هدوء حذر على الحدود وإسرائيل تقول أن حزب الله أبلغها بعدم رغبته بالتصعيد

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عاد الهدود الحذر الخميس وسط تعزيزات من قبل الطرفين الإسرائيلي واللبناني بعد عملية حزب الله في مزارع شبعا المحتلة الاربعاء، في حين أعلنت إسرائيل أن الحزب أبلغها عن نية بعدم التصعيد.

فقد أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3)، صباح الخميس ان المنطقة الحدودية الجنوبية في القطاع الشرقي تشهد هدوءاً بعد القصف الاسرائيلي في المحلة يوم الاربعاء.

وأشارت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، الى حدوث تحليق مكثف لطائرات الإستطلاع الأسرائيلية في اجواء حاصبيا والعرقوب ومرجعيون وعلى ارتفاع منخفض، وذلك منذ الساعة الواحدة ليلا حتى حوالي الخامسة والنصف فجرا.

وظهر الاربعاء تبنى "حزب الله" عملية استهداف صاروخي لقافلة عسكرية اسرائيلية، لافتاً الى ان الموكب "مؤلف من عدة آليات ويضم عددا من الضباط والجنود بالاسلحة الصاروخية المناسبة". وقتل في العملية عسكريين اسرائيليين اثنين وسقط 7 جرحى.

وأتى ذلك، للرد على غارة اسرائيلية في القنيطرة الاحد 18 الجاري،قتل فيها ستة من عناصره بينهم القيادي محمد عيسى، اضافة الى نجل القائد العسكري للحزب عماد مغنية الذي اغتيل في العام 2008. كما أعلنت ايران عن مقتل الجنرال علي الله دادي في الغارة.

من جهته أكد الناطق الرسمي لـ"اليونيفيل" اندريا تيننتي في حديث الى "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، أن "اليونيفيل قامت بكل ما في وسعها لاعادة الاستقرار والهدوء"، معتبرا أن "الحادث خرق واضح للقرار 1701".

ولفت الى ان "الوضع الآن هادئ ومستقر"، مستدركا بالقول "لكنني لا استطيع ان اقوم بتوقعات عن المستقبل. استطيع التكلم عن الوضع حاليا، فهو مستقر وتحت السيطرة".

وأشار تيننتي الى "أننا زدنا عدد الدوريات وانشطة المراقبة بالتنسيق مع الجيش اللبناني".

ولم يعكر صفو يوم الخميس غير أنباء نشرتها قناة "العربية" عن "سقوط قذيفة صاروخية قرب مستوطنة بيرانيت قرب الحدود مع لبنان". وعزز ذلك ما نشرته صحيفة "هآرتس" عن "سماع دوي انفجارات في شمال إسرائيل والجيش يحقق في الأمر".

إلا أن "العربية" قالت سريعا أن "الجيش الإسرائيلي يؤكد عدم سقوط أي صاروخ شمالا".

كذلك نقلت قناة "المستقبل" عن مصادر أمنية في بنت جبيل تأكيدها "عدم اطلاق النار باتجاه مستوطنة "برانيت"، واصفة الوضع "بالهادئ جدا".

وما زال الجيش الاسرائيلي في حالة تأهب في المنطقة الحدودية بينما اعيد فتح المدارس ومنتجع جبل الشيخ للتزلج بعد اغلاقه الخميس، بحسب "فرانس برس".

في إسرائيل شارك مئات الاشخاص بينهم عشرات الجنود من لواء جفعاتي والاقارب في دفن الكابتن يوشاي كلانغيل في المقبرة العسكرية في جبل هرتزل في القدس.

وقد قتل كلانغيل (25 عاما) الذي تمت ترقيته الى رائد مع الرقيب دور حاييم نيني (20 عاما) في كمين الحزب.

كذلك دفن دور حاييم نيني (20 عاما) قرب مدينة اسدود الساحلية جنوب اسرائيل وسط مشاركة لافتة. وقد اصيبت صديقتة سحر بانهيار وصرخت قائلة "ارجوك تعال وقل انني لا اعيش كابوسا".

وافاد الموقع الاخباري لصحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" ان الشابين كانا ضمن قافلة استطلاع للتعرف على المنطقة المتوترة التي وصلوها حديثا.

وبعد عملية الاربعاء، يتفق المعلقون ان الجانبين يرغبان في تجنب تصعيد الاوضاع.

وفي خطوة نادرة، اكد وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي موشيه يعالون للاذاعة العامة ان حزب الله بعث رسالة لاسرائيل عبر قوة الامم المتحدة في لبنان (اليونيفيل) ان الحزب غير معني بالتصعيد قائلا "من وجهة نظرهم فان الحادث انتهى".

بينما قال وزير العمل سجعان قزي لوكالة فرانس برس ان الحكومة "تلقت تطمينات من دول كبرى بان اسرائيل لن تصعد الوضع العسكري في الجنوب وستكتفي على الاقل حاليا بالرد الذي حصل" ولكنه اكد انها "ليست ضمانات بالنسبة لنا، لانه لا يمكن الركون الى الوعود الاسرائيلية ولا حتى الى وعود الدول الكبرى".

ومن جهته، قال مستشار الامن القومي الاسرائيلي السابق ياكوف اميدرور لوكالة فرانس برس ان "مخاطر (التصعيد) ضعيفة ان لم تكن شبه معدومة".

وبحسب اميدرور فان "الطرفين غير معنيين بعملية كبيرة" موضحا انه من "الاكثر الحاحا" لحزب الله مواصلة القتال في سوريا بجانب جيش الرئيس بشار الاسد من اجل الحفاظ على "قاعدة خلفية" في سوريا.

واضاف "كل ما يأتي من ايران يمر عبر سوريا" بما في ذلك الصواريخ التي استخدمت في هجوم الاربعاء.

بينما اوضح بوعاز غانور مدير المعهد الدولي لمكافحة الارهاب في هرتسيليا ان الحليف الايراني لحزب الله "منشغل بمفاوضاته النووية مع القوى الدولية ويعلم ان حربا لحزب الله مع اسرائيل قد تؤثر على المواقف الاميركية في الملف".

وبحسب غانور فان اسرائيل ايضا غير معنية بمواجهة كبيرة قبل اسابيع من الانتخابات التشريعية المبكرة بسبب "الضرر الهائل الذي قد يسببه ذلك:فان حزب الله يملك 100 الف صاروخ".

وقال وضاح شرارة استاذ علم الاجتماع في الجامعة اللبنانية ان حزب الله باختياره عمدا لمزارع شبعا المحتلة، اختار موقعا لن يدفع اسرائيل الى شن حرب موضحا ان المنطقة "ارض نزاع يعلم فيها الطرفان قواعد المواجهة".

وتابع "نحن بعيدون عن حجم الرد الذي توعد به حزب الله وايران (بعد الغارة في 18 من كانون الثاني الماضي). ومزارع شبعا اراض متنازع عليها بين لبنان وسوريا واستغل حزب الله هذا الالتباس".


التعليقات 33
Missing humble 10:57 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

Immense pressures are being exerted on Israel to limit its retaliation. They lost a captain and a sergeant.
Ebola is Iranian NOT lebanese. Full stop.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

what pressures? and when did israel ever care about their pressures? each time the attacked and bombed and massacred they kept going as much as they could, while the international community sits in lounges drinking tea and reading poetry, only stopping a few time a day to make some half-baked hypocrite speeches...
no, the only language israel understands is the one of slaps in their faces, the convoy yesterday was the price for the convoy ten days ago, and they know that from now on every attack will be faced by an equal retaliation. 2 months before the elections, ben nitay could not afford to get humiliated in lebanon, this is why he ate s...

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:17 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

and btw humble, you spent the day yesterday flooding us with the same comment pasted all over the forums... promising the destruction of lebanon and hezbollah by your israeli friends was imminent... i bet you must have felt stupid and very very disappointed when you saw them cowering in the face of hezbollah's deterrence power.

hezbollah showed the way yesterday, the only way to be safe from israel is to make them pay for every crime they commit.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:18 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

as for you little friends on the border, if you care about them tell them to go back home before they get snuffed.
and by home i dont mean occupied palestine, i mean poland, russia, america... and wherever they came from

Missing humble 11:22 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

Change ton nom, car tu es un traître.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:25 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

oui bien sur mon petit, va vite te trouver des bottes israeliennes a lecher a la frontiere, elles risquent de ne plus etre la bientot.

Missing humble 11:26 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

You have no idea about geopolitics. You are a poor brainwashed puppet to Ebola and Caporal who spends time on OTV and Al Manar who supply 24/24 disinformation to mononeurons like you. I pity you.

Thumb _mowaten_ 11:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

hahahaha yea, yea, if you say so, mister one-line spammer

Missing theobserver 12:13 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

the convoy yesterday was the price for the convoy ten days ago, and they know that from now on every attack will be faced by an equal retaliation

Hizbullah's retaliation was not at the level of the Qneitra's attack. An Iranian general and top Hizbulla 'leaders were killed in Qneitra's attack while just an Israeli commander and soldier were killed yesterday.
That's not an equal retaliation.

I think the Israelis were afraid of a much worse retaliation and they are relieved now that it all ended at this level.
On the other hand, Hizbullah supporters seems to be content and consider that they were avenged.
So it's a win win situation. Everyone is "happy" and the escalation will stop here... hopefully anyway.

Thumb Mystic 12:34 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

It will never stip, not before Palestine is free. I can assure you Israel got themselves in a position of shock. They never believed the Resistance would retaliate, and more than 2 IDF died.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:38 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

observer: yes of course, the loss of Jihad Imad Moghniyeh alone is worth a hundred of their generals, not to mention his father before him... this score, and their decades of crimes, will not be settled in one day. But yesterday was an historical day, where israel had to think about it long and hard and swallow their lust for vengeance.

Thumb Mystic 20:37 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

These pictures Naharnet are posting, makes no one wonder about their sympathizing with Israeli soldiers, Naharnet even glorifies the IDF, more than the LAF.

Missing cedars 14:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

After the Israeli election, let us be ready for mass bridges, infrastructure destruction then Saudi and Kuwaiti will reimburse us for the materials while lives will be lost. This is our defense strategy.

Missing cedars 14:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

After the Israeli election, let us be ready for mass bridges, infrastructure destruction then Saudi and Kuwaiti will reimburse us for the materials while lives will be lost. This is our defense strategy.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 13:09 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

let it be an all out war ou khalsouna ba2a

Thumb -phoenix1 15:15 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(1). The two main enemies of Lebanon are: (1) Israel, (2), Hezbollah. Facts: Lebanon is a nation made up of the most dynamic and enterprising people on earth, no one is like the Lebanese, give the Lebanese peace and they will astound the world, but give them peace and leave them in peace, simple. Like anything human, a person needs to plan, make contingencies, plan for the future, his future, his children and loved ones, so in theory one plans for at least the next ten years to come. But who in Lebanon can plan? Who can do any kind of contingency for even a year these days? No sooner than Lebanon begins to find some peace and with it some kind of stability and with it some kind of prosperity, than would the enemies of Lebanon create some sort of fireworks, followed by one lengthy speech from a derided Sayed Hassan closely matched by an Israeli PM.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:30 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

Hezbollah just proved yesterday that their way is the only one that can prevent israeli aggressions. By showing strength and determination they obtained a result that was never obtained by being weak and unarmed, bending over to feltman or kissing saudi flipflops.
And before you tell me about the lebanese army, which has all my respect and support, just look at politicians paralyzing it when they need to hit in arsal or other pockets of terrorism, and spending years discussing some foreign "grants" that will never materialize or end up being made of old uniforms and obsolete rusty weapons... and tell me if you think that in such circumstances it will ever be able to hold up against israel.

ps: did you forget to mention takfiris as enemies of lebanon, or did you consider them counted under the israeli threat?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:15 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

go water a plant anonyme, you clearly understand nothing and it's a waste of time to try to explain it to you: you're full of bad faith and never recognize reason. bye.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:21 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

A nation lives by wisdom and wise decisions. Hercules, the legend known as the world's strongest man, brought down the main pillars, on himself and on everyone else in the palace.

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 15:42 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

very well said and spot on mowaten , very nice arguments
god bless democracy

Thumb -phoenix1 12:24 ,2015 كانون الثاني 30

Thank you FT, I stand corrected, indeed, it was Samson. Thanks.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:52 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(2). Now both leaders will threaten each other's countries, but in truth, who will bear the brunt but the people on both sides? Be it Israeli PM, or Hezbollah's top cadres, what do they have to worry, they are safe, pampered and fully catered for. Like the recent conflict in Gaza, Ismael Haniyah and other top Hamas cadres, none got hurt nor got touched, but their people. Watch the news, the headlines are clear, the conflict is one between Hezbollah and Israel, NOT Lebanon and Israel, but Hezbollah and Israel, wow, great!! Now the truth persists and remains, Lebanon is not Hezbollah's state, HA is trying, but Lebanon will not change, it is and remains, The State of Lebanon. Furthermore, we are in 2015, certainly not in 2006, things have changed. First, the people.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:56 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(3). The people of Lebanon are NO longer rallying behind Hezbollah anymore, if for anything, possibly the majority of the Lebanese don't even want to hear the name Hezbollah. Second, Hezbollah may have grown in strength and sophistication, or maybe this is what HA wants us to believe, but with a war that is bleeding it now more profusely than ever, it is hard to believe anything but the inherent weakening of HA. Israel on the other hand is not weak, has no conflict to deal with as yet, and has definitely grown both in strength and sophistication, now it recognizes the surprise elements of HA so it has its own contingencies and more. Lebanon however has changed its mood with wars and conflicts, Lebanon has changed its mood with refugees and a generosity it longer can afford.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:01 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(4). Most diaspora Lebanese want to return back to the homeland, the West is no longer the land of milk and honey. Lebanon needs to rebuild itself, from its army, to its infrastructure, to its legislations, its constitutional institutions and more, thus Lebanon wants out of war and the very psyche or mentality of war. Hezbollah has now been impairing Lebanon's ability to live as a normal state. It is barring the election of a new president and much more. Hezbollah is profoundly implicated in a war of attrition in Syria, a war it now knows it can never win, even with the regime, Iran and Russia aboard, this is a war of attrition that will bleed everyone involved in it.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:04 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(5). A new war with Israel will spell total disaster for Lebanon as the majority Lebanese now have come to hate Hezbollah, except of course its own constituency and its allies in Lebanon. This time, if war breaks out, Israel will not toy with Hezbollah like the previous administration did, guess working at best, this time there's a man called Benyamin Netanyahu, a man known for his ruthlessness and cruelty. Netanyahu will without doubt go for the jugular this time, something that will probably annihilate Lebanon for good. We are tired of war everyone now says, me amongst them, we want no more wars, no more conflicts, no more tripping of our lives, all we want is peace, stability and to live in prosperity.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:06 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(6). If we have peace and the guarantee of peace, Lebanon will in no time spring back on its feet, those of us that went to invest abroad, will bring back part of their wealth and invest it in Lebanon. The economy will grow immeasurably and within a very short time, Lebanon's constitutional institutions will regain their status and Lebanon will no more need a militia to fight anymore wars on its soil, yesterday it was the PLO, today its Hezbollah, we want none of them anymore, NONE but the L.A.F.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:12 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(7). Most reasonable Lebanese have time and time again called on Hezbollah to give up on its weapons, to drop the call for war, Lebanon is now fully free, albeit a contended sliver of land neither owned but claimed. In fact, Lebanon can have peace, if only. Israel knows that the state of Lebanon is no threat to it, but being kept weak since the days of the PLO to those of Hezbollah, the state of Lebanon on its own can't do much to change its internal imbalance. We can have peace, if only we're left to make peace. Egypt and Jordan have peace with Israel as have now most Arab countries, why can't we then?! Can anyone imagine the potential of a peaceful Lebanon, the No: 1 banking sector of the region and beyond, the No: 1 service industry of the region, and the best tourist destination.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:49 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(8). My question, who does it benefit a prosperous, peaceful and strong Lebanon? Would Israel get worried because of our prosperity? Would Hezbollah loose all excuses for its existence? By proxy would that not mean the final end of all plans of Hezbollah's masters in Damascus and Tehran? Would that not mean the end of all proxy wars in Lebanon, as has always been called, the wars of others on Lebanese soil? But a peaceful, prosperous and stable Lebanon is today a must. In long days gone by, Bachir Gemayel spoke of Lebanon being the microcosm of world affairs, Lebanon is indeed the mirror thus what happens here will happen elsewhere. Just for this last time, let Hezbollah know it beyond all doubt, that it has long since overstayed its welcome in Lebanon. I very much believe that every single reasonable Lebanese citizen will be happy to accept Hezbollah purely as a political part and nothing more, representing the majority of our Lebanese Shiite siblings.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:49 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

(9). Also every reasonable Lebanese will readily accept a reasonable transitional period under which Hezbollah will surrender its weapons to the state and integrate the army. So far, most Lebanese wish no harm to Hezbollah, provided Hezbollah listens, if not, then Hezbollah will soon discover what it means to be unwelcome in one's homeland. One must state this: that so far Israel has shown surprising restraint, however it is also easy to feel palpably the growing pulse of antagonism, therefore it will be fair to say that one more spark could spark the unthinkable.

Thumb saturn 20:00 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

Hezbollah will surrender its weapons to the state and integrate the army... dream come true, wouldn't it. But they will NEVER do it. Even if somehow that piece of dumpland Shebaa is taken, they will find another excuse.

Missing peace 18:02 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

it was just like i said before: a childish revenge... how does it serve the liberation of shebaa? in no woay...
just because his majesty nasrallah want his sheep to believe he is strong but right away says: "we were just kidding! we do not want any escalation! " LOL
in both cases it shows the stupidity of this militia and how they spit on the lebanese government and the lebanese people as usual....

Thumb nickjames 19:10 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

Nice posts Phoenix.

Missing idris_gray 19:39 ,2015 كانون الثاني 29

"Hezbollah just proved yesterday that their way is the only one that can prevent israeli aggressions. By showing strength and determination they obtained a result that was never obtained by being weak and unarmed, bending over to feltman or kissing saudi flipflops."

LOL, this guy mowaten is too much. Which reality does this guy live in? Do you think Israel just woke up one day and decided to bomb hizbo and these iranians (terrorist invaders with no business in syria anyways) just for fun? They were trying to set up a front in the golan against israel and guess what? Israel made it very clear that they ain't allowing that. They accomplished what they wanted to do. In retaliation, they lost two low level soldiers, insigificant in the big picture. It means nothing to them. Yet in this guy's fantasy world, this little attack somehow prevented what was already accomplished.