate, but Natanyahu, why didn't they keep to the Peace Agreement signed in the late 1980's, a long time before Netanyahu was voted into power. Their then Syrian masters forced them to tear it up.
Don't worry, according to the recent elections, it seems that a lot of Israelis also hate Natanyahu.

Thumb mckinl 11 June 2013, 10:26

All the US-NATO-GCC-Zionists are ramping up the rhetoric after their stunning defeats lately. Netanyahu is just setting the stage for more Israeli air raids in service to Al Nusra.

Unfortunately news services in Lebanon are taking the bait of this violent and hateful rhetoric rather than calm the situation which would be in the best interest of the Lebanese people.

Thumb benzona 11 June 2013, 14:51

Thank-you for the lesson of history. And if I may add, Russia/CCCP never let anything happen to them either although they sold their migs to the Arabs.

Thank God the Chinese aren't followers of the religion of the book....

Missing phillipo 11 June 2013, 14:57

I'd like to make a correction to your list of errors.
The furthest an Arab army ever got was actually in 1948 when the Egyptian Army almost reached Ashdod, before being surrounded in the Falluja Pocket and forced to capitulate (just like the 3rd Army was years later).
You completely forget to include air bridge from the USSR to Egypt and Syria, and don't include that it was Soviet pilots in Egyptian Air Force Planes who were shot down a month before the war.

Missing phillipo 11 June 2013, 14:58

Exactly what banned weapons does Netanyahu have? Nuclear ? Banned by whom?

Thumb bigsami 11 June 2013, 17:54

That fist look ripe for Hassan, Bashar and last but not least, Ahmadinejad! Go get em! Rid us all from the sewage that plagues our people and world!

Thumb bigsami 11 June 2013, 21:14

Motomouth......your so lame dude! Figures you bend over for the likes of Hassan and Farsis!

Missing nai0271 11 June 2013, 22:29

Hopefully Netanyahu will stick to his word and bomb Irans sidekick Hizballuh and take out the weapons before they are transfered....we have plenty of issues regarding the hizballuh faqih state of south lebanon to deal with.

Thumb dandoun 12 June 2013, 08:54

ya wayleeee u can see the anger in his face..jeye dawrkoun ...inshalla...