قيادي في حزب الله مطلوب اميركيا قُتِل في سوريا

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قتل قيادي في حزب الله ملاحق من مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي الاميركي بصفته "من اخطر الارهابيين في العالم"، خلال مشاركته في القتال في سوريا.

وقال احد سكان بلدة عين قانا الجنوبية لوكالة فرانس برس رافضا الكشف عن اسمه، ان "فوزي ايوب قتل في المعركة في سوريا، واقيم له مأتم في بلدته عين قانا امس، شارك فيه الكثيرون لتقديم التعازي الى عائلته".

واوضح شخص آخر من القرية ان ايوب "كان قائدا ميدانيا في حزب الله في منطقة حلب" في شمال سوريا.

وكانت مواقع الكترونية مقربة من حزب الله نشرت بيانا للحزب الشيعي الذي يساند قوات النظام السوري في حربها ضد المعارضة المسلحة جاء فيه "يزف حزب الله الى صاحب العصر والزمان استشهاد ثلاثة من مجاهديه البواسل الذين قضوا اثناء قيامهم بواجبهم الجهادي"، وبين الثلاثة "الشهيد القائد الحاج فوزي أيوب".

وذكر مكتب التحقيقات الفدرالي (اف بي آي) على موقعه الالكتروني ان ايوب متهم منذ 2009 بمحاولة الدخول الى اسرائيل بجواز اميركي مزور من اجل القيام بعملية تفجير.

واعتقل ايوب في اسرائيل في العام 2000، ثم افرج عنه بعد ثلاث سنوات في اطار عملية تبادل اسرى مع حزب الله.

وقد عاش لفترة طويلة في كندا قبل انضمامه الى حزب الله.

من جهة اخرى نعى الحزب ايضا محمود الحايك الذي يحاكم غيابيا بتهمة محاولة اغتيال وزير الإتصالات بطرس حرب.

وجاء في البيان المنشور على موقع "شبكة اخبار النبطية" على الانترنت والمرفق بصورة للحايك بلباس مدني "يزف حزب الله وبلدة عدشيت الجنوبية الحاج محمود حايك الذي قضى اثناء قيامه بواجبه الجهادي".

واكد احد سكان عدشيت لوكالة فرانس برس رافضا الكشف عن هويته ان الحايك "قتل خلال مشاركته في القتال في سوريا"، مشيرا الى ان جميع سكان البلدة يعرفون انه متهم بقتل حرب.

وهناك مذكرة توقيف غيابية في حق الحايك وقرار اتهامي طلب له السجن لدى الحياة بسبب اقدامه على وضع عبوة ناسفة في المصعد المؤدي الى مكتب حرب في منطقة بدارو "ومحاولته قتله عمداً وعن سابق تصوّر وتصميم، إلا أن الجرم لم يتحقق لأسباب خارجة عن إرادته"، بحسب نص القرار.

وحصل ذلك في تموز 2012. واستدعي الحايك للمثول امام المحكمة العسكرية مرتين، من دون ان يحضر. وكانت هناك جلسة محددة في 30 ايار، على ان تبدأ بعدها المحاكمة الغيابية، اذا لم يحضر.

التعليقات 83
Thumb Machia 13:31 ,2014 أيار 27

A great loss to humanity. He graduated from Hezbollah University of Assassination and Murder with a PHD in TTB (Terrorism, Torture and Brainwashing) and then immigrated to Canada to put his multiple skills at work. He was immidiatley headhunted by Hussein's Kabab shop where he became one of the best sweepers. But he could not escape his calling to maim, blow up civilians and children.
The rest is history. Today he graduated to martyr and retired. He owns Ayoub's kebab shop in Demon Avenue, Helltown, next to Goebells Strudel's.

Thumb Machia 15:36 ,2014 أيار 27

Southern, you learn well from the great thinker Khamanei. After all he invented antibiotics and the internet.

Za beoble hate za USA. Death to Amrica.
Zey atomized Hiroshima, zey invented taliban, zey are very worse nation. But I love ze Amrican beoble.

Thumb ado.australia 19:20 ,2014 أيار 27

There is nothing but pity and regret that the great country that was Iraq is now the sectarian waste land it is today. When Saddam Husain took over Iraq, it was the most advanced and wealthy state in the Middle East. what happened is text book on how foreigners can bleed a country dry before hanging it up like a dirty sock. Like the Shaa of Iran, Saddam was used then thrown out with the trash.... One earlier than expected and the other when every bit of juice was squeezed from it. But no lesson will be learnt from the remaining socks in the Middle East.

Thumb cedre 13:37 ,2014 أيار 27

or 1 way ticket to Tehran with free plastic surgery...

Thumb geha 15:18 ,2014 أيار 27

hizbushaitan is daily returning dead fighters from Syria.

we should thank this terrorist group for ridding us of all these terrorists.

Thumb geha 15:21 ,2014 أيار 27

hizbushaitan is daily returning dead fighters from Syria.

we should thank this terrorist group for ridding us of all these terrorists.

Thumb .mowaten. 15:52 ,2014 أيار 27

yea, "thank" the terrorists, and then come tell us you dont support them :)

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:14 ,2014 أيار 27

momo- isn't that what you do every time you thank ASSad for killing "takfiris" while at the same time claim that ASSad is the lessor of two evils? hypocrite much? oh wait, you don't think ASSad is the lessor of two evils, you think he's a hero because your a true Lebanese national. what a joke. are you ashamed of telling the truth and admitting that you are a syrian masquerading as a Lebanese?

Thumb geha 16:21 ,2014 أيار 27

you dot it wrong! by terrorists to thank, I mean hizbushaitan!
we should thank hizbushaitan for sending so many of their terrorists to be killed in Syria.

Thumb .mowaten. 18:12 ,2014 أيار 27

as i said before, compared to those takfiris and so-called rebels, assad is an angel.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:14 ,2014 أيار 27

1.There is nothing on this universe that you can compare to ASSad that would make him look like an angel. Not even a meteor.
2. Since when do atheists believe in angels?

Thumb .mowaten. 20:18 ,2014 أيار 27

i know this is too much for your limited mental abilities, but you dont need to believe in angels to use the expression. just like saying someone is a monster does not mean you believe there are monsters hidden under your bed.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:11 ,2014 أيار 27

Momo is getting frustrated once more. Typical response from someone who can't keep up with his/her lies. Tell me Momo, how many of your atheist pals defend a self proclaimed "party of God"? And use devil and angel to describe people? Full of lot hot air would be the nicest way to describe you.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 23:55 ,2014 أيار 27

what are you babbling about full disclosure? I am referring to HA, the self proclaimed "party of GOD" and NOT M8 or M14. are you stating that there are atheists among the self proclaimed " party of GOD" or they just an abundance of atheist supporters? I am not talking M8. I am talking HA which clearly is whom momo constantly paints as a victim and as angels. momo is a paid propagandist. end of story.
btw- when are you ever going to give me your thoughts on the ANTALIAS botched bombing? i'd love to hear from you and momo on how believable you think it is for two HA operatives to drive out to ANTALIAS and play hot potato with bomb as a way of settling their car purchase dispute?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 00:28 ,2014 أيار 28

Tex- they must have purchased the bombs from the same grocery store that they purchased all those "propane/gas tanks" that kept exploding or the Mercedes cars that kept catching on fire from an "electrical malfunction". Notice how those things suddenly stopped happening? It's a miracle! Oh wait, since momo and full disclosure are atheists, they don't believe in miracles. Except when it applies to the self proclaimed "party o GOD"

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 04:47 ,2014 أيار 28

Full disclosure. Tell me, who are scum? A person that mocks your idiocy or someone who supports a murdering militia? Tell me from where you gathered that I have a problem with religious Shiites? What an idiotic empty comment. Exactly what makes me sectarian? Mocking a guy/girl that constantly gets caught lying? Or mocking supporters of a regime that burnt my country to the ground? Or better yet mocking idiots like you who claim they are of a superior mind to all M14 while only arguing with a single human being (myself) and yet believing asinine stories of why HA is innocent of crimes thy are accused of. No my delusional friend, scum are those who support HA. No two ways about it. Good day to you too.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 05:23 ,2014 أيار 28

Dude- you missed the whole point. I wasn't calling out atheists at all. I was calling out momo for his lies. I can careless about people religions or lack there of. I am mocking momo for claiming to be an atheist that is supporting a militia exclusive to Shiites named "party of GOD" out his/her convictions and using words such as "devil","angels", "thank God". Sorry bud, it does not compute. Is it possible? Sure. Is it likely? Not at the very least.

Thumb .mowaten. 13:48 ,2014 أيار 27

funny that Ayoub was indicted in the US, for trying to enter israel. could they be clearer in demonstrating how subservient to israel the US has become?

Thumb skeletor 13:57 ,2014 أيار 27

eager to meet you so you may introduce yourself

Default-user-icon Read Properly (ضيف) 14:11 ,2014 أيار 27

Ya mowaten read it again. He was indicted in the USA because he used a fake US passport to try to enter a foreign country. Had he tried to use this fake passport to enter zimbabwe, he would have also been indicted in the US.

Missing georgeskyp 14:48 ,2014 أيار 27

I think its cause he used a fake US passport. Otherwise, I do agree the US does come off as completely subservient. Check out the new laws they are trying to pass regarding Israel as a strategic partner and the Iran negotiation. A total farce. But I think its all AIPAC appeasing bullshit in line with the coming election.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:03 ,2014 أيار 27

Read Properly & georgeskyp: you're both right.
it reminds me of the israeli agents who used fake UK and australian passports for their Dubai murder. does anyone know if they got indicted?

Thumb Machia 15:22 ,2014 أيار 27

here you go http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/8224391/New-Mossad-chief-to-apologise-for-use-of-UK-passports-in-Dubai-killing.html

Thumb Machia 15:24 ,2014 أيار 27

But then again he was a Hamas militant. Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. I thought that they are takfiris??? But Hezbollah hearts those takfiris.

Thumb .mowaten. 15:50 ,2014 أيار 27

machia thanks for the link, which not only confirms they were not indicted, but also that "Dagan bluntly refused to apologise over the use of the faked passports – let alone offer the guarantee demanded by Britain that the theft would not recur."

and about hamas, only a total ignorant could confuse them with takfiris. fyi, takfiris are people who declare others "kufars" and kill them, claiming it's a religious duty.
if anything the fact that HA helped hamas only proves that HA does not stop at sectarian considerations, but instead helps palestinians in their righteous cause.

Thumb .mowaten. 15:51 ,2014 أيار 27

veritas: that can only be a joke, so thanks for making me laugh :)

Thumb EagleDawn 17:38 ,2014 أيار 27

which mowaten name are you using 'crusher'? _mowaten_ or .mowaten. or .mowaten or mowaten. or ......?

Thumb Machia 18:30 ,2014 أيار 27

Mowaten said "hamas, only a total ignorant could confuse them with takfiris" and Mowaten likes links so here you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamization_of_the_Gaza_Strip

I quote:" "I expect our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza."Sheik Saqer has asserted that there is "no need" for Christians in Gaza to maintain Christian institutions and demanded that Hamas "must work to impose an Islamic rule or it will lose the authority it has and the will of the people.""

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:42 ,2014 أيار 27

You're making it way too easy machia, did you think selective quoting would do the trick?
You forgot the "Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadia Salafiya, a rival group to Hamas" part, in the page you linked:

"Following the Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007, Abu Saqer, leader of Jihadia Salafiya, a rival group to Hamas, announced the opening of a "military wing" to enforce Muslim law in Gaza. "I expect our Christian neighbors to understand the new Hamas rule means real changes. They must be ready for Islamic rule if they want to live in peace in Gaza."

Thumb Machia 19:25 ,2014 أيار 27

Mowaten said: "You're making it way too easy machia, did you think selective quoting would do the trick?"
Jihadia Salafiya or Muslim Brotherhood is like grey and dark grey.
But to satisfy you here is a link from your favourite publication: http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/16186
And here's another from Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/26/us-palestinians-christians-conversion-idUSBRE86P0J420120726
Here's another one:

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:15 ,2014 أيار 27

none of this has anything to do with takfirism. but nice try.

Thumb Machia 21:52 ,2014 أيار 27

Correct "A Takfiri (from Arabic: تكفيري‎ takfīrī) is a Muslim who accuses another Muslim of apostasy.[1] The accusation itself is called takfir, derived from the word kafir (infidel) and is described as when "one who is, or claims to be, a Muslim is declared impure.""
Ooof Hamas is not Takfiri they just want to impose Sharia on Christians. Thank God. Thank you Mowaten for showing me the right path. Aslem Taslam.

Missing abdallah 06:20 ,2014 أيار 28

Machia, instead of posting propaganda articles, look at facts. Hamas has ruled the gaza strip for 7 years now and the Islamic law has still not been implimented (and even if it were, christians would not be in danger and would have a choice of being judged according to their own preferred law, meaning they would not be touched by the islamic law unless a christian would specifically ask for his judgement to be according to that law). Christians still live in the gaza strip. Even those who manage to get visas from israel for vaccations outside the strip return home even though they easily could have taken the opportunity to seek asylum in some other country. Some m14ers make it way to easy for m8ers to smash their claims (and vice versa for that matter).

Thumb EagleDawn 13:51 ,2014 أيار 27

Stew in Hell and breath its eternal flames. Hope your whole village joins you too

Thumb skeletor 13:56 ,2014 أيار 27

I can confirm this one. We had a brief meeting and he identified himself as Ayoub. He is roasting now

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 14:05 ,2014 أيار 27

for sure he will not get boared he took with him at least 500 terrorists to roast with him in hell
let them kill each other till extermination

Default-user-icon Michael (ضيف) 14:06 ,2014 أيار 27

The Sunnites of Lebanon are a disgrace to Lebanon, go back to Saudi Arabia you towelheads. This is coming from a March 14 Maronite.

Thumb Machia 15:15 ,2014 أيار 27

The Sunnis of Lebanon, like Mashnouk, Saniora, Rifi and the rest of March 14, are the true resistance. They are a peaceful, intelligent, courageous and tough.
They are resisting the most murderous regimes on earth and one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the globe: The Islamic Republic of Iran, Bashar and his worshipers and Hezbollah.

Thumb freedomarch 22:09 ,2014 أيار 27

Agree 100% Machia.

Missing coolmec 02:42 ,2014 أيار 28

I thought Nouhad Mashnouk was christian

Missing georgeskyp 15:34 ,2014 أيار 27

Why Michael?

Thumb freedomarch 22:26 ,2014 أيار 27

Who stepped on your tail, M14/2+1 :)

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 14:08 ,2014 أيار 27

allah la yredak
may you burn in hell
i hope your children have the same end you had

Missing greatpierro 16:32 ,2014 أيار 27

you are mistaken. You would not imagine how many are happy that terrorist are being eliminated.

Default-user-icon dored (ضيف) 16:27 ,2014 أيار 27


Missing greatpierro 16:30 ,2014 أيار 27

Now we can understand why the USA do not want to help the rebellion with weapons that can shorten the conflict. By letting the situation lingers on, the USA are slowly but surely getting rid of shia and sunni extremist, weakening the syrian and iranian regime alike while achieving big profits for us weapon industry.

Thumb Mystic 16:52 ,2014 أيار 27

Every one of these heroes, have atleast taken 100 dead salafis with him to his death. That's how Resistance fighters do, he is a martyr, and he shall not be forgotten. All you Zionist Salafis in here, keep whining. It's an honor to die protecting Lebanon's borders.

Thumb Mystic 17:12 ,2014 أيار 27

Not sad, to die a martyr is a great death. So what is there to be sad about?

Missing peace 17:18 ,2014 أيار 27

yes sure... we know that for you death is more important than life...

so go and enjoy! lilililililililililililililiiiii!

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:53 ,2014 أيار 27

Propaganda bla bla bla ... tell me how many Shia youths have died for Bachar el Assad instead of giving their lives to build our country ?

You LIE when you talk about protecting our borders. The only thing they are protecting is Bachar !

Thumb Machia 18:39 ,2014 أيار 27

Mystic, stop wasting your time on this forum and run to fight the takfiris in Syria. Kill as many as you want and take all your Islamo fascist friends who are followers of the Islamic Republic of Iran with you to fight the good fight. I am sure Fawzi Ayub will employ you all at his kebab shop on Demon Avenue, Helltown, if you are lucky enough to become a martyr.

Missing abdallah 06:26 ,2014 أيار 28

Polytheists who go to help tyrants do not die as martyrs, they die as mushrikeen and mijremeen to be fuel for the fire.

Thumb Mystic 16:54 ,2014 أيار 27

If Naharnet reported how many takfiris that died in Syria everyday, then their whole website articles, would be spammed with dead salafis.

Missing peace 17:10 ,2014 أيار 27

condoleances ya brave antilebanese agent....

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:54 ,2014 أيار 27

If Hezbollah reported how many young shiites died in Syria everyday, you would no longer have any supporters. This is why you bury your dead in "secret" and threaten their families to shut them up !

Default-user-icon Michael (ضيف) 16:56 ,2014 أيار 27

How about you talk about the FSA and Al-Qaida. Why do you have the picture of Christ while everything you say is filth. Are you some Saudi Arabian apologist masquerading as a Christian?

Thumb Mystic 17:12 ,2014 أيار 27

You are making a fool out of yourself, you are hysterical again as always.

Thumb geha 17:23 ,2014 أيار 27

the only hysterical terrorist is you mystic :)
you go and kill Syrian babies and expect that no one will be killed from your buddies? stupid as usual :)

Thumb Mystic 17:53 ,2014 أيار 27

What babies are you talking about? The ones your salafis slaughter everyday with knives?

Thumb Marc 17:46 ,2014 أيار 27

Question is how many Lebanese HA fighters are getting killed everyday and what for? You know in these civil wars a deal is brokered at the end and "Ra7et 3alee Ra7"

Thumb .mowaten. 18:32 ,2014 أيار 27

Marc, there are facts, and then there are anonyme's hallucinations.
read for yourself:

Thumb .mowaten. 20:00 ,2014 أيار 27

top using propaganda keywords outside of their contect. "taqqiya" is a muslim concept that allows people to hide their faith if they are at risk of being killed for it.
in the present context it is irrelevant, unless you are trying to give a sectarian connotation to the conversation.

Thumb .mowaten. 20:11 ,2014 أيار 27

as for your article, are you serious?
you claimed
"A deal was brokered & everybody signed off on it in Geneva 2"
my article posted above proved the contrary.

now you post an article that was written on january 22 and that talks about geneva 1 (geneva 2 ended 9 days after your article was written).

FYI syria was not invited at geneva 1, western powers thought it was enough for them to meet between themselves and decide the future of syria. LOL

Missing people-power 21:20 ,2014 أيار 27

Mowaten the paid propagandist.... please give us mo-taqiya, we believe everything you say..... NOT!

Thumb .mowaten. 21:41 ,2014 أيار 27

"Mowaten the Liar" : do you realize how childish this makes you sound?

I'm not going to waste more time turning in circles with you, you're trying to complicate the matter to dilute simple facts:

-geneva I did not include the Syrian regime, it was its enemies meeting and deciding the regime should go (LOL) and which, as you said yourself was rejected from the start.

-Geneva II was a total fail:

in neither can anyone say "A deal was brokered & everybody signed off on"

but go on anyway, keep making up stuff, i dont expect any better from. having the honesty/courage to admit you said something wrong is far beyond you.

Thumb .mowaten. 21:42 ,2014 أيار 27

i dont expect any better from you.

Thumb scorpyonn 17:52 ,2014 أيار 27

It never ceases to amaze me how much the buffoons who support this Iranian funded group of terrorists in Lebanon claim that the Lebanese "love the resistance." However, judging from the glee over this man's death, it is obvious to me that the majority of comments on this site are anti Hezbollah. I think that the anti Hezbollah comments mirror the general feelings of the Lebanese. What is beyond me is how anyone can support another government over their own! Go figure.

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:50 ,2014 أيار 27

Do you accept that a majority of Lebanese are Shiite Muslims?

Thumb Machia 19:28 ,2014 أيار 27


Thumb Loubnani 19:32 ,2014 أيار 27

Chris I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are an ignorant foreigner who claims to know "facts". Are you in your amazingly knowledgable ways telling us Lebanese that the Shiite in Lebanon are more than 50 percent of the population? I've told you this like a 1000 time. We haven't had a census for ages so how the hell do you know? How please answer me how do you know or are you all knowing and blessed with some sort of predictive superpower. Go and have a coffee in downtown Portland and leave us alone with your stupid comments again and again

Thumb Loubnani 19:48 ,2014 أيار 27

Here's some statistics for you Chris:

"The Christian population in Lebanon makes up about 41.5% and worldwide of the 18 millions Lebanese around 80%[14][15][16] of the total population." Citations are present one if which is your own CIA database.

I wish I can say this will shut you up but I know you think you know better than anyone else.

Missing coolmec 02:55 ,2014 أيار 28

You keep repeating the same thing in your posts. I wish to confirm to you that the Shiites are NOT the majority in Lebanon. Quit having these grandiose idea of Shiite domination of Lebanon. That won't happen and I think it will be much better to think rather of a Lebanese Lebanon including all sects but I insist on being Lebanese period, your idea of a sect dominating all other sects in Lebanon is self destructive

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:49 ,2014 أيار 27

The FBI's website says Ayoub was indicted in the United States in 2009 for "willfully and knowingly" trying to enter Israel, Hizbullah's arch-enemy, with a fake U.S. passport "for the purpose of conducting a bombing."
Does the "I" in FBI stand for "Israel"?

Thumb Loubnani 19:35 ,2014 أيار 27

Why don't you go and ask them this is definitely something you can ask your own government. While you're at it go tell them also how you, yes you and only you Chris, know for a fact that the Shiite are a majority in Lebanon.

Thumb Machia 19:38 ,2014 أيار 27

Actually the Islamo facsist Hezbollah's arch-enemies are their ex-girlfriends the Islamo Nazis takfiris. But they also hate Lebanese patriots and freedom seeking Syrians.

Missing coolmec 02:56 ,2014 أيار 28

funny how you change subject and replace it by an even more stupid one
get real dude

Thumb bigsami 19:40 ,2014 أيار 27

Glad you chose to go to Syria and fight along murderers! Payback time in hell for killing all these children!

Thumb hanibaal 00:39 ,2014 أيار 28

...They have established a hegemony over Lebanon by murdering their opponents and by undermining the state institutions. These endeavors are financed by the divine trades of drug dealing and prostitution. The prostitute's keep is earned in large part from their pimp in Damascus. We were told that they were pilgrims visiting Syria to worship. It eventually became clear that the object of worship was the holy lingam of a despot, which is being fellated continuously by devotees in a seamless line that stretches from Beirut to Damascus.

Thumb hanibaal 00:39 ,2014 أيار 28

"The Party of God." God, a figment of our imagination, is infallible. We represent this imaginary being and hence our actions are infallible. What a self-serving, arrogant and utterly meaningless name. Littering the trail of history are the excrements of civilizations, and chief among those excrements are the earthly representatives of God and other fairytale characters. Lebanon's proud contribution to the dung heaps of time is "The Party of God." The otherworldly and lofty names that this group attributes to itself, its members (those "saints") and its actions (yes those "divine victories") are clearly puerile attempts to conceal its nature as the beating stick of Iranian tyranny....

Default-user-icon Bassam (ضيف) 01:12 ,2014 أيار 28

Na3eeman Ya Abass

Thumb freedomarch 03:24 ,2014 أيار 28

All us happy dis is not last one. Nasro-lala Ma itla3 Jihad kaman?

Thumb kanaandian 07:01 ,2014 أيار 28

This guy looks like an illiterate Irani or berber.

Missing zgmdf 07:40 ,2014 أيار 28

very well said!!!