مفتي السعودية يدعو إلى ردع "عدوان" حزب الله "الطائفي المقيت" عن سوريا

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دعا مفتي السعودية الشيخ عبد العزيز بن عبدالله بن محمد آل الشيخ إلى ردع ما أسماه "عدوان" حزب الله عن سوريا واصفا إياه بـ"الحزب الطائفي المقيت".

وقال المفتي بحسب ما نقلت عنه وكالة الأنباء السعودية الرسمية الخميس "اطلعنا على ما صرح به فضيلة أخينا الشيخ الدكتور يوسف القرضاوي بخصوص تعليقه على العدوان السافر الذي يقوم به ما يسمى بحزب الله متضامناً ومتعاوناً مع النظام الظالم في سوريا ضد الشعب السوري الشقيق" .

أضاف "كان من ضمن تصريحه (القرضاوي) تأييده ورجوعه إلى موقف كبار علماء المملكة ، الذي كان واضحاً من هذا الحزب الطائفي المقيت منذ تأسيسه".

وكان قد هاجم رئيس اتحاد العلماء المسلمين الشيخ يوسف القرضاوي الجمعة بشدة ايران "الشيعية" والأمين العام حزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله، ووصفه "بنصر الطاغوت" كما وصف حزبه ب"حزب الشيطان".

عليه تابع مفتي السعودية "إننا بهذه المناسبة لنشكر لفضيلته هذا الموقف الذي ليس غريباً منه ، إذ إنه يذكر بمواقف كبار العلماء عبر التاريخ في رجوعهم إلى الحق".

ودعا "علماء العالم الإسلامي كافة إلى التآزر والتعاضد والتعاون في لحظة تاريخية حرجة للأمة الإسلامية تستدعي من الجميع صفاء القلوب والتعاون على كل ما يضمن لهذه الأمة وحدتها وقوتها ".

كذلك طالب جميع الساسة وعلماء بأن يتخذوا "من هذا الحزب الطائفي المقيت ومن يقف وراءه خطوات فعلية تردعه عن هذا العدوان ، فقد انكشف بما لا يدع مجالاً للشك أنه حزب عميل لا يرقب في مؤمن إلاً ولا ذمة".

وسيطر حزب الله الأربعاء مع القوات السورية على مدينة القصير الإستراتيجية بريف حمص وسقط قتلى له شيعوا في بلدات لبنانية عدة.

التعليقات 26
Default-user-icon elche (ضيف) 19:53 ,2013 حزيران 06

Parmi les signes physiques distinctifs de l'Antechrist il y a le fait qu'il soit borgne. Il est impressionnant de voir qu'un nombre important de religieux Wahhabites et Salafistes-Takfiristes importants ont ce signe distinctif. Ils ont très souvent des visages marqués par la haine, la violence et semblent très excités et tourmentés. C'était juste une simple constatation, plutôt troublante.

Default-user-icon omar (ضيف) 02:13 ,2013 حزيران 13

il est par borgne Einstein, il est aveugle.
Passe nous stp ton tafsir a 2 balles...

Thumb bashir 20:13 ,2013 حزيران 06

Hizbshaitan exposed

Thumb justice 20:46 ,2013 حزيران 06

honestly, these are not humans!

Thumb saturn 21:11 ,2013 حزيران 06

As a holy man a mufti should be preaching peace and tolerance which is the art of his teachings that he forgot.

Missing phillipo 07:29 ,2013 حزيران 07

Exactly what teachings are you talking about? I'd bet he doesn't know how to read (or understand) anything except the Koran.

Default-user-icon Hevergotar Jikalambu (ضيف) 00:11 ,2013 حزيران 07

Guys, this... well... umm... duh... handsome? and... well... umm... duh... sane? sanni cleric is the father of NostraBenzona, NostraGeha, NostraAllouchti, NostraGabbyMarch14, NostraPeace, NostraMustafaO3amYeghliGhali, their youngest sibling, NostraHarrier and pretty much all of the other NostraDamsles that everybody already knows well. As to the father of the daddy of all Nostras, Dr. Arreet 7akeh, we are still looking for the craziest, ugliest man with the most screwed-up genes. Hopefully, he is still alive somewhere. Otherwise, the mystery shall remain. One possibility is that the son might turn out to be his own father! I wouldn't underestimate Dr. Arreet 7akeh.

Default-user-icon Al-Ghaliboun (ضيف) 00:33 ,2013 حزيران 07

wlek kess ekhtak ma 2bsha3ak ! Seriously man, what the f**k ?

Thumb kanaandian 02:04 ,2013 حزيران 07

the grand hameer of saudi barbaria has spoken.
hezbollah is sectarian but calling to destroy all churches isnt?
see this donkey roasting in hell within a few
the world will be a better place without him

Missing alpha 02:33 ,2013 حزيران 07

These Salafists are eating too much Raw Human Organs, everyday they are not just behaving like Savage Animals they even look like one! He needs to have the Jin Spirit driven out of his soul ..

Default-user-icon kerty (ضيف) 02:48 ,2013 حزيران 07

This guy can be a star wars/lotr villain without any makeup.
what a pig

Missing lebcan 05:02 ,2013 حزيران 07

You are the ...

Missing lebcan 05:06 ,2013 حزيران 07

You Christians are what we call in the Quran the people of the Book... and i believe one day the good christians will help us and stand beside us against tyranny and oppression and bring justice and freedom ... true freedom... Muslims are not Filth please don't call me that... But on the other hand the followers of HA and Assad and Zion Are!!!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 06:20 ,2013 حزيران 07

I wish all the mullahs and so-called religious authorities stay away from politics. The problem is that Iran and the Hizb are dragging us into a sectarian war. Iran is 90 percent shia but we in the arab east are diverse and will suffer the brunt of this. The arab must wake up and stop following these leaders.

Missing canadianadam 07:01 ,2013 حزيران 07

Laught it up. Qaradawi is a moderate among top clerics considered too soft by many others. Whether or not readers like this, the reality is that 80% of Muslims are moderate Sunnis who have tolerated this mosquito which is Syria and Hezbollah. Iran may not be invaded but also won't be invading. You'd best remember that. Your time is running short and people won't forget Qusayr. I won't.

Default-user-icon dateam (ضيف) 12:32 ,2013 حزيران 07

yes you will..use forgot palestine for 70 years...

Missing canadianadam 07:02 ,2013 حزيران 07

Can you hear yourselves. Go read Edward Said an grow some tolerance. It's easy to comment on how others are, have you read the history of Christianity???

Missing phillipo 07:26 ,2013 حزيران 07

The answer to that is simple. What education? Don't you mean indoctrination?

Thumb dandoun 08:19 ,2013 حزيران 07

abu 3een 3andu lseen y7ke !!!!!! well i guess his bank s rolling heheheh

Thumb sophia_angle 10:22 ,2013 حزيران 07

give him a break he just woke up..:o

Missing Liberation 11:17 ,2013 حزيران 07


Missing Liberation 11:22 ,2013 حزيران 07

Lebcan you're absolutely right!!!!!!!!! Even some so called "Christians" are a disgrace to the faith. No one can judge the many through, or because of, the heinous actions of the few.

Missing Liberation 11:24 ,2013 حزيران 07

Who the hell would give a thumbs down to a statement like yours!?!!??!?!? What is wrong with people???????? ohhhh I know!!!!! IGNORANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing Liberation 14:53 ,2013 حزيران 07

VERY TRUE!! History repeats itself!!!

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 12:32 ,2013 حزيران 07

Those blind fossilised fanatics have been fighting each other since Karbala. This Saudi in the photo ought to stay and sleep with his harem and boys. This is what his Allah tells him to do

Thumb fero 13:06 ,2013 حزيران 07

This guy is bizarre..instead oif him calling on a peacful solution here he is spreading more sectarian hate and violence....how can people like that call themselves men of GOD..let them check there books again, they never say kill people simply because they have a diffrent ideology.