Israeli General Warns Houses in Southern Lebanon Used as Storage Facilities

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Houses in southern Lebanon are a storage facility for missiles or rockets or a launch pad which are destructive and could hit the heart of the Israeli cities, Israel's chief of military intelligence, General Aviv Kochavi, warned on Thursday at a security conference.

Intelligence estimates, he said, showed "one in every 10 houses in south Lebanon is a storage facility for missiles or rockets or a launch pad for devices that are increasingly accurate and destructive."

"From Lebanon, Syria and of course from Iran, they can hit the heart of our cities, and the whole region of Tel Aviv is within their reach," Kochavi said.

Hizbullah fought a devastating war with Israel in 2006.

Iran has enough radioactive material to produce four nuclear bombs, Israel's chief of military intelligence, Kochavi stated.

"Today international intelligence agencies are in agreement with Israel that Iran has close to 100 kilograms of uranium enriched to 20 percent, which is enough to produce four bombs," he told the annual Herzliya conference.

"Iran is very actively pursuing its efforts to develop its nuclear capacities, and we have evidence that they are seeking nuclear weapons," he said.

"We estimate they would need a year from when the order is given to produce a weapon."

Israel and much of the international community have long accused Iran of using its nuclear program to mask a drive for weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

The Jewish state, which has the Middle East's sole if undeclared nuclear arsenal, has pushed for tough sanctions against Iran and warned that it retains the option of a military strike if necessary to prevent Tehran from obtaining atomic weapons.

Kochavi also warned that Israel faces increasing threats from more conventional weapons, including "some 200,000 rockets and missiles," in the hands of Israel's enemies.

Comments 11
Default-user-icon Muhammad Zacky (Guest) 02 February 2012, 15:25

Oh! The defenders of the NATION, those down-to-earth villagers did not know that! What the Israelis do know, and this is why all they have been doing and will continue to do is that those down-to-earth villagers, as in 2006, will once again send the Israelis back weeping and crying like little girls. What will happen to the Israeli cowards who will remain in Israel will be a totally different story. The best, safest and quickest solution for the Israelis is to expedite their own exodus from the land that they raped and continue to rape. They must go back to where they came from (Russia, Belarus, France, Germany, Hungary...) where they are even more despised than ever before. But this is what filth begets and what filth deserves.

Thumb shab 02 February 2012, 15:43

So start bobing both

Thumb jabalamel 02 February 2012, 16:05

the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating that our glorious resistance i using houses as weapons storage.

they believed that in 2006 also but it was failure than.
and they didn't learn anything.

and the filthy zionist information war department is hallucinating that his entity will be able to do something about our glorious resistance.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) 02 February 2012, 16:07

@shab- shu shater bl 7ake

Thumb ado.australia 02 February 2012, 17:05

Start justifying with your propaganda, the plans to kill and destroy civilian areas... With the support of freaks like shab.

Missing peace 02 February 2012, 17:39

hezb won t need israel to collapse, it will as soon as bashar goes away, little by little it will crumble from within....

Default-user-icon adou (Guest) 02 February 2012, 19:14

bomb ado the aouni

Thumb geha 02 February 2012, 20:23

as sobhi tufaily said the other day: go back to reason, and put down your weapons.
you will nt find a rock to hide under this time round.
Beirut and all other regions will not accept you.
on the contrary, this time we are ready for you.

Missing ayoor 02 February 2012, 20:24

clear out jabal and his family from south lebanon now, blast them to iran

Thumb jabalamel 02 February 2012, 22:41

the filthy zionist information war department hallucinate that our glorious resistance will collapse by itself and than they will blast me and my family to iran.


Default-user-icon IntelDork (Guest) 03 February 2012, 08:28

LMFAO, He's the intelligence General? Even an idiot knows you need uranium enriched to 90% to create a nuclear bomb.