Assad Says 'Terrorists' Obey Foreign States, West Fighting 'Imaginary Enemy'

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Syrian President Bashar Assad accused foreign nations of giving orders to "terrorists" battling his government's forces in an interview with China's state CCTV broadcast Monday.

He spoke as U.N. Security Council members negotiate a resolution on how to respond if Syria fails to fulfill an international deal to eliminate its chemical weapons arsenal.

The United States, Britain and France want a tough resolution that could include sanctions or the use of force if Syria fails to follow through, but Russia opposes such language.

Assad told CCTV Damascus would carry out its commitments, but warned that militants obeying outside powers might try to make it seem otherwise.

"We know that those terrorists follow the orders of other countries," he said, in an online video of the interview.

"And these countries might incite the terrorists to block the inspectors from arriving, in order to blame the Syrian government for obstructing the implementation of the agreement."

Under the plan, a tentative deadline of last Saturday was set for a full accounting of Syria's chemical arsenal, which is to be destroyed by mid-2014.

The Hague-based Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is overseeing the process, said Saturday it had received a complete inventory from Syria and was scrutinizing the data.

Assad acknowledged the arsenal was big, and said it was manufactured in the 1980s and 1990s to counter neighbor and rival Israel.

"Syria has manufactured these chemical weapons for decades so naturally the quantities will be large," he said. "We're a country at war and we have territory that has been occupied for over 40 years."

Nonetheless "we will honor everything that we have agreed to do", he was quoted on CCTV's website as saying.

Assad was further quoted as accusing the U.S., Britain and France of "trying to make themselves winners in a war against a Syria which is their imaginary enemy.”

But he expressed confidence that fellow veto-holding Security Council members China and Russia would block Western efforts to authorize the use of force against his country.

"China and Russia are playing a positive role in the U.N. Security Council to ensure any excuse for military action against Syria will not stand," he was quoted as saying.

"Thus Syria should not be concerned by any such draft or deal."

There are hopes the deal could pave the way for talks to end the 30-month conflict, which has killed more than 110,000 people and forced two million to flee abroad.

The agreement headed off U.S. military action against Damascus and is now to be enshrined in a U.N. resolution.

Most Western governments and the Syrian opposition accuse forces loyal to Assad of unleashing chemical weapons that killed hundreds last month.

He denies mounting the attack.

Comments 14
Thumb mckinl 23 September 2013, 12:36

New Info on the Chemical Weapons ... Robert Fisk

FYI: Gas missiles 'were not sold to Syria'

"information is now circulating in the city that Russia's new "evidence" about the attack includes the dates of export of the specific rockets used and – more importantly – the countries to which they were originally sold. They were apparently manufactured in the Soviet Union in 1967 and sold by Moscow to three Arab countries, Yemen, Egypt and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's Libya."


Thumb mckinl 23 September 2013, 12:37

This begs the question:

What did Qatar know when it tried to hire Britam Defence LTD of London when it wanted them to supply Russian dressed mercs to fire chem weapons???

At the time this plot looked "cooked" so as not to be credible but now that this info on the origin of these Sarin missiles can be traced to Russia ... maybe not so much.

Russia is a major competitor with Qatar for EU gas sales. Putting Russia on the hook for chem attacks was doubtful at best but Qatar has shown it can bungle badly.

Thumb mckinl 23 September 2013, 12:38


Britam Defence contract from Qatar:

""Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria""

"We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.

We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.

They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.

Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?""


Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 23 September 2013, 12:47

Please, I beg you STOP! The evidence is overwhelming and convincing! Have mercy.... we are convinced.

Thumb mckinl 23 September 2013, 13:06

Gas missiles 'were not sold to Syria'

Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria

Thumb mckinl 23 September 2013, 22:25

Read the articles. They did not say that Assad did not buy gas missiles, just that those found had serial numbers that were sold to Gaddafi, Yemen and Egypt ... Not Syria!

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 23 September 2013, 12:45

Bless you and a million bless you. Yes, We're a country at war and we have territory that has been occupied for over 40 years. We have been fighting for 40 years in Iraq, Lebanon, and where else... yeah, in many other places far and distant. We manufactured these chemical weapons in the 1980s and 1990s to counter neighbor and rival Israel, but never had the chance to use them or test them. Prior to launching the chemical weapons, we carried a small test in August against some terrorists in Ghouta, to determine how effective these weapons can be before we use them on a large scale against the zionists. We committed to abolishing these weapons out of respect for humanity, and deter the american warmonger aggressor against our beloved Syria. Robert Fisk, the purely independent and well respected writer and chemical weapons expert will confirm the aforementioned.

Thumb mckinl 23 September 2013, 13:20

Yaaaawn ...

Missing imagine1979 23 September 2013, 13:22

Thank you mckinl for ur comment... Just like when each one of march 14 figure was assassinated we had some kamso and kandil and co. telling us that it was orchestrated to push for a UN resolution each time..
Weird how every opponent of the syrian regime autodudistruct...
Hv pitty mckinl for the thousands of syrian killed, thousands of lebanese assassinated, deported, jailled... by this regime... Just hv some pitty of those...
Anw again might be wrong but still it is kind of weird...

Thumb Machia 23 September 2013, 14:20

Poor little butcher, he and his daddy have been manufacturing chemical weapons "for decades" to use against the Zionist-enemy-that-has-been-occupying-the-Golan-for-decades-and-Pussy(square root of Assad)-never-even-threw-at-them-a-chewing-gum.
And now the bad bad West is taking them away from them. Assouda told the Russians: "it's not me sir, I didn't do it. I swear. I don't want to be slapped. Please sir take away my chemical toys. I only gassed them a little but please tell the UN parents committee that actually it is them who gassed themselves."

Thumb sophia_angle 23 September 2013, 14:31

to hell to extremism hail to democracy in all arab world with no exceptions!

Missing applesandoranges 23 September 2013, 15:30


Thumb Bandoul 23 September 2013, 16:49

@beiruti! Bingo, have a cigar, you nailed it. I think all countries engage in illegitimate arms trading when the legal channels prohibit such sales.

Thumb Bandoul 23 September 2013, 16:53

to the deceivers, I say this:

Losers lose, winners win;
Cheaters cheat, and sinners sin.
Dreamers dream, cryers cry;
Fools believe, and Liars Lie

(Song: by Le Ann Womack lyrics: by Sally Barris, Morgane Hayes and Liz Roze)