سوريا تعلن أن اسرائيل قصفت مركزا عسكريا للبحوث في ريف دمشق بعد تقارير عن غارة على قافلة قرب الحدود اللبنانية

Read this story in English W460

أعلن الجيش السوري مساء اليوم الاربعاء، أن الغارة الجوية التي نفذتها طائرات حربية اسرائيلية فجر اليوم، استهدفت مركزا عسكريا للبحوث العلمية في ريف دمشق، في حين كانت تقارير صحفية افادت أن الغارة شنت على قافلة كانت متجهة من سوريا الى الحدود اللبنانية.

وقالت وكالة الانباء الرسمية السورية "سانا" في بيان صادر لها: "طائرات حربية اسرائيلية اخترقت مجالنا الجوي فجر اليوم وقصفت بشكل مباشر احد مراكز البحث العلمي المسؤولة عن رفع مستوى المقاومة والدفاع عن النفس الواقع في منطقة جمرايا بريف دمشق".

وأفادت القيادة ان الطائرات الحربية الاسرائيلية "تسللت من منطقة شمال مرتفعات جبل الشيخ (على الحدود مع لبنان) بعلو منخفض وتحت مستوى الرادارات، وتوجهت الى منطقة جمرايا في ريف دمشق حيث يقع احد الافرع التابعة لمركز البحوث العلمية".

واضافت : "العدوان السافر" ادى الى مقتل شخصين وجرح خمسة آخرين "واضرار مادية كبيرة وتدمير بالمبنى، اضافة الى مركز تطوير الآليات المجاور ومرآب السيارات".

وفي حين نقلت مصادر أمنية اشترطت عدم الكشف عن اسمها لوكالة "فرانس برس" أن الطيران الاسرائيلي دمر قافلة بعد عبورها الحدود من سوريا الى لبنان" دون الافصاح عن الموقع الدقيق للغارة أو عن محتوى القافلة، نفت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلانم صحة المعلومات.

وقالت الوكالة: "لا صحة للمعلومات التي ترددت عن غارة اسرائيلية على الحدود اللبنانية السورية".

كما نفى الجيش السوري التقارير الاعلامية التي قالت ان الطائرات "استهدفت قافلة كانت متجهة من سوريا الى لبنان".

يشار الى أن مصدرا امنيا اخرا قال في وقت سابق أيضا: "كانت قافلة مسلحة تتجه نحو لبنان ولكنها ضربت على الجانب السوري من الحدود في حوالي الساعة 11 ليلا".

وذكر سكان في ريف دمشق لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن مركزا مخصصا للبحوث حول اسلحة غير تقليدية اصيب بصواريخ ليلا.

واعتبرت قيادة الجيش السوري في بيانها انه "بات واضحا للقاصي والداني الآن ان اسرائيل هي المحرك والمستفيد والمنفذ في بعض الاحيان لما يجري من اعمال ارهابية تستهدف سوريا وشعبها المقاوم وتشترك معها في ذلك بعض الدول الداعمة للارهاب وعلى راسها تركيا وقطر".

واشار البيان الى ان الغارة تأتي "بعد ان قامت المجموعات الارهابية بمحاولات عديدة فاشلة على مدى اشهر بالدخول والاستيلاء على الموقع المذكور".

ووضع الجيش السوري "هذه الغطرسة الاسرائيلية والعدوان الخطير على السيادة السورية برسم المجتمع الدولي"، مشددا على انها "لن تضعف سوريا ودورها ولن تثني السوريين عن مواصلة مساندة حركات المقاومة والقضايا العربية العادلة وفي مقدمتها القضية الفلسطينية".

ورفضت متحدثة باسم الجيش الاسرائيلي الادلاء بتعليق.

وقال مسؤولون اسرائيليون ان نقلا مماثلا سيشكل مبررا لهجوم اسرائيلي.

ويأتي هذا بعد ايام من قيام اسرائيل بنقل بطاريتين من نظام القبة الحديدية لاعتراض الصواريخ الى الشمال، مع تزايد المخاوف من تسرب الاسلحة الكيماوية التي يملكها النظام السوري الى لبنان.

كما اكد المصدر الأمني أيضا أن هنالك نشاطا اسرائيليا "غير اعتيادي" على مستوى عال فوق المجال الجوي اللبناني بدأ مساء الثلاثاء واستمر طوال الليل.

يشار الى أن امس الثلاثاء سجل تحليق مكثف للطيران الحربي الاسرائيلي في الاجواء اللبنانية، بحسب ما افاد الجيش في بيان له.

وصدر عن قيادة الجيش-مديرية التوجيه بيان صباح الاربعاء جاء فيه: "عند الساعة الرابعة والنصف من يوم امس (الثلاثاء)، خرقت اربع طائرات حربية تابعة للعدو الاسرائيلي الاجواء اللبنانية" في منطقة الجنوب، و"نفذت طيرانا دائريا فوق مختلف المناطق اللبنانية، ثم غادرت الاجواء عند الساعة التاسعة ليلا".

وأفادت ان اربع طائرات اخرى عادت وخرقت الاجواء اللبنانية مباشرة بعد ذلك وحلقت فوق الاراضي اللبنانية، "ثم غادرت الاجواء فجر اليوم

وكانت قيادة الجيش اصدرت بيانا سابقا اعلنت فيه ان ثماني طائرات حربية اسرائيلية "خرقت الاجواء اللبنانية (...) ونفذت طيرانا دائريا فوق مختلف المناطق اللبنانية" خلال الفترة الممتدة من الصباح وحتى بعد ظهر الثلاثاء.

وادرج الجيش اللبناني عمليات التحليق في اطار "التمادي في انتهاك السيادة اللبنانية والقرار 1701" الصادر عن مجلس الامن الدولي.

وغالبا ما يحتج لبنان لدى الامم المتحدة على تحليق الطيران الاسرائيلي فوق اراضيه. ووضع القرار 1701 الذي صدر في آب 2006 حدا لنزاع دام بين الجيش الاسرائيلي وحزب الله استمر 33 يوما.

ونص القرار على انتشار الجيش اللبناني الى جانب قوات الطوارىء الدولية في الجنوب ومنع اي وجود مسلح لحزب الله في المنطقة الحدودية، وعلى ان تحترم اسرائيل السيادة اللبنانية برا وبحرا وجوا.

التعليقات 46
Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 15:10 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Why the Lebanese government do not complain??? to the Security Council or to the so-called United Nations?

Missing roger 15:18 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

If you can do it then god bless you, don't hesitate.

Missing un520 15:21 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Yeah, lets have another "devine victory" like in 2006, at the expense of the orinary lebanese who wants to live and prosper...

Thumb bigsami 16:24 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Yallah Farsi....play your idiotic games and post between your alias BSThrower. Pathetic idiot.

Default-user-icon iamlebanon (ضيف) 16:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

mow- They havent attacked since 2006 because they haven't been attacked by the crazy people occupying the border. have you forgot that the war in 2006 started with HEZ crossing the boarder and kidnapping 2 zionist soldiers? For that lebanon was nearly destroyed. There was no victory anyone with a brain can see that. They called it a victory because the zionists didnt re-occupy us but trust me if they wanted to they could have. The world pressured them to hold back and that gave you a false sense of victory.

Thumb mouallek 23:53 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

They(the israelis)do not need to reoccupy south Lebanon as long as it is inhabited by people like you. You bark as long as you feel out of reach and kneel under the boot under domination.

Default-user-icon Joeph (ضيف) 15:24 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Of course its not true. Weapons that come to Lebanon are devine and descend from heaven.

Missing allouchi 15:38 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Hizballa is a terrorist organization just like Al Qaeda and Israel and Assad are both enemies of Lebanon...

Missing allouchi 15:40 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

with what ya zaki? Nousralla fiery speeches...

Missing beirutbastard00 21:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Gotta admit its a nice change that Israel would rather hit in Syrian territory than Lebanese these days...

Thumb geha 15:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

this is the prelude to an all out war on hizbushaitan, especially US and Israeli elections are now over.
probably hizbushaitan will be the rice of a settlement with iran, or it will even be a an out war with all the farsi led group.

Thumb geha 15:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

As for those calling for retaliation: wait and see what is coming to you before talking retaliation :)
stupid hot headed ignorants ready to die. if you have a death wish, we don't.

Thumb geha 18:02 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Dignity and Lebanese:
- where is the dignity to be a hizbushaitan member? hizbushaitan is clearly an armed terrorist group executing the pasdaran orders.
- as Lebanese, our dignity is daily stepped over by hizbushaitan and their weapons. they control the cabinet and on the ground with their weapons.
Yes you are right: our dignity is inexistent with hizbushaitan around.
what is our alternative? fight and destroy our country through a civil war? No.
we believe in peaceful resolution of this matter, and will try all means available, until we reach a point where we are sure hizbushaitan will never come to their senses, then we will all take up arms and face these terrorists.

Default-user-icon Eyeinthesky (ضيف) 16:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

I dont know why Hez even tries this stuff they know the eye in the sky is always watching them. The IDF will not let monsters like nasrhalla wreak havoc on Israel or Lebanon for that fact. The people of lebanon don't want that beast anymore either. He is nothing but trouble for the state of lebanon

Missing un520 16:17 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

"mowaten 30 January 2013, 13:29 42
no no akid, let's let them bombard us and swallow up silently, so they know they can hit us anytime they like. also the day they want to reoccupy south lebanon let's make sure there is no resistance, so that they can have the whole country not just a little chunk."

Yeah, like they they want more of this quagmire that we live in.

Thumb bigsami 16:40 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Baffling for a MUSTOOL is understandable. Yallah scram you Farsi. No one cares for your constant BS supporting the axis of evil terrorists!

Default-user-icon nashrallaspimp (ضيف) 16:42 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

I agree with you 100%. Lebanon has been terrorized by assad and HEZ for too long. They should be disarmed and kicked out of the country. Lebanon has a military that receives a ton of money from the USA. They dont need Iran or Nutrahhla to protect them.

Default-user-icon Ms. Nasrhalla (ضيف) 16:47 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

They are bombing a military target to prevent crazy people from having more weapons. You do know that hez isnt a military and therefore has no right to arm themselves like they do. But nobody in lebanon has the guts to take them out.

Default-user-icon omar el solh (ضيف) 17:33 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

First of all this is rediculous! yes for a resistance UNTILL you people vote for a respectable parliament that would bring a propper government which will make deals with China Russia and even Iran to ameliorate the capabilities of the Lebanese Armed forces. Not rely on America which will give us tants and clothes and old M16 used in Vietnam! Once there will be a balance of power between Israel and Lebanon than no armed Resistance should exist. Concerning liberating Palestine from Lebanon i think this is stupid because the reason whz exactly we got into a civil war in the 70's is Abou Ammar's Will to Liberate Palestine from the South and surprisingly from JOUNIEH lol. Anyhow from history u can learn all parties in Lebanon when they were dominating thez had more weapons than the Armz such as the Phalanges so its something natural which needs time to be solved and at the end of the day the State will always exist and will prevail at the end.

Missing greatpierro 17:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Remember the Southern Lebanese welcomed with rice the IDF back in 1982 as they were happy they liberate them from OLP. Back then it was the OLP hitting continuously on north Israel. Israel withdrew from South Lebanon yet Hizb started installing offensive weapons i.e. missiles and bunkers. The result was 2006. Look at Jordan and Egypt. They have made peace with Israel and they have no militia like the Hizb which is calling for death to Israel.

Missing greatpierro 18:07 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

From your answer below to Slash that you confirm that unless Israel annihilate you support Hizb and co call for the annihilation of Israel.

Yet Israel offered a comprehensive peace in Taba to Abou Ammar who refused. 98% of West Bank, East Jerusalm, 2% in the Negev. The answer of the Palestinians was NO, and Mr. arafat came back to Jericho with the ever Victory sign. How sad.

Israelis are realizing that they cannot achieve peace with Palestinians and the other arabs. They withdrew from Lebanon, yet part of the Lebanese are calling for War. They withdrew from Gaza, yet the Hamas goes on fighting.

What you are asking is for more wars and fightings. While what I am asking is peace for everyone.

Thumb Bandoul 18:45 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

@revisionist Mowaten Irani "the day they accept to live here among the people who were here before them for thousands of years"

Part 1

1. Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., two thousand years before the rise of Islam.

2. Arab refugees began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.

3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 B.C.E, the Jews had dominion over the land for one thousand years with a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.

4.The only Arab domination since the conquest in 635 C.E. lasted no more than 22 years.

Thumb Bandoul 18:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Part 2

5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem, they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders did not come to visit.

6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 hundred times in Bible. Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran.

7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem. Mohammed never came to Jerusalem.

8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs toward Jerusalem.

9. Arab and Jewish refugees: Arabs were not driven out of their homes. Following the UN decision on Partition in 1948, the Arab refugees were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders, promising to purge the land of Jews. They argued that an "Arab presence" would only get in the way of the planned devastation. Sixty-eight percent left without ever seeing an Israeli soldier.

Thumb andre.jabbour 19:15 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Point 8 is not vey accurate. Depending on where you are on the globe.

Thumb Bandoul 18:46 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Part 3

11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of Jewish refugees absorbed by Israel from Arab countries is estimated to be the same.

12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their own peoples'lands. Jewish refugees were completely absorbed into Israel, a country no larger than the state of New Jersey.

13. The Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended itself each time and won.

Thumb Bandoul 18:47 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Part 4

14. The P.L.O.'s Charter still calls for the destruction of the state of Israel. Israel has given the Palestinians most of the West Bank and autonomy under the Palestinian Authority, and has supplied their police and security forces with weapons.

15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Jewish grave markers were used to build public urinals in occupied Jerusalem. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites have been preserved and made accessible to people of all faiths.

16. The U.N. record on Israel and the Arabs of the 175 Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were directed against Israel -- notwithstanding the fact that the Arabs refused to participate in the 15 nation United Nations Commission of Palestine which recommended partition in 1948 and sought immediately to undo its work by force of arms.

Thumb Bandoul 18:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Part 5

17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel.

18. The U.N. was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues were destroyed by the Jordanians between 1948 and 1967.

19. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives between 1948 and 1967.

20. The U.N. was silent while the Jordanians enforced an apartheid-like policy of preventing Jews from visiting the Temple Mount and the Western Wall between 1948 and 1967.

Thumb Bandoul 18:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Above article parts 1 thru 5 is from date 12/5/2001 just for those that are sticklers for math.

Default-user-icon Hadi (ضيف) 22:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Bandoul, that article is one of the most used zionist propaganda tools used frequently online. Each and every "point" has been refuted millions of times yet it doesnt matter to zionists as all they care about is attacking with propaganda to have their enemy on constant defence mode so they will waste their time counter replying instead of attacking. Its as simple as that. Only a moron would believe any of it. The israelites are not the modern day israelis who are russians, ethiopians, iraqis, tunisians, italians etc. The Palestinians were called Palestinians before 1967, why else were the refugee camps in 1948 called Palestinian lol? Stop the BS please. If Palestinians dont exist (as per zionist propaganda) then logically neither do we lebanese nor the syrians or most other people on earth.

Thumb chrisrushlau 19:07 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

If Shiites lose their hope in Hezbullah, their only alternative is to use their numbers, a majority of the Lebanese population, to overturn the Taef "Accord" and take power directly through the ballot box.
It might be wise to give them this up front, with the proviso that civil rights applies to all Lebanese. That's where things will end up, if there is ever an end to violent struggle in Lebanon. Why not go directly there and skip the violence?

Missing beirutbastard00 22:08 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

They will soon be a majority when their kids turn 18... But they are concentrated in certain areas, just like all Lebanese sects, and can only controll those areas. We are not integrated enough, as a society, for one sect to win over another without violence.

Default-user-icon Bruddah (ضيف) 19:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Arab Muslim anger is not that they were beaten in a fight. It is that they were beaten in a fight BY JEWS, soundly and repeatedly. No amount of recitation of facts about Jewish presence in the region through the millenia will overcome that humiliation for them. Through most of the last 1500 years, Jews were second class citizens at best in the Arab Muslim world. Weak. Ineffectual. Arab Muslims cannot accept that that situation is past. They should love their children more, accept reality, love their fellow humans and move on wih it all. Am Yisroel Chai.

Thumb jabalamel 21:04 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

please try send you filthy militia to die here hahahahahahahahah

filthy zionist scum

Thumb primesuspect 21:35 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Lebanon is a little safer today without these SAM 17, thanks to our Neighbors. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank-you. but BEWARE, don't even think of attacking our national army!

Thumb primesuspect 21:36 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

jajajajajajaja que bueno

Thumb lebanon_first 22:44 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

FT. it is the palestinian's problems- God help them against Israel and against their own leaders. But it is not really our biggest problem anymore... dont you think? Isnt Syria a bigger problem for us in your opinion?

Missing peace 23:02 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

will syria use its big weapons to shell israel as retaliation? M8 boast they are "resistant"!
now they have trained to shell their own people and use their planes tanks helicopters army to kill syrian people will they answer to israel? and show how "resistant" they are???

oh! yes! i forgot! they ll ask hezbies to do the dirty job as usual and let lebanon dragged in for them...with the benediction of M8 of course!

Missing un520 23:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

Revealing false quotes. As much as I dislike Israels policy against the palestinians, I urge Hizbollah-fanatics to stick to facts....


Default-user-icon Anonymous (ضيف) 23:55 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

On condition of anonimity, just like everybody else in this article, I'd have to remind the public that in 2011 Israel announced its continuation of settlements on occupied Palestinian territories right at the time VP Joe Biden was in Israel - a visit that was also "planned long in advance". We know very well already how the Israeli political manipulaton of an America that does not blindly side with them happens (i.e., an America governed by Democrats like Obama - not that he's exactly an Arabophile either). That being said, however, may Hizb-Iran go rot in the Hell that they came from! Lebanon sought independence from France and liberation from Israel with so much blood, sweat and tears spilt only for these mindless savages - the NRA of Lebanon - to turn the country into an Iranian colony.

Default-user-icon Anonymous (ضيف) 23:55 ,2013 كانون الثاني 30

That, too, being said, I personally don't think Iran is able to do anything of its threat, that if Israel attacks Syria it would be considered as "an attack on Iran itself". Big words, but we know what they're worth: a lot less than a monkey in space. True, the Israelis would not want anybody to think that Iran is harmless - how much additional USAID military funding do they get like if America owed them, remind me? - but how else can they manage to justify their murderous hatred? And how, also, is Iran able to prove to the world that the hatred was mutual except by playing directly into the role that was projected on them?
P.S., And regarding FT: That's spelled "Tampon", with one 'o'. ;)

Thumb primesuspect 01:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 31

we don't care about israel.... you are our problem because you don't care about lebanon. you only care about you wallet.

Thumb shab 01:15 ,2013 كانون الثاني 31

Go back and bomb again soon

Default-user-icon toddler (ضيف) 04:04 ,2013 كانون الثاني 31

Israel taking care of business and preventing bunker boy from having more weapons to hurt innocent people around the world.

Missing helicopter 05:51 ,2013 كانون الثاني 31

replace Islamic resistance with Lebanese resistance. Transfer the resistance hardwar and capability to the army. The view of who is enemy or friend should be based solely on their view towards us not based on religion or secular interests. A country that prevents you from demarcating your borders, interferes in your affairs, violates your skies and land, kills your citizens is an enemy (that defines both Israel and Assad's Syria). Extend had of friendship and the olive branch based on tenants of mutual respect and peace and the enemy that reaches and agrees for it could become a friend. We all share the same land and sky lets take care of what we have and stop mutilating it.

Missing greatpierro 08:32 ,2013 كانون الثاني 31

FT, I am not accusing southerners of being traitors because they welcomed the IDF freeing them from OLP. I really think that the traitors were the politicians that allowed the OLP to operate from South of Lebanon leaving the Southerners suffering a decade of fighting. I praise the southerners because they acted patriotically as they wanted their land to be free, free from OLP and free from IDF. Now that it is free, we need to reconstruct, plant, live and seek peace.

Missing shamiguy 08:41 ,2013 كانون الثاني 31

lol@ strider