لبنان سيدعو من بروكسيل الى "اعادة توزيع اللاجئين السوريين على الدول القادرة"

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لفت رئيس لجنة حقوق الانسان النيابية النائب ميشال موسى "لبنان لم يعد يتحمل الجزء الكبير من ملف اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان، مشددا على ضرورة اعادة توزيعهم على الدول القادرة

ويوم غد الثلاثاء سيشارك لبنان في مؤتمر برلمانات الدول التي تستضيف اللاجئين السوريين وينظمه الاتحاد الاوروبي في بروكسل. وسيمثلّ المؤتمر موسى "بهدف رفع الصوت والمطالبة بالاهتمام بالحس الانساني وبإعادة توزيع اللاجئين السوريين على الدول القادرة، بعدما وصل لبنان الى مفصل خطير.

وأوضح موسى في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار" الاثنين أن"الاجتماع سيخصص للبرلمانات الدولية التي تستضيف اللاجئين، وعربيا ستشارك اربع دول هي لبنان والاردن وتركيا والعراق".

يشار الى ان الدعوة وجهت الى موسى لكونه يترأس لجنة حقوق الانسان النيابية التي بحثت مراراً في أزمة اللاجئين، ولهذه الغاية، خصصت اجتماعها الاخير لمناقشة المسألة من باب واسع هو "الهجرة غير الشرعية".

وقال موسى "هناك مسؤولية على المجتمع الدولي. لا يكفي ان ينبهنا هذا المجتمع الى الواجبات والقوانين، بل ثمة مسؤولية ادبية عليه، ولا بد من التحرك نتيجة هذه الهجمة الكبيرة".

وأضاف "هناك وعود كثيرة سابقة لم تتحقق، واليوم لم يعد يتحمل الواقع اي تأخير ومماطلة".

واذ تحدث عن "اخطار الهجرة غير الشرعية"، أشار الى ان "الدول الاوروبية تعاني ايضا وباتت النتائج تطاول الجميع. من هنا، بات التحرك ملحا".

وكشف موسى لـ"النهار " أن "امرين سيركز عليهما خلال القاء كلمته في بروكسل". الاول: ايصال المساعدات الى لبنان ليستطيع مواجهة هذه الازمة، عبر تحسين البنى التحتية لهؤلاء اللاجئين. والثاني: المطالبة باعادة توزيع اللاجئين على الدول القادرة، انطلاقا من امرين: تأمين العيش الكريم للاجئين، وعدم استطاعة لبنان تحمل المزيد".

ولقد سجّلت مفوضية الامم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين مليوناً و300 الف لاجئ سوري في لبنان، علما ان هناك اعدادا غير مسجلة.

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 08:26 ,2015 أيلول 14

How many refugees did the gulf countries take?

Default-user-icon Jacob (ضيف) 09:11 ,2015 أيلول 14

How many refugees did Iran take?

Default-user-icon Abbas (ضيف) 10:30 ,2015 أيلول 14

Hi john from Dahieh
Why should they?

Default-user-icon Most Syrians (ضيف) 20:40 ,2015 أيلول 14

sorry PJ
When bighjon visits Tartous once a year in January, Most Syrians speak to him and tell him that Most Syrians support Assad and want an Alawi president. Also, 95% of Sunnis in Syria want Assad the Alawi to be their president.

Thumb Machia 09:48 ,2015 أيلول 14

How many refugees did Iran make...or take? What about Russia and the US?

There are hundreds of thousands of Syrians living and working in the Gulf already. A lot of them came after 2011.

Thumb Machia 09:50 ,2015 أيلول 14

The best way to end this is to get rid of the Assads, bring in armies from all over the world, (including Russia), to impose a government of national unity and destroy ISIS and Al Qaeda.

Thumb Machia 09:52 ,2015 أيلول 14

And get Hezbollah out of Syria, disarm them and get them integrated in the Lebanese army.

Thumb Mystic 13:48 ,2015 أيلول 14

Are you blind machia? Assad is the only one able to hold back the takfiris and recreate stability as there was before the conflict.
Russia too realizes this.

Thumb Machia 18:51 ,2015 أيلول 14

But Assad who did not know how to deal with this popular movement from the very start created this instability and his violent actions allowed foreign interventions and the spread of Al Qaeda and Isis.
He fell in the trap in Lebanon and then again in his own country. His father would not have made these mistakes. He got too close to the Iranians and did not stop their influence and play them the way Assad snr. did.
His people are paying a very heavy price for it.
Looking at Libya, Yemen and Iraq, yes the people got rid of cruel dictators but these dictators created over the years failed societies and the death, destruction and crazy corruption that we are seeing today are the result of years of dictatorships that totally mismanaged their countries. Pinochet was a cruel and bloodthirsty dictator but at least he built a phenomenal economy and excellent institutions in Chile.

Thumb Machia 18:57 ,2015 أيلول 14

It will take years to rebuilt some sort of working system in Libya, Iraq, Yemen and Syria. Meanwhile people will suffer greatly and the world would have to take in millions of refugees.
This is why the world and its armies should intervene in Syria and take it in charge and rebuild a institutions.
The US totally destroyed Iraq because they removed and disbanded all institutions that were under the previous regime. But these institutions were not created by Saddam Hussein but by years of cumulative governments. That was not an "innocent" mistake. The US wanted to dismantle Iraq that is why they invaded in 2003.

Thumb Machia 11:49 ,2015 أيلول 14

But I thought Iran loves Syria. Why don't they transfer the whole population to a suburb of Teheran and while we are talking about suburbs, they can also take all the Hezbollah lovers too.
Hezbollah's own New Dahieh with a ringroad called Khamanei way.

Thumb Ayrifeik 00:39 ,2015 أيلول 15

Of course anti muslim. Learn to act like humans and we will tolerate you.

Thumb cityboy 11:51 ,2015 أيلول 14

Oh great, the capitalist western countries are tripping over each other to see who could take in the highest number of new slaves coming out of syria.

Thumb Machia 11:56 ,2015 أيلول 14

I see that you did not read Hezbollah's paper apology for publishing such a "new slaves" comment in their editorial page.
I guess you have no shame.
One more point, the whole world is capitalist today especially your beloved Iran, Russia and China.
And I bet you live in the West and if not you would love to live there.
So stop writing rubbish.

Thumb ex-fpm 16:18 ,2015 أيلول 14

he does live in the West just like the rest of the ungrateful thugs.

Thumb cityboy 19:25 ,2015 أيلول 14

ex-fpm, where i live need not prohibit me from speaking my opinion. You should be asking why more bombs have been dropped on Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan by western countries than all of the first and second world wars combined. Perhaps you will begin to figure out why there is a refugee or slave problem coming out of the middle east. I dont even blame the people of the west, only their zionist stooge leaders.

Thumb cityboy 19:31 ,2015 أيلول 14

Machia, you are right, China, Russia and Iran, but it is not their capitalist bombs falling over the middle east creating these refugees.

Default-user-icon mowaten (ضيف) 20:09 ,2015 أيلول 14

you know what is strange cityboy.... I was thinking the same thing exactly, the same!!!! The similarities between us are not just coincidences anymore. I mean we are both shiaa extremists who pretend to be secular and we both are members of the shia resistance, both paid to post, both are sectarian to the bone, both troll and make up accounts to insult people and then pretend we are against such practices.... I hope just because we are similar in all the above ways people don't think we are the same poster.

Thumb cityboy 19:36 ,2015 أيلول 14

Then you need to take back control of your governments. Your democracy in Europe is a sham. You have no control over what your governments do. I have nothing against the white christian race, in fact i would like europe to remain like that, different cultures in different lands is a beautiful thing, that is all being lost, intentionally so by the way.