Putin Says U.S. Must Renounce Use of Force for Syria Plan to Work as Senators Draft New Measure

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Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday the United States should renounce the option of using force in Syria to allow checks on Damascus' chemical weapons to go ahead.

"It all makes sense and can work if the U.S. side and all those who support it renounce the use of force," he said according to Russian television.

Putin, whose proposal Monday to secure Syria's chemical weapons was welcomed by Western powers, said Syrians viewed the arsenal as an "alternative" to Israel's nuclear arms.

"It is difficult to constrain Syria or another country to disarm unilaterally while military action against that country is being prepared.

"Russia's position on this question is well known: we are against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, chemical or nuclear," he added.

The United States, which accuses the Syrian regime of using chemical weapons on its people, has insisted that military action to punish the regime remains on the table.

But Putin said he hoped that by working with Syria in tandem with the Americans, a peaceful solution could be reached.

Meanwhile, a group of U.S. senators were crafting a new measure Tuesday that ties authorization for a military strike on Syria to action by the United Nations.

The lawmakers, including allies and foes of President Barack Obama, were drafting language that would alter a resolution currently under debate which would green-light limited U.S. strikes to punish President Bashar Assad's regime for its alleged use of chemical weapons.

The new measure, according to congressional aides familiar with it, would require the immediate initiation of the transfer of Syria's chemical weapons stockpile to international control, as proposed by Russia in an initiative which is being closely studied by the White House.

"Basically, the AUMF (authorization for use of military force) would be conditional and triggered only if the Russian plan fails," a Senate aide told Agence France Presse.

The measure would grant such authority, the aide said, "only in the absence of certification by the president that a U.N. Security Council resolution had passed that includes specific conditions, and that those conditions were being met along a specified timeline."

A second Senate aide said the measure aimed to establish a timeline to ensure Assad and Moscow were not using their initiative as a stalling tactic.

Obama has agreed to test the viability of Russia's plan at the United Nations, a move that could head off contentious use-of-force votes in Congress, where lawmakers remain intensely skeptical of a military strike on Syria.

On Tuesday top Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, who remained largely silent on Syria last week, came out opposed to the intervention.

"A vital national security risk is clearly not at play (and) there are just too many unanswered questions about our long-term strategy in Syria, including the fact that this proposal is utterly detached from a wider strategy to end the civil war there," McConnell said on the Senate floor.

But House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said she was urging her members to back use of force authority, saying Obama's threat of U.S. force is what compelled Russia to put forward its initiative.

"We don't want the Russians to think his leverage is diminished," Pelosi told reporters after White House Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough held a packed classified briefing with Democratic members.

As to whether Russia might be merely seeking to delay action, Pelosi said Washington needed to stand firm.

"We can't have rope-a-dope," she said. The Russian initiative and its verification "can't be endless, but I don't think it can ignored."

Comments 9
Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10 September 2013, 21:28

I don't know how this can be seen as anything but a defeat to Assad. His ONLY leverage against any operation by Israel were those chemical weapons. His borders are now wide open ( if he stays ) to any future operation by Israel in retaliation for his support to the "resistance axis". All he has now is his regular armed forces (a joke, at best) which will not last "six days" against any threat, especially Israel. Spin doctors can spin all they want but assad's prestige and in your face attitude has been hugely diminished.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10 September 2013, 21:41

Spin away haile. The US got what they wanted (if this goes through) without wasting a single penny on a tomahawk. That's the truth. Assad chickened out and bowed under pressure. No matter how you spin it.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 September 2013, 06:32

Sure sure FT. As I said. All Russia did was save American tax payers money. USA got what they want without having to lift a finger. Russia gave it to them on a silver plate. Weakening their "proxy". And if you call Assad "standing" that is laughable. Assad just took one from his "allies".
And lol at Russia the peacemaker.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 September 2013, 06:47

And P.S. the rebels still stand as well. It is your group that said that the USA wants to turn Syria into a failed state. Not topple Assad. They are succeeding.

Missing fireextinguisher 10 September 2013, 21:50

You have to appreciate the little KGB agent. He will try to out fox the world. He has had some success, lets see if his luck holds up.

Thumb primesuspect 10 September 2013, 23:53

I think US/RU aren't foes as most imagine; they're helping each other out. Even this snowden issue,, there's little the Russians didn't already know because that's what superpowers do. stop imagining Star Wars conflicts.... because the only losers are the middle eastern people who fail to progress in the modern era with a few exceptions such as the UAE.
very sad.

Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 11 September 2013, 04:58

Stop your Rambling M11er
Long live RUSSIA !
As for Israel well ? Continue with your PR Peace Talks ! What BS !
Who's next ?
KSA / GCC states ?
Keep paying your Insurance Premiums , they have gone up by 30% to the Zionists !
It's called protection money , you all need it !
Your Puppets ( FSA/ alNusra / al qaeda ) will be left out in the cold ......
Signed Wolf !!!!!

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 11 September 2013, 10:16

haile.. there is no need to call anyone ignorant or stubborn.. if you have been here a while you would know that i have attacked m14 as well as m8 and i do not follow any ideology but my own... and speak it the way it is.. this was a loss for Assad handed to him by his own ally..
i have argued about economical issues in the past, and i am not discussing or saying that the USA is doing the right or wrong thing but the fact of this current issue.
you talk about putin making america maneuver and waste energy.. with what? with some talk?? what energy have america wasted so far? NONE.
and next time please click reply and answer as i did not see your post till today.

Missing samiam 11 September 2013, 14:30

putin is an old school communist--he puts people in jail in Russia for speaking out against him, and has by intimidation and other means tries to control what used to be the USSR.

the only thing he cares about is ASSad and keeping a port in the Med.