الرئيس الايراني الجديد يؤكد دعمه لـ"حزب الله" وسوريا

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أكد الرئيس الايراني الجديد حسن روحاني أن بلاده تدعم "الشعبين المقاومين اللبناني والفلسطيني"، مشيداً بما يقوم به "حزب الله" أمام الاعداء.

وفي رسالة شكر وجهها روحاني الى الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، رداً على تهنئة الأخير له بتولي مقاليد الحكم في إيران، أشار الى صمود نصر الله "ومجاهدي حزب الله في معركة المقاومة أمام الأعداء".

من جانب آخر، ابدى روحاني الثلاثاء ثقته بأن نظيره السوري بشار الاسد سيتمكن من تجاوز الازمة التي تشهدها بلاده بمساعدة "قوات سلمية"، وفق ما نقلت وسائل الاعلام الايرانية.

ونقلت وكالة "الانباء الطالبية" الايرانية عن روحاني قوله انه "واثق بان الامة السورية الكبيرة ستتمكن من تجاوز الوضع الراهن في شكل تام بفضل جهود القوات الخيرة والسلمية".

وامل الرئيس الايراني الذي سيتولى مهامه في الثالث من اب خلفا لمحمود احمدي نجاد في "تعاون اقتصادي وسياسي شامل" مع دمشق "لمواجهة مؤامرات اعداء المنطقة بمن فيهم النظام الصهيوني".

وتدعو ايران الحليف الاقليمي لدمشق الى حل سياسي في سوريا، لكن مقاتلي المعارضة السورية يتهمونها بتسليح النظام السوري.

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:40 ,2013 تموز 17

What a surprise!

Missing formerlebaniz 09:05 ,2013 تموز 17

Wolf two wrongs don't make a right. Israel got nukes despite the attempts of the west to block them, but Israel never promised to wipe the Arab world or to ever use these weapons publicly. Also, despite my hate to Israel and all their heinous actions against the Palestinian people if they didn't have nukes they would've been attacked and destroyed long time ago it's simple math.

Iran is a volatile country and have threatened several times attacking other countries and involved in sectarian instigations between Shia and Sunnis. The minute they get nukes Saudi Arabia and several other Arab countries will do the same to deter Iran and than we have a much bigger problem on our hands.

Missing phillipo 09:25 ,2013 تموز 17

As usual -the wolf - gets his basics wrong.
Even if Israel does have nuclear arms, they NEVER have threatened to wipe out another country. Iran threatens Israel almost every day.
Ever since Israel is supposed to have obtained their nuclear weapons they have fought wars with Arab States or terrorist organisations, but have never threatened to use them.
Now let's look at the situation where Iran fires a nuclear weapon at Israel. It has to fly over Iraq and/or Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and will quite probably be exploded in the air over one of them. How many Arab casualties will there be from this? Israel's response would be massive wiping out Tehran, missile bases and nuclear plants, once again killing millions.
What will happen if the Iranian missile gets through, it will destroy Tel Aviv, and also the Arab populated Jaffa, and quite probably quite a lot of Jerusalem which also has Moslem and Christian populations and Holy Sites. How will the world look on this?

Thumb general_puppet 09:08 ,2013 تموز 17

"comprised of Iran, Syria and Lebanon"... you mean Iran, Syria and Hizbulla don't you?

"enemies in the region, especially the Zionist regime,"... more of the usual babble, from another Ayatollah stooge.

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:02 ,2013 تموز 17

Sorry, but excuse me general pup: this one is not another ayatollah stooge as you wrongly claim.... This one is educated and has 2 degrees from a Scottish university that he never attended. Respect yourself..... !

Thumb general_puppet 10:15 ,2013 تموز 17

Did he receive his degrees via telecast... you know, like the way the Mighty Nasrallah sends out his decrees from his underground command bunker?

Thumb dasphinx 11:43 ,2013 تموز 17

and he is still the Ayatollah's stooge

Thumb shab 10:47 ,2013 تموز 17


Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10:52 ,2013 تموز 17

Signed ._._._._^^^^Roaring-FlameThrower^^^^._._._._

Thumb justice 11:05 ,2013 تموز 17

lol @ RFT:)))

Missing lappeaudecouille 11:35 ,2013 تموز 17

@formerlebaniz do you realize how inacurate the things you listed in your comment are? First of all yes Iran threatens to do this and that but never did attack one neighboring country of theirs and still are very far to having a nuclear weapon. On the other hand you have Israel which does not threaten anyone but rather acts upon their military capabilities every single day bombarding Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey etc etc. They just simply do not care. And pardon me but Israel did not have nukes in 1947 or 1967 and still managed to swipe and destroy and oppress and kick out Palestinians from their homeland. Result was war in Lebanon.

Missing formerlebaniz 11:48 ,2013 تموز 17

What do you think the war against Iraq was - scuffle? How about its war against Israel through hizbulla? How about their hundreds of sabotage and terrorist ops all around the Arab world? How about the attempt on the saudi ambassadors in the US? Yes, they had several wars with the Arab world no doubt but the nukes did act as a deterrence against their annihilation. I hate to say it but it's the fact.

Missing un520 12:46 ,2013 تموز 17

A short Iranian spring indeed, and I fear that the summer is gonna be hotter than hell. This new president was the last hope by making everyone confused, but he just gave the Israelis the excuse they needed.

Missing lappeaudecouille 15:33 ,2013 تموز 17

Iraq attacked Iran through America's supplies of weapons in the Iraq Iran war. And then when the former attacked Kuwait, the United States government realized that they had indeed been mistaken in their judgement and took it upon themselves to go to war with Iraq in the first Gulf war (1990). Second when you talk about the wars between HA and Israel we cannot forget that HA is a Lebanese entity represented in our government and elected by Lebanese citizens wether we like it or not and their decisions approved by most political parties until recently 2006-2007 when M14s, after being allied with HA during elections, had decided to split ways. True HA is aided by Iran and is somehow under an Iranian Agenda but so is Israel with their American counterparts. Just trying to put things in perspective here and make it clear that both axes are not working for the sake of Lebanon and its future. Let's not be one-sided.

Missing helicopter 04:02 ,2013 تموز 18

I agree with your last statement that both axes do not have Lebanon's best interest in heart........... assuming we are referring to external exes. Internally, HA/SSNP/Baath/PNO... and other Syrian armed groups never had Lebanon's interest in mind.

Thumb beiruti 16:49 ,2013 تموز 17

Suprise, surprise

Missing baba_oreily 18:36 ,2013 تموز 17

Breaking news: The sky is blue.

Missing Lebanonwbass 19:57 ,2013 تموز 17

Headline: "The Iranian president patting his dogs..."

Thumb dasphinx 00:57 ,2013 تموز 18

Let us just remember that the USA financed Iran in its war against Iraq in the infamous Iran-Contra affair by channeling drug money to Israel in exchange for arms to Iran. All this happened while Iranians were chanting "Death to America". Iran is the country of hypocrisy.