بري: للبنان الحق بانتزاع النفط بالمقاومة إذا لم توصل الدبلوماسية الى نتيجة ما

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أكد رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن "قضية النفط في لبنان يجب أن تكون قضية اللبنانيين الأولى، معتبرا أن للبنان "الحق بانتزاعه النفط بالمقاومة إذا لم يصل بالدبلوماسية الى نتيجة".

وقال بري في دردشة مع الإعلاميين اليوم الأربعاء: "حق لبنان في النفط هو حق سيادي من دون أي تحفظ، فكما ننظر الى حدودنا البرية والى مزارع شبعا وقانا وصور، كذلك يجب النظر والتعامل مع حدودنا البحرية".

وشدد على ضرورة أن تكون " قضية النفط قضية اللبنانيين الأولى وليس سواها من الأمور التي يحاول البعض إخراجها الى السطح في السياسة اللبنانية، متناسين الأعماق، لأن العمق الحقيقي للبنان اقتصادي واستراتيجي، وعمق المقاومة هو موضوع النفط".

أضاف بري: "إذا كنا في يوم من الأيام لم نتجرأ على إلغاء الطائفية والتي هي علة العلل في لبنان منذ تاريخه الحديث حتى اليوم، على الأقل فالرخاء والإنماء المتوازن كما نص اتفاق الطائف يخفف من حدة الإصطفاف الطائفي بين منطقة ومنطقة"، لافتا الى أن "هذا الأمر يجب أن يدفعنا الى الإسراع في استخراج النفط بعيدا عن التجاذب السياسي".

كما أشار بري الى أن "الكميات الموجودة بحرا هي كميات واعدة جدا، وهذا ما تؤكده كل الدراسات والتقييمات"، مؤكدا أنه "بات من الثابت وجود كميات من النفط في البر، لكنها ليس بنفس الكميات الموجودة في البحر".

وأردف: "وحسنا فعلت وزارة الطاقة انها مؤخرا لزمت إحدى الشركات العمل على إجراء المسوحات في البر، وهناك شركات مستعدة للقيام بالحفر بالبر على مسؤولياتها وهي حددت بعض المناطق مثل منطقة القاع وغيرها".

وإذ ذكر أنه "لن يستخرج النفط من طرف دون طرف آخر في المنطقة، والذي كان يعنينا بما كان يسمى بالشريط الحدودي في البر لن نكون اقل اهتمام منه في ما يتعلق بشريط حدودي آخر يقام في البحر"، اوضح بري أن " لبنان له الحق بانتزاعه بالمقاومة إذا لم نستطع بالدبلوماسية أن نصل الى نتيجة ما".

وتابع: "لم نلجأ يوما الى المقاومة إلا بعد استنفاد كل السبل والوسائل الدبلوماسية مع الأمم المتحدة وسواها، والقرار 425 خير دليل"، في أن " تحل هذه القضية للوصول الى خط أبيض في البحر المتوسط الأزرق".

وعن الأوضاع في سوريا قال سأل بري "أنتم الذين تعيشون في الجنوب ومنذ العام 1948، منذ أيام أجدادكم وآبائكم أليس من كانت إسرائيل عدوه ألا تعتبر عدوا كافيا؟ لماذا نحاول إيجاد عدو آخر لنا على الحدود الشمالية"، مؤكدا أن "سياسة الحكومة النأي بالنفس يستفيد منها الجميع، موالاة ومعارضة حتى لو شتمها الجميع، فليتقوا الله فقط".

وعن قانون الإنتخابات، قال بري: "الجميع يدعي أنه يريد النسبية لكنه في الحقيقة يريد أن يعود الى قانون الستين سنة وسبعين يوم الى الوراء"، معلنا أنهم في "حركة أمل موقفنا مع لبنان دائرة واحدة على أساس النسبية، ونحن بنفس الوقت منفتحون على أي نقاش جدي يوصل الى قانون يمكننا كلبنانيين من ربح لبنان".

وعليه، دعا بري الحكومة الى "أن تتحمل مسؤولياتها في هذا المجال بأقصى سرعة وليس كعادتها تعود الى اجترار الكلام حول المشاريع دون أي تنفيذ على الإطلاق".

التعليقات 26
Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 17:06 ,2012 نيسان 11

Now Berri is going to start a war and thinks that will get him oil in his pockets??

Missing inveritas 17:23 ,2012 نيسان 11

You forget who the government was back in 2010. FYI, the current government is now in talks with companies like Noble Energy. It's been a hard year but they're working on it. But no Gebral Bassil doing actual work? Who does he think he is, the energy minister or something?

Default-user-icon Resisting the Resistance (ضيف) 18:11 ,2012 نيسان 11

Why don't you use the LEBANESE ARMY instead of the god damn plague of a resistance !

This isn't the so called resistance's role to defend our country and our ressources ... this is the role of the army !

The moment the Lebanese government asks the "Resistance" a favor, they are going to have to pay for that favor.

Missing fatoush 20:29 ,2012 نيسان 11

Yeah the poor lebanese army ,that´s why we have hezbollah our great resistance :P , why can´t hezbollah be integrated in the lebanese army :P tell me any disadvantage !!! I think this would be the best compromise ;D

Missing ulpianus 20:34 ,2012 نيسان 11

FT. Really sometimes I respect your comments as they are intelligent but skip these kind of comments.

I mean do a simple calculation. If Hezb ( the recistance) are capable of confronting the israeli enemy ( as you say ma heik?) so, how strong would we be if we were ONE united country? with ONE united army? with the capacity of the armed fraction of Hezb. Merged with the army, with their experience and their weapons?

A statement like yours shows lots of arrogance.

Besides, the presence of Hezb, is weakining the army, as we are not allowed to import any important weapons.
Would the weapons of Hezb. be Under the official control of the state, we would be allowed to buy weapons again, and any attack on us would be considered against international law.

Thumb kesrweneh 21:28 ,2012 نيسان 11

ulipianus the guerilla war can simply not be adapted to the classic armies, in bent jbeil 7 Hezbollawi resisted for 10 days killing more than 20 Tsahal soldiers in the process. if those 7 were 70 regular soldiers they wouldn't have lasted a day... this is just to illustrate the dilemma however you are TOTALLY right they should be integrated in the LA eventually

Missing ulpianus 01:02 ,2012 نيسان 12

Keserwene. I agree with you that specially with our "inferior" equipped army, a "traditional" army would easily be massacred.
But, this way of thinking, is the thinking of a man using the "schoolbooks theories".
With the Lebanese landscape, it is perfectly suited for "guerilla Warfare tactics". Using our army, does not in any way hinder the use of "guerilla tactics". The lebanese army does not have to put all their soliders in one place and take a photo of them putting it on Facebook for israel to attack:-)

About the Bint Jbeil incident, no doubt they were courageous men. But lets take it further and find one united cause for all Lebanese ( one army), so next time the israelis attack it will not only be hussein w ali defending bint jbeil, but omar and toni will join.

Missing beirutbastard00 02:50 ,2012 نيسان 12

Ulpianus, what ur saying ideally makes a lot of sense. But in reality is 100% wrong. We, as Lebanese, do not agree on who our enemies are. And sinse the army is made up of Lebanese citizens, it must also suffer from the same divisions. Who will b in charge of this new army? Who will decide when it is used, n against who? The gov can't seem to agree on anything.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 18:35 ,2012 نيسان 11

ya esteez... more oil..more money to steal..we,have to close hermetically the treasury b4 putting money in the basket.all the countries on this planet have electricity b4 having oil.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 19:32 ,2012 نيسان 11

lol funny one berri, its been nearly two years you want to drill the oil. Nothing has been done and you blame Israel while they didnt say anything. You ve been begging in cyprus instead of opening direct negotiations with Israel and show the zionists we are not afraid of them and we want whats ours. But yet again, all you guys do is talk, and blame and steal.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 19:39 ,2012 نيسان 11

Hey Berri....I have an idea. Get the Shia to pay for all of their current, future, and especially past electricity plus the interest on the debt. Then when you are out of office the country can get the oil and improve the country, but no improvement for the Shia until the pay instead of living like beggars on the backs of everyone elses work.

Missing inveritas 12:36 ,2012 نيسان 12

You're a bigot, dirty pig. Anyone who insults someone else based on their religion should be shunned.

Missing ulpianus 20:35 ,2012 نيسان 11

By the way, I saw a program a couple of days ago stating that the gas was known about from 1975.

Missing ulpianus 20:38 ,2012 نيسان 11

Lebanon turned into a joke when a statesman threatens to use the "resistance"...

It´s like the Swedish government threatening Denmark that they would use bandidos against them if they did not hand over the revenues from the bridge between the two countries.

Missing peace 22:05 ,2012 نيسان 11

in all democratic and civilised countries they resort to the international tribunal when there s a dispute over maritime borders. our M8 gangs still praise armed resistance over legality...

how pityful they are and their followers....

Missing peace 22:08 ,2012 نيسان 11

dream on FT ! no solution will be found because their mafias will be endangered if this country steps into the 21st century....

decades and NO politicians has ever had the will to solve this pb be it M14 or M8!
it is proven by the fact that lebanon is such a tiny country that a solution can be found easily if there s a will, but we ve been waiting 30 years for that when a civilised country can solve this pb in a matter of years!

Thumb shab 22:52 ,2012 نيسان 11

Just wanted to make yourself heared? Shove your resistance

Missing youssefhaddad 23:16 ,2012 نيسان 11

What is this continuous itch for a beating? There is oil in the undisputed areas , start exploring it.
Berry and other thieves that have been at the helm for so long do not know how to do anything productive. they just explore empty slogans in order to continue robbing the lebanese blind.

Thumb cedar 03:28 ,2012 نيسان 12

LOL - yeah, they knew about the oil from Camille Chamoun days in the 50's/60's!

They didnt do anything about it untill Bachir Gemayel wanted to mobilise the resources in 82, then they killed him because God forbid Lebanon in control by christians and pumping oil would have been the end of Israel and the End of the christians living in a minority situation.

Default-user-icon †he Lebanes (ضيف) 04:23 ,2012 نيسان 12

Sounds to me the gangster is trying to find an excuse to put his gangster army in control of the oil to keep the resistance alive in case Irani oil money dries up.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 06:29 ,2012 نيسان 12

Is this going to be the new mantra for keeping the glorious resistance armed, a bunch of cavemen.

Why don't you start making use of the undisputed resources instead of talking all this crap... The only ones that have the right to defend Lebenon and it's resources are the military.

Default-user-icon Borat (ضيف) 09:45 ,2012 نيسان 12

How old is this dude? when will he die? I hope he does not have a son

Missing roger@10452 10:11 ,2012 نيسان 12

Ya Mr. Speaker, I am sure you know that becoming a petroleum producing nation is a completely different game than producing Hashish!!!

You can't enter this new game with guns and terror (what you call resistance). You have to establish a sustained political stability in the country so you can attract the major oil companies with the latest technology we need to produce our oil and gas. This is the only time that Iran can't help you. Just take a look at their own facilities that are falling apart and have become a disater waiting to happen. These guys can't even find replacement parts for their plants and they use "duct tape" to hold things together. Let alone their lack of knowledge about the latest advancement in hydrocarbon extraction from difficult reservoirs.

So please tone things down a bit, and let's go to work on areas that are NOT disputed and pursue diplomatic channels to reslove the disputed areas.

Easy does it big man!!!

Missing inveritas 12:37 ,2012 نيسان 12

At least this government will try and do everything for the state and not privatize everything like Hariri, just so he can make a few million in pocket money here and there.

Missing inveritas 12:37 ,2012 نيسان 12

At least this government will try and do everything for the state and not privatize everything like Hariri, just so he can make a few million in pocket money here and there.

Default-user-icon halawa (ضيف) 01:10 ,2012 نيسان 13

Rest assured my fellow Lebanese, whether it is this government's diplomacy or the "resistance's" so-called might, we won't be seeing the oil.